
There is a Magic Pill: You’re Just Too Scared to Swallow It

It’s never going to work if you don’t put first the things that really matter to you.

You can tell yourself all you like that you’re just going to get this shit done ’cause it’s gotta get done and then you can be free to do what you REALLY want to do but honey?

It just don’t work that way.

The only way to create the business and life you want is to put first things first.

Every day.

Even all day.

This means that yes, you will often – largely, in fact – be ignoring a whole bunch of shit you THINK you need to do, are even CONVINCED you need to do, are scared NOT to do because OMG if you don’t then … then … then … then THINGS MIGHT NOT WORK!

What, really? You really think that not trusting in you and putting first what MATTERS to you could possibly – ever! – lead to things not working?

And if that IS what you think, then tell me honestly:

What exactly do you mean, when you think about things working?

What is the OUTCOME you’re going for here anyway?

If the outcome is as simple (!!) as making money, well then maybe what DOES work is to push down what’s inside of you, follow the rules, do what you’re told and just put one foot in front of the other.

Fuck purpose!
Fuck calling!
Fuck doing what you were born for and what excites you and FEELS good!

But on the other hand –

Fuck that!

I don’t know about you but when I think about TRUE FUCKING SUCCESS what comes to mind is NOT that I had to bend over backwards and take it up the ass in order to check off some list of freaking BULLSHIT that supposedly will allow me to be credible or worthwhile, in business and even as a person!

When I think about TRUE success, and having sure the money and the lifestyle and the ability to do whatever I am called to do and do it on my terms and just have and do and be whatever I want, I think about GETTING TO ACTUALLY DO WHAT I WANT.

And more than that –

Getting to be able to do what I MUST, from a calling and purpose point of view you know?

And here is what else:

I don’t think about it in terms of “oh, when I’m there I’ll get to do what I want, the way I want, the way I am called to create and serve and show up”.

I’m talking about the reality that the GETTING THERE itself must also be that way.

So in other words, for business and ‘how to succeed’, here is what I mean:

Fuck marketing!
Fuck selling!
Fuck doing things right!
Fuck niching!
Fuck following a plan!
Fuck BALANCE as well, by the way, because when you ARE doing business on your terms it’s just an EXTENSION OF LIFE, there is no separation and business is life is you is life is business and it is so freaking EASY by the way not to mention fun and epically EPICALLY cool!

And the only way –

The ONLY way to get there –

Is to put first things fucking first.

Which YES will pretty much ALWAYS mean that things that you identify as NOT first – even though you may well consider them ‘important’ or ‘should do’ – will just.not.get.done.

You’re going to have to learn to be okay with that.

You CAN’T have it both ways.

You CAN’T kid yourself that you can squish your creativity and flow based work into a tidy little corner of your day because then you got a list of shit you have to get to after that.

You can TRY to kid yourself of that, sure. Try to tell yourself it’s the WAY it has to be in order to make the money and the difference and that as you do THEN you’ll have more time to dive deep into what is really within you, but tell me –


And also, by the way, true creative expression of the work you are here to do does NOT FUCKING WORK when told it ‘must be produced’ within 30 minutes or an hour or whatever length of time you THINK you can afford this week.

If you want to make money from your art and true message you’re going to have to actually unleash that art and true message and that means you NEED TO GIVE IT EVERYTHING.

Your true work is a HUNRGY hungry beast and it can’t be told how or when or in what timeframe it must show up.


You’re either going to go ALL in doing the work you really want to do or you SHOULD QUIT NOW.

Because right now not only are you not doing a great job (which is to say you’re completely fucking failing) at being you and putting what really matters to YOU first, you also kinda suck at following those rules you THINK you’re trying to make work for you.

One foot in both camps don’t work honey.

So who do you want to be?

What is it that ACTUALLY matters to you?

How do you want to LIVE YOUR LIFE and what do you want to DIE for?

Success can come in many forms, there’s no doubt about that. You CAN succeed and make it big following rules and doing things the way others say you must.

That’s not the question here.

The question is:

What does success look like for you? And are you on your way to THAT, or are you chasing somebody else’s ideals and not even doing a very good job of it?

Go all in.
At what matters to you.
Put first things fucking first.
And don’t hold back.

Want to know a secret? Putting first things first is actually what’ll get you to the big-time anyway.

That’s the magic pill.

Most people just live their lives too fucking scared to ever swallow it.