Success/Success Mindset


I don’t care about your research and facts, I’m not interested in carefully backed up theories, or even in the most intricately explained studies, it doesn’t MATTER to me what the details of the damned thing are, because frankly my dear, while it’s ‘cool’ to have what I already know backed up by science, the truth is I don’t give a damn.

I know what I know because I FEEL it from flow, and I feel what I know because it’s given to me, shown to me, revealed to me, and laid out before me, a sign, a missive, a guidance, from within, or beyond, from DEEPER, and it tells me, quite simply, to come –

This is the way.

It’s fascinating to me and it IS fun to see that so much of what I already knew my entire life, and already could DO, with my mind, my psyche, my inner Self, and by shifting, of course, into alternate states, into different energy fields, frequencies, vibrations, and more, that there is apparently also a ‘proper’ explanation for it.

I read things about the quantum –

I glance over the outcomes of experiments with state shifting and brain waves and the like –

I look even at graphs and recorded outcomes of how this affects the mind, the body, and even the soul, or how that does –

I get mildly curious when I hear that wow – science is saying the same thing I already knew, and I guess it’s saying it in a well more clear and normal-person-understandable way than what I perhaps could ever …

But then I find myself losing interest,

Turning away,

Happy, on the one hand, that there is ‘proof’ or some sort of validation of what I already and always knew,

But mostly, conscious that I ain’t no normal person and so I never NEEDED it laid out like that for me in order to know it was real … conscious also that those who I am here to serve, lead, in some way guide, or inspire, PROPEL into pressing play in ALL aspects of life, the physical of course being just one … that those people, YOU, m’dear … well –

Don’t need me to say it in a clear-cut and bullet-pointed and graph-supported proper-is sort of way.

In fact, if I tried to, I’d lose your interest right away, because here is what is true and real about US – !

We don’t need to know
We don’t want to know
We don’t care to know

About the facts
About the evidence
About the studies

It might catch us for a SECOND … but mostly what we’re about?

We freakin’ FEEL shit, baby, all through us, deep in us, all AROUND us, and verrrryyy deeply beyond us.

In the blink of an eye or the wave of our hand or the sudden slipping away, we are transported –

Into a knowingness that transcends even the fanciest explanation.

And what we find there is that we ARE all things and we KNOW all things and we can ACCESS all things, even whilst simultaneously knowing and also BEING no-thing.

The truth throbs through every cell in our body, and right into the most intimate layers of our sub-conscious, right into the memories imprinted into our DNA and even, into the atmosphere around us.

In this place, when we are BEING our truest self, we know –

Exactly what to do
Precisely how to move
And we don’t just follow the flow, we BECOME the damn flow, which we always,

In this place it doesn’t MATTER whether the books, the papers, the people, say it’s true –

That we can time travel
State shift
Flip back and forth between worlds
Leave THIS realm for nothing more than a hair of a second, no not even that, and yet come back as a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PERSON, #ofcourse, because we were gone for eons, for ages, for nearly all of time, and in that other place we DID things, we SAW things, we BECAME things, we DEALT with things, we COMMANDED things, and we decreed that it should be just SO –

Thank you very much – !

– when we returned to the human realm.

IN that realm, the human, people then looked at us, they look at us, in wonder, they seek desperately to understand, or they rail FURIOUSLY against us, how entitled we are, how outrageous we are, what a diva we are, how dare we expect the WORLD TO JUST FALL AT OUR FEET AND TO ALSO LOOK HOT AS FUCK WHILE IT’S HAPPENING –

But with a small shrug of the shoulders and the smallest of smiles, and an acknowledged GRATITUDE for all that we have ALLOWED, and continue to allow, that is precisely

What continues

To happen

Of course.

Manifestation to the NOW, the ability to click our fingers and see riches appear, see people transformed, see our bodies, our brains, our minds, shift into the exact thing we desire them to be, poof – it IS magic, it’s not LIKE magic –


This is all just how we DO.

And it’s a very simple product of the fact that we GET that life goes beyond just what the eye can see and the ear can hear, and that even THOSE things –

Are certainly up for much interpretation,

Impacted of course by your observation,

And really,

Nothing more than a fantasy you made up in your head …

And I suppose what it comes down to is this.

For those of us who were so DEEPLY called.

For those of us who have ALWAYS lived in between worlds, often feeling we don’t QUITE belong anywhere, taking years in the physical to realise that this was always how it was MEANT to feel, this feeling and knowing of not quite being here, not quite being there, but also of absofuckinglutely being able to be anywhere we DESIRE to be, and to also create anything we CHOOSE to see …

THIS is what it comes down to:

We always knew
We always felt
We always had the POWER

We never needed permission
We never needed to be shown
Or taught
Or told

We’ve been DOING this stuff since before we can even recall

We may have allowed things to cloud it
We made our gifts and powers ‘bad’ and ‘wrong
We let ourselves be seduced and distracted and pulled, away

But there was no question but that we would return home,

And become,


Who we always were,

Of course

So while it’s nice that you have your books, your research, your ‘stuff’ that backs up a stuffed-shirt version of ‘how magic works’ and how to access the fifth dimension,

The truth is we never needed it

We’re not really drawn to it

And we cannot be fucked to talk about it

The only times we WOULD find ourselves turned by it is when we forget that all we ever needed to access ALL of this was simply to let go

To exhale

To fall back

Fully surrendered

And feel

As our soul catches us

The truth was always out there?


The truth was always in there.

Time to remember.

