I’ve been flaking and faking it y’all. Without even realising it, too!
It’s so easy, isn’t it? To tell yourself a story that you ARE doin’ the work, you’re going all in, you’re showing UP baby, just look!
And you prove it, with your insistence, and your look, ‘I did’, and ‘see’?
I see you over there, doing the work … kinda.
I see you over there, putting the time in, just not quite the soul.
I SEE you over there, showing up by dotting your i’s and crossing your t’s, but yet not quite, actually, being there, at all.
Not IN it, not in the BURN, not in the SWEAT of it, not in the OMFG I nearly just died but then I DIDN’T and now WATCH me rise again, like a motherfucking phoenix from the ASHES baby, who the hell you think you’re talking to ANYWAY?!
Oh yeah… there is a BIG fucking difference between showing up, and showing up.
And here is what else I’ve noticed –
(this is gonna hurt a little bit … well, it hurts ME; my pride I guess! but I’ll get over it; wait, just did!)
– the whole manifesting and quantum thang?
YEP it’s real, of COURSE.
You can change your body in a day …
Have thousands, even hundreds of thousands of dollars appear out of thin air …
See your relationships shift in an instant, so fast it’d make your head spin …
I’ve done all these things, and many more things of magic besides, many times, too!
But sometimes –
You know?
You just gotta OLD school that shit; the work bit, I mean!
Some might call it hustle with a sneer on their face, and an ‘oh, I’m so much above all of THAT’, but really –
Let’s get real here!
– WE are not the ones who DESIRE to have life be a place of NOT DOING THE DAMN WORK.
And I don’t just mean the surface shit either, and nor do I mean stuff that only feels like EASE … unless by ease you mean blood and sweat and tears and PUSH and can I MAKE it and fuck I don’t know if I CAN and I can’t I can’t I can’t, and then I motherfucking DID, and oh – !
You know?
I KNOW you know what I’m talkin’ bout here!
It’s the difference between ‘yeah I went to the gym, and had a good session’, and you feel … good … I guess … okay … for sure … you’re aware you ‘did the work’ … as opposed to ‘I went to the gym and left my SOUL on the damn floor and I was re BORN and now WATCH ME FLY’, and as for whether or not you did the work baby you BECAME the work, you reached ALL the way in and the REAL MOTHERFUCKING YOU just transcended to a level beyond the highest level you even knew existed!!
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again –
WE don’t need to slow down and breathe, we need to WAKE THE FUCK UP AND LIVE.
And whilst we can ‘manifest’, we can of COURSE receive results and all the things without DOING anything, all we need to do is ‘be’, the whole damn point is that who YOU are meant to –
And me – !
– the BEING bit also means the doin’
SOUL work
You can ‘get away’ with doing less
You can definitely still be the best, without going all in
It’s not that hard to win …
Not for us
Unless you realise that what WINNING means is knowing that every night, when your head hits the pillow, you lived like you MEANT it
BREATHLESS with the fury and excitement and IN-ness of it all
So when I say I’ve been flaky and faking it, there’s nothin’ I haven’t been doing …
I show up
I do my thing
I let my soul show!
But yet at the same time –
I was born for that bitch.
So join me, and HELL yeah, if you know that you too are the one who was born to do the work for the SAKE of the work, not because you need to do it for an outcome.
You don’t, the outcome is there fore you any time you choose it
But the living, the way you were born for it, and being the real you?
That’s got nothing to do with it; that’s it own separate thang.
And as for manifesting –
Fully fucking you
In integrity with what ALL of THAT shit looks like
Drop the damn story about wanting to do less, when who you’ve always been is the girl who wants to do it all –
Be it all –
And have it fucking all
At once
And then?
Get to (aligned) fucking work, you know you love it