The greatest discipline, is the discipline of being the you who you would be if already there, even though the one you’re choosing to be right now is freaking the fuck out about it.
Just press pause, for a moment.
Stop running.
Stop pushing.
Stop the crazy internal dialogue about EVERYTHING.
And REALLY take a minute to tune in, to look to the future you SAY you’re working so hard to get to, and to get very very clear on what would be in place in your life, at that point.
I mean actually WRITE THAT SHIT DOWN. The specifics. The actual exact shit you’d have in place, if you were that person.
You want to go DEEP on this, and look at:
– Beliefs
– Thoughts
– Feelings
– Emotions
– Your energy, the ‘vibe’ of you
– And of course actions, what you’d be doing, if you were already ‘there’
If you’re serious about GETTING there, and you understand how life works, how manifestation works, how GETTING to there works (and then realising you’re still not there haha, as there’s already a new there), you’ll understand that the only way to BE there is to BE there.
It’s not confusing at all, if you think about it, and it makes TOTAL sense!
How can you be there if you’re not there? You can’t!
But, what you CAN do, is practice being that person and FUCK THE FEAR that says you can’t yet.
Imagine – !
If every day –
In your business, and with every move you make, every choice you have to weigh up, every action or step you take, you did it as THOUGH YOU WERE ALREADY THAT PERSON.
How do you think that might VERY fucking quickly shift shit for you?
Do you think that if you start to shift the environment within you –
And the one you’re choosing to live in –
That it might change your inner state AND your physical outcomes, to reflect what you’re acting as though is already wil?
This is some straight up quantum physics shit here. You can try and pretend that that’s NOT HOW IT IS, but that don’t make it any less true.
What you see is only ever what you are perceiving.
Voila, it’ll soon appear!
Of course, if this is going to work for you, it’s going to require you to BE THAT PERSON IN ALL AREAS, from the greatest things down to the tiniest, which means you need to start paying attention to your EVERY move.
Would the next level you have spoken to that person like that?
Would she hold herself that way?
Would she get up at that time of day, go to bed at that time of night, do those things as her evening or morning rituals?
Would she flake out like that? Hide from her truth like that? Post on social media like that?
How about where she would post? In what way? What would the tone be?
What about her marketing, her communication, her overall way of ‘showing up’ and expecting people to listen to her or follow, what would that look like?!
Would she carry that purse?
Wear her hair like that?
Treat her body like that?
Operate that way in her relationships?
Be that kind of parent?
That kind of boss?
That kind of mentor?
That kind of person?
What decisions would she be making with her money right now? What investment or wealth building strategies would she have in place, however tiny and slow-moving they may need to be?
What would she be ALL FUCKING OVER that she’s right NOW avoiding still?
What would she have let go of that she’s bullshitting herself she can’t?
What else?
What else?
What else?
Do you realise you can literally BE THE PERSON NOW, but that it literally takes THIS level of paying attention, to your every move, if you want that to be something which manifests fucking FAST, rather than something you hopefully / maybe / one day / get to?
Are you willing to then DO it? RELIGIOUSLY, and no matter how scary or confronting?
Most people just won’t.
They’ll decide it’s too extreme.
Or that it should get to ‘be more flow’ (not realising that flow comes from a foundation of discipline, and getting CONNECTED to soul and source, and that that is a PRACTICE!!)
Or they’ll just continue to believe their own bullshit.
OR they’ll act as though they kinda sorta didn’t even notice.
‘Oh, I forgot! I guess I just forgot again … I guess I just forgot to LIVE MY FUCKING LIFE.
I guess I just forgot to do the damn work of BECOMING what I saw inside of me.
Oh well …’
Oh well indeed.
Oh well how about THIS – !
At some point, you’re going to have to step up and acknowledge that whilst YES everything you see inside of you is real, and available, for you, and also it IS available now, that if you WANT it?
You ARE going to have to make it fucking happen.
It is a choice.
It is a practice.
It is a discipline.
And the GREATEST fucking practice and discipline, if you actually want what you THINK you’re striving to get to, is to stop thinking about it as ‘working towards’, and to start, instead, ‘acting from’.
You already have the knowledge of how to be this person inside of you.
It’s NOT that hard.
But it does take courage.
It does take resilience in the face of pushback, or fear, or confrontation.
And it does take repeatedly stepping outside of your comfort zone, no matter how much you don’t WANNA.
Wake up, finally, and realise that while you absolutely CAN have it all, that that in no way or shape or form, means you will.
And then?
Do something the fuck about it.
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