Katrina Ruth
Success/Success Mindset

You’re So Boring (and why my accountant called me conceited)

I know there’s so much more to you than what you’re showing the world.

You, with your multi-passion, multi-crazy, multi-personality approach to how you live your own life, what matters, what you invest time and money and energy and emotion into.

You, with your big big crazy dreams and your willingness to do what so many won’t so you can live a life they can’t.

You, who has sacrificed so much, fought so hard, GIVEN so much of your own soul.

You, with your boring little online persona where you try and be a business coach or a health coach or a relationship guru or a transformation coach (whatever the fuck that is!).

You, who is trying to package and position and fucking NICHE yourself into a BOX so you can say to the world ‘look, this is who I am, I do this, here’s my elevator spiel and here’s how I can help you, so hey! Buy this training because I can show you how to DO STUFF!’.

You, who is wondering why despite so much effort, despite so much care, despite truly GIVING IT A FUCKING CRACK, you’re still not there.

Not making the money you want.

Not making the difference you’re called to.

Just not feeling as though you’re really OUT there and doing this whole thing in the way you were born to.

You feel it, don’t you?

Even when stuff is selling, even when people are thanking you, even when something ‘works’, you feel it.

That … niggle.

That sense that something is lacking.

That sense that you’re MISSING something.

I can tell you what that feeling is, you know.

It’s the feeling of playing a game with limits when you were born to be limitless.

It’s the feeling of playing small.

It’s the feeling of playing safe.

It’s the feeling of being so.



You could honestly just fall asleep right here on the table at times when you think about your own stuff and how SURFACE it still is.

So let me ask you a question, you with the big dreams and the so many facets to what makes you tick, and the rich rich background of all you’ve done, learned, given to get to where you are now –

Why do you do it?

Why do you box yourself in and try to be a coach, a guru, a trainer when what you are is, quite simply, a you?

Why don’t you just be you?

Why don’t you just build the WHOLE FUCKING THING around being you?

With your multiple-passion, multiple-crazy, multiple-personality madness.

Why not just make money by showing up every day and being YOU and sharing with the world who you are as a WHOLE ENTIRE PERSON not just what you fucking KNOW about business, or life, or health, or what the fuck ever that nobody actually cares about, not really, because even when people think they need information to learn something what they really WANT is transformation and to believe that they can live a life where all their dreams come true.

Where ALL of what is on their heart and all of what they care about MATTERS.

Decision time though.

Because maybe, you don’t want the business to be you.

Maybe you want to be known as the very best provider of ‘X’ type of how-to training, and you want to build a leveraged and automated income machine around providing this training and its derivations, and sit back and watch the money flow in because you BUILT A SYSTEM.

Now this, this is FINE. This is a way that you CAN make money online. You need to understand how to build the system of course. You need to have a great product that mets people’s desires. You need to have great lead gen and marketing and sales processes in place. And then you need to work the system, test the system, refine the system, and watch the system ultimately work for you.

Nothing wrong with that.

It’s one approach to business and hell yeah it can work if, like anything, you’re willing to make it work.

But let me ask you a question –

When I called you boring, did you agree and DO YOU WANT TO BE MORE?

If the answer is no, if you’re like ‘whatever’, I just want to get more units sold and increase my sales page conversions so I can make my almost passive income and then kick back with my squillions, then cool.

Go build a system.

But if you FELT it, within you –

If you felt that slightly desperate feeling of YES, I’m NOT putting myself out there in the way I really want to, I’m not telling people what they need to hear, I’m not giving ALL of me, I want to go bigger, I want to do more, be more, I want it to be about ALL OF ME and what I stand for, well then honey the SYSTEM approach, while it may well end up being part of your business is not going to work AS THE BUSINESS.

This also means that trying to NICHE?

Is just never really going to fit for you.

Fuck niching!

And trying to put yourself in an industry, a category, a box?

That shit ain’t never going to fit.

My accountant asked me last week, while going over my taxes with me, what my industry is.

“I am the industry”, I said, without even thinking about it. We both laughed and he called me conceited but also it’s TRUE. Nobody else is doing what I’m doing! Nobody else can come close! NOBODY ELSE CAN TOUCH ME BEING ME!

But for that to actually work and really MEAN something I have to actually BE ME.

Not a business coach.

Not even a leader of revolutionary fucking leaders.

Just – me.

And me, well I have multiple MULTIPLE passions, multiple levels of crazy and no doubt multiple weird-ass personalities as well.


As with all my posts, when I started writing this to you today and called you out on being boring, I was also talking to me.

I feel ready to step the fuck up with a whole new level of awesome.

I want to open up the conversation amongst women of what it REALLY takes to have it all.

I want to be compassionate and loving, sure, but ultimately I want to call you on ALL of your shit because THAT IS WHAT YOU NEED.

So we’ll talk business, sure.

We’ll talk making money on your terms.

We’ll talk SUCCESS.

But we’ll also talk about what’s going on with your health, why you binge eat or don’t exercise or treat yourself like shit.

We’ll talk about your relationships and why you put up with such BS, why you dole it out perhaps as well.

We’ll talk about your DREAMS baby and what you actually commit to having in ALL of your life.

And I’ll share my ‘stuff’ in each of these areas as well.

Because me, I wasn’t born for a niche baby.

I wasn’t born to be your ‘trainer’.

And I just don’t ENJOY trying to fit into a box, even though the one I’ve created is a pretty big fucking box with lots of room to move around and do crazy shit.

But it’s time to blow the lid off of things.
