Success/Success Mindset

What if you just decided it was no longer going to be a problem?

There was this period in my business some years back, gosh, it must be nearly a decade back now, where I had over 60k in credit card debt, and also had not paid taxes for … a while.

Who knows how much of a while, but long enough of a while that in total I was well over 120k in debt, and pushing 150 at times.

My brother, Ash, who many in the world of The Katrina Ruth Show, now know as the amazing COO of this company, who is the only person who truly knows everything that has gone into BECOMING this person, he at the time was not working alongside me but was an accountant back in our hometown of Melbourne. Indeed his firm was MY accounting firm (of course), and it he who not only oversaw the management … well, attempted to stop the mismanagement by ME … of my money. In some way Ash has helped me with my taxes and so on since back to when I was a teenager. I think the whole family and all of our partners and friends had him doing their taxes. As such, for me, he KNEW the journey. He’d been there through every part of what I’d gone through on the slow but always continual rise to the top. And most of it, up til a certain point?

Revolved around me runnin’ on empty, back against the wall, down to the mofo wire, having to pull rabbits out of hats on the DAILY to keep afloat.

Even when I made big numbers they somehow slipped through my fingers, and I STILL didn’t have anything to show for it.

I wasn’t buying fancy shit, either! I just didn’t understand what I now know, about energy, and aligning to a place where you allow yourself to RECEIVE, and also grow (real) abundance and wealth. I also didn’t know a thing or two which I did need to know about straight up financial management. But mainly – it was the energy thang.

Anyhoo –

At the at which this story takes place, I was in an always with love and grace habit of consistently and persistently ignoring Ash’s calls.

I avoided him like the plague, is the truth of the matter! Why? Because I knew he was calling to see what I was planning to do about my ever-increasing tax debt. Perhaps one day I might like to … uh … pay some? Just a little? No? Okay!

I mean –

I didn’t know what to say to him! I didn’t have the money! I kept setting goals to GET the money, and money definitely showed up, sometimes even large sums, but somehow there was still no money to pay taxes. So, what was the point of me answering the phone? I didn’t have a God damn plan! I didn’t know if a plan even existed out there that could possibly work for me.

And then one day, I read something which spoke to me in a way that nothing ever had, on this topic. Or indeed relevant to any topic on which you’ve no idea what to do and the problem seems BIG, insurmountable, and real. It spoke to the DEPTHS of my soul.

It was about 10,000 words long, but the crux of it?

Well –

I’ll let you figure it out as I continue 😉

So I read the thing.

And I knew instantly what I had to do. It was so fucking clear, so fucking simple, and such a weight LIFTED! Finally, the plan had appeared! Praise the Lord!

I picked up the phone –

and I called Ash.

“Let’s talk about my taxes”, I said.

Ash tells this story sometimes when he comes to my events, and it’s always a GOOD ‘un. You’re about to see why. Hehe.

He tells it like this –

“Finally!”, I thought. “Finally she’s come to her senses, and is going to put a payment plan in place or something. Thank God!”

(I mean… this was a significant weight which he as well as me, was, to whatever degree, bearing. Worrying about how much worse I would let it get and all, how much harder it would be to extricate from)

Ash continued:

And then she says to me, “I have the solution.”

With bated breath (I imagine) he waited for me to make it clear –

“I’ve just decided that it’s no longer going to be a problem.

I’ve decided that I’m just going to ignore it, and focus on what I’m meant to be doing instead, and just not even think about it anymore, and that it will go away. I’ve just DECIDED that it’s no longer going to be a problem”

At this point (he usually says to our clients when sharing) –

I decided – she’s actually lost it! She has ACTUALLY finally lost it. She’s actually certifiable!!

And then he goes on to share about everything that he’s learned since then about how I work with money and money works with me, and the CRITICAL power of trusting in the motherfucking energy.

See here’s the thing –

I literally then went on to DO that. I decided it was no longer a problem, and that it would sort itself out BECAUSE I SAID SO.

I’d already spent ENDLESS futile time trying to figure out the HOW, analyse the WHY, shift my beliefs or worth and shit, and it still.hadn’t.worked. And so going straight to the end goal of where it’s just ‘done’ and holding the vision for THAT?

It was kind of the only thing left.

I sure as fuck wasn’t going to go get a JOB or some shit.

So it was the only thing left for me.

And I recognised that putting my energy into worrying, figuring out, analysing, clearing my blocks, or whatever, wasn’t working ANYWAY, so I might as well put my energy into EXPECTING THAT WHAT I LOCK IN AS AN OUTCOME IS WHAT WILL BE.

Meanwhile, using each moment for what that moment is designated. Which sure as fuck isn’t – trying to figure out how to pay your taxes!

Deciding it wasn’t going to be a problem anymore – which inherently, for me, included that it WOULD sort itself out aka that yes it would somehow get paid; I certainly wasn’t trying to avoid paying it in the end – allowed me to put my focus back where it needed to be.

On my genius.
My soul work.
My messaging.

So what’s the punchline? Are you waiting also with bated breath?!

Well – it got paid. *shrugging lady emoji*


I don’t fucking know how, it just did. IT SORTED ITSELF OUT. Somewhere over the next year or so. I really couldn’t tell you the specifics, and nor could Ash, and the fact that it got paid is not the punchline.

The punchline is this:

WHAT YOU DECIDE IS WHAT BECOMES REAL, nothing more and nothing less.

Too idealistic for ya, or confusing, you want to understand it more?? Well –

you can try figure it out all you like, but there is nothing more to understand than this:

You will get what you decide as an outcome, hold the vision and faith for, KEEP on deciding and holding faith for, and then work towards ONLY BY VIRTUE OF DOING WHAT YOU ARE GUIDED TO DO MOMENT BY MOMENT AND NOTHING MORE OR LESS OR ELSE, PERIOD, THE END.

^^ that’s the formula. That’s the entire formula. It’s the only formula you need.

Now hear this:

Right now you have things in your life that you desire, you’ve seen ’em as a vision, a dream, a download, a soul yes, you want it so.damn.bad, and it feels insurmountable.


So real.

And so far away.

If you like, you can spend the next damn decade going back and forth and ALL the way round and round in circles to figure out and clear every bit of your shit, understand your true ‘why’, connect in a deep emotional way to the you who you need to be in order to get there, OR –

You can just go straight to the damn end goal.

Decide it’s no longer going to be a problem that you have:

Commitment issues
Money issues
Being a leader or star issues
Self worth issues
Comparisonitis issues
and so on!

I’m not saying don’t dig in, learn, become more self aware. I’m saying –


Want the thing at the end of the vision?

Decide it’s yours.
Decide that whatever you perceive or don’t even know about that you think may be in your way is no longer a problem.
Shake your shoulders and sashay your hips and swing that booty down the street as you GO GET YOUR LIFE.

In the end, the way you were gonna get there is only ever by doin’ the work of being the bad bitch who already knows it’s hers, so tell me –

does it make sense to do it another way?

Or do you just wanna fast-track to where it’s done?

Up to you girl.

But either way, know this –


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