
Why You Should Eat More Saturated Fat

T-Bone Steak on the Grill

Tim Ferriss’ blog has been a favorite of mine ever since I devoured his book The Four Hour Workweek sometime between Christmas Eve ’07 and Christmas Lunch ’07. And then turned right back to page one. If you haven’t already given this one a read it truly will transform your life. But enough of the book plugging – I’ll explain why I’m talking about a productivity blog in a moment. For now, let’s talk about why you’re here today. Nutrition. What should you eat? What should you cut out? Is it enough to simply watch your total calorie intake and follow the generalized ‘conventional wisdom’ advice of eat less fat and more whole grains?

Short answer? NO. And that’s a BIG FAT no. Not if you’re serious about your health and not if you truly want optimal energy and weight control for life. When something doesn’t make sense, it’s always a good idea to question the mainstream. Six or so years ago I was unhealthy, unhappy and overweight. Not extremely so, but enough that I’d had enough. I started looking around for alternatives to the norm. After all, I was already eating totally healthy – so maybe what I thought about healthy food (and what most health experts will tell you) was a little off base.

It turned out to be well off base. And one of the influences that contributed most voraciously to my mental and subsequent dietary turnaround was the work of Drs Michael and Mary Eades, specifically the book Protein Power. Coming back to Mr Ferriss – the thing I love most about Tim’s blog is his ability to come up with well written and researched posts on just about any imaginable topic. Which is why I wasn’t overly surprised (but was certainly thrilled) to see the title of his latest blog post in my inbox.

Check it out here – 7 Reasons To Eat More Saturated Fat with Dr Michael Eades and Dr Mary Eades. It’s a great follow-on for anyone who’s read my Eat Fat To Lose Fat post and would like more information. And just in case you’re hesitating – let me tell you that since eating this way I’ve had increasingly less trouble managing my own health and weight and have been able to very successfully share my approach with clients and readers. The proof, as they say, really is in the pudding, and anyone has tried this approach or anything close to it will soon become intrinsically convinced that it’s right.

2 responses to “Why You Should Eat More Saturated Fat”

  1. Carla says:

    Thank you for the book recommendation! I take in coconut oil for the saturated fat and thyroid function. I do need to read more about saturated fat though.

  2. Kat (from Guam) says:

    I, too, love coconut oil and use it almost daily esp. w/ veggies. It gives such a great flavor and distinct taste to my sauces and whatnot. I also have an extra jar to use as my skin moisturizer.
    My diet it a hybrid of three know diets– clean eating, vegetarian and primal. It works for me and includes more fat than grains thats for sure. But I’ve reached some goals this way so I always recommend giving this a try to my clients.