Stunning New Research On Why You Can’t Lose Weight!
I’ve noticed a trend over the past couple of weeks. It has to do with why you can’t lose weight. If you’ve been feeling bad about how quickly the pounds stack on at this time of year, then I just might have found the answer. Or answers. Funnily enough there seem to have been several major breakthroughs in weight loss science just recently. Isn’t that exciting news?!
Now I’m not sure if I’ve observed this because I’m paying more attention to newspapers and online releases, or if it’s (cynical Kat, bad Kat!) just the media capitalizing on the current guilt-fest that is following our pudding-filled bellies everywhere we go.
Here’s what I’ve discovered:
You Could Have The Junk Food Gene
According to the Melbourne Herald Sun, quoting the New England Journal of Medicine almost two thirds of us carry a rogue ‘obesity’ gene. Carriers of the gene find it hard to resist food and are more drawn to calorie-laden foods. Excellent news, I say. Up until now I’ve thought my ‘need’ for chocolate and cheesecake was just my eyes being bigger than my stomach, but now I can sit back and enjoy. After all, there’s a 66% chance I’ve got bad genes, so really, resistance is futile.
Before you berate me for my lack of team spirit, let me tell you I’m not the only one raining on this parade. Sure, the reports surrounding this release have focused on your DNA being the culprit for a lack of willpower, but even one of the study researchers seemed to see that there must be more to it:
“The increase in obesity may be largely attributable to the wide-spread availability of inexpensive and energy-dense foods”
The article went on to finish with this carefully thought out nugget:
“The advice is the same – you will not become overweight if you do not overeat”
Uh, duh.
Your Tongue Could Be Making You Tubby
According to the London Mirror a simple at-home test could determine whether you’re doomed for flabby thighs and a pot gut for life. It’s all about taste buds.
Those with more of ’em are pretty much destined to become obese as they just have too much of a good time whenever they indulge in sweet or savory joys.
If you’ve been struggling to resist the Christmas goodies then set your mind at ease by purchasing some blue food dye. Wipe it across your tongue with a cotton bud. If you’re tongue is quite blue (as opposed to pale blue with gaps) then you can rest easy. You put on weight over the holidays because you were destined to. I’ll bet that’s a relief!
You Might Be A Low-taster
Now this one might be a little confusing because it’s in direct conflict to the previous discovery. You see, those with more taste buds are actually ‘super-tasters’. This means that they get more enjoyment out of so-called boring foods like vegetables or plain meats, and therefore don’t feel the need to eat as much.
So if that blue food dye test didn’t work for you, then you might want to go with this theory.
What I Really Think About Why You Can’t Lose Weight
There’s probably an element of truth to everything you read about or hear on weight loss. I hope you appreciate by now that simply ‘eating well and exercising’ is not enough. Wish it were, but it ain’t. Sorry.
But that sure doesn’t mean that there’s a magical explanation or answer out there. One ‘missing link’ so to speak. It’s usually a combination of things, and yes, heightened taste sensitivity, or a faulty ‘stop eating’ signal could be part of that (these responses are often a reaction to poor eating habits over the years – for example, eating loads of sweet foods will make you more immune to the taste of sugar, and thus result in you eating more and more sugar in order to get that sweet buzz).
So yes, maybe your hormones are out of whack, or you’ve more of a natural inclination toward sweets than most, or you’ve put your body through too much cardio or too many diets over the years and now your metabolism is acting like a rebellious teenager.
And if this is you –
So what? It’s only an excuse if you’re looking for one.
You could give up now, or you could keep plugging away. Trusting Knowing that one day all those pieces will start coming together.
Thanks so much for the link, Kat!! Yeah, Mr H was out of control, but he’s paying for it now 🙂
All the best to you as we head for another trip around the sun!!