Success/Success Mindset

Are you a WANNABE or are you a WARRIOR?


Let’s face it.

Most would-be entrepreneurs are simply not willing to do what it takes to get to where they SAY they want to go.

I realise I’m opening myself up to a bit of a smackdown here so allow me to jump in first and say it for y’all –

I’m a hardass bitch when it comes to how I feel about business, life, and indeed the achievement of goals in general.

Call me what you will (or just don’t listen if it rubs you up the wrong way!) but I’m not going to pretend you can achieve ANYTHING of consequence by putting in an hour or so a day and building pretty landing pages for a one day launch that never quite comes.

You want it as bad as you SAY you do?

Then grow the fuck up and start acting like it!

Stop bitching and moaning about how hard it is, or how you’re too tired, or you’ve tried so MUCH already, or you’re running out of money and instead try REPEATEDLY and AD INFINITUM doing what it takes UNTIL YOU GET THERE.

Oh so it hurts, it’s painful, it’s too hard, you didn’t realise you’d end up in SO far over your head? Oh, so nobody’s buying your stuff yet, someone copied your idea, you thought you’d have this shit sorted by now, it never seems to end or get easier?

That’s okay princess. Take a rest! You deserve it. Sit back. Refresh. Tomorrow’s a new day!

Insert raucous laughter and then my MOST serious face as I tell you –



[pq] Are you a WANNABE or are you a WARRIOR? [/pq]

And I’m talking about EVERYTHING you do in your life, ’cause how you do one thing? Is how you do everything.

And oh, for SURE – I get that you’re putting work in. A LOT of it perhaps. You’re LEARNING! And EXPLORING! And getting to KNOW people! And gosh! Your website is coming together SO nicely and yes I’m sure you WILL finally launch that thing once you just get past this next hurdle, and I know, I know, sometimes it really IS a bit too much.



Then keep going warrior.

Keep. on. going.

Don’t get me wrong …

I’m sure somewhere out there are rainbow and unicorn-filled stories of entrepreneurs who made it ALL the way on a wing and a prayer.

Just by manifesting it!

Their first product just WORKED!

Doors were literally opened for them EVERYWHERE they went!

They put the TIME in and it just paid off!

How lovely!

How wonderful!

What a beautiful story.

And what a crock of shit.

You only have to look at the background stories of the top leaders in ANY industry to know –

It takes blood, sweat, tears and hard fucking work to live this life.

For some it’s extreme financial pressure, going bankrupt, even multiple times.

For others it’s extreme hours.

For many it’s both, and a whole lot more.

So if you suspect that you do NOT have what it takes and you know deep down that you would NOT go all the way and indeed you’ve already DECIDED what your limits are in terms of how much of yourself you’re willing to give this thing?

Then go home.

And don’t let the door smack you in the behind as the successful ones surge through it, and past you.

Yeah … I don’t have a whole lot of compassion for people who aren’t willing to do what it takes.

What blows my mind is that people actually continue to think that luck and a little bit of effort, or even a LOT of effort, will get them anywhere interesting.

What blows my mind is that people actually think they can make an excuse for why they’re NOT yet taking action.

What blows my mind is that people think they can charge high-end without ever having paid it themselves.

And a whole bunch more stuff.

I mean sure … I’ve had a few lazy slash deluded times in my own life. Wondering why I didn’t have the body I wanted when my idea of training was 3 x 30 minutes a week. Annoyed that I couldn’t get back in shape post baby when I was mainlining chocolate each night. Angry that my launches didn’t go as well as planned when I didn’t take the time to deliver the best of me.

We all have our deluded fantasies.

But that’s what they are – fantasies. At the end of the day you either grow up and start doing the real work that it takes, or you give up and go home.

So here’s the thing.

Maybe you WON’T have to keep giving ever more of your time, your money, your very soul, but if you’re not PREPARED TO, then you also do not DESERVE to get the results.

You want the result? You do WHAT it takes, EVERYTHING it takes, and ALL of it UNTIL YOU GET THERE.

Start acting like the warrior you were born to be.

Or leave the battlefield for those who actually want to be there and are willing to work for it.


3 responses to “Are you a WANNABE or are you a WARRIOR?”

  1. Rosa says:

    Love this post and your approach. It makes me so happy that someone else has this kickass, take no prisoners attitude. I’m tired of hearing others complain for me about how busy I am, they have no idea I want to do more. I really needed this affirmation today, thanks Kat.
