10 Ways to Discipline Yourself to Do the Motherfucking Work
1. You’ll Never Change and Then You’ll Die
I thought about easing into this post nice and gentle like; a bit of an inspiring story or a curious question to get you ‘hooked’ so you have to keep reading. My go-to style, after all, seems to be that my posts get rantier and angrier the longer they go on 🙂
But honestly, what’s the point of reading any further if you can’t just face up to reality:
And reality, like it or NOT and I hope to God you do NOT, is that if you don’t do the motherfucking work NOW – no matter what! – then YOU WILL NEVER CHANGE AND THEN YOU’LL DIE.
That’s just how it IS sister, and you can come up with all the reasons in the world why you haven’t yet and you can’t till tomorrow but NO NO NO.
You haven’t. You didn’t. You’re NOT. These are the FACTS Your Honour!
So if that’s who you are, then stop reading, stop reading now, because you?
You’ll never change and then you’ll die.
— disagree PROFUSELY and actually going to do something about it NOW, by which I mean NOW, not later today or tomorrow? Keep reading.
2. Man the Fuck Up Woman!
It’s an EXPRESSION, okay? I personally believe women are WAY more willing to do what it takes to live completely on their terms then men, but either way, you get my point. Well, I’ll tell you anyway:
This … this soft, gentle, step by step approach you’re taking? We’re you tread carefully, dip a toe in, test the waters, see how you fare, and then have a rest because it’s all too much?
For fuck’s sakes. Don’t you realise how much you’re CAPABLE of?! Don’t you realise the 20-minute workout done ALL OUT is better than the 60-min ‘for the sake of it dance around?’
Don’t you realise going hell for leather to create! create! create! and let your truth out is of higher value than an entire God damn WEEK’S worth of fucking around trying to learn internet marketing?!
Don’t you realise that if you just showed up FULLY, for even an hour each day, and you did it day in and day out then in a few MONTHS, never mind a year, you’d be further ahead than most people who’ve been ‘trying to figure it out’ the past 2 years?!
Man the fuck up woman. And when you sit down to work? Do the motherfucking work.
3. Oh So it Hurts? Good! POWER ON BITCH.
The point of pain is to guide you FORWARD not tell you to back off. Okay, so I’m not talking pain like ‘I think I just broke my leg’ and then you keep climbing the mountain. What I’m actually talking about is strong discomfort. Where you’re burning and things are tearing, and the stretching, the God damn stretching is KILLING you (except it’s not; it’s helping you!) and you don’t know if you can make it and OMFG it HUUUUURTTTTTSSS and I want to stop, and I can’t, I just can’t, and then –
ohhhhh –
You stopped.
And now you have to start all over again.
Every freaking time.
What a freaking WUSS! And really – do you really think this is helping you; that it’s what you need? Push THROUGH the discomfort; the stretch is what will GROW you and you’ll reach heights you never thought possible and YOU WILL RULE THE WORLD.
And then you go to the next level of OMFG 🙂
Speaking of which: stop looking for the pit stop!
4. No, You Don’t Need to Rest Yet!
I remember when I first started practicing Bikram yoga and I’d spend half the class with an eye desperately on the teacher waiting for the moment when – please! – they might open the door a crack; just a crack, so I could have that moment of respite.
This morning it hit me, as the class drew to an end, not only do I never look for that anymore but it would actually ANNOY me if the teacher were to let cold air in and distract me from the intensity at which I’m operating! Not only do I not NEED the rest I never actually needed yet used as a crutch, but I don’t fucking WANT it.
I know the REWARD of doing the work, all the way to the end.
And I know how fucking awesome it is to GET to the end of what you said you’d do and EARN YOUR REST.
So … earn your rest baby. It feels SO GOOD THAT WAY!
5. Never Say Die
Oh, so you’re tired, you don’t feel good, you had a shitty night’s sleep and you can’t be bothered?
And WAAHHHHHH, you did the work for 6 weeks STRAIGHT and you’re not a millionaire yet, so this shit ain’t working anyway!
You want the outcome? You need to do the work. EVERY DAY BABY. Not just when you’re so-called ‘able’.
Speaking of which:
6. You’re operating at, like, 1%.
All this bullshit about not pushing ourselves too hard. What a fucking crock! We don’t know the freaking MEANING of pushing ourselves hard! As a population – even in the entrepreneurial world – we’ve lost sight of the fact that through the PUSH comes the JOY and the REWARD.
Stop looking around for proof or reassurance that you’re doing enough. Are you where you want to be, are you happy with how you’re living your life, do you go to bed at night SPENT with the exhausted HIGH that comes from giving life your ALL, not because of the freaking hours you put in but because of the EFFORT and emotion you gave?
THEN NO. You’re not doing enough.
7. Go Faster
When you think you’re starting to get into a rhythm, when you’re proud of yourself because finally you’re getting your message out there every day, finally you’re showing up every day, finally you’re being CONSISTENT?
You’re just getting warmed up! Now is the time to give yourself a swift pat on the back and then EXIT THE WARM UP AREA.
Time to sprint baby!
8. Go Harder
When you’re sweating, it’s hurting, you’re dying on the inside and crying on the outside the temptation is to take your foot off the pedal, take a breath, look around, maybe get validation that it’s okay, you did it, it’s okay, you’re doing more than anyone else, it’s okay, you’re further along than what you were last week!
PUSH BABY PUSH. Race like a motherfucking woman possessed towards the life of your dreams, you CANNOT AFFORD TO WASTE A SECOND!
9. And by the way? It’s Only About You.
Pay attention to what anyone else is doing, how hard they’re pushing, how fast they’re going, whether they’re creating more or getting out there more, or what the fuck EVER.
Firstly it’s almost guaranteed that everybody else you look at, if you’re living at 1%, is operating at maybe 0.01%.
So – not a good point of reference.
But secondly: it’s all about you baby. YOUR LIFE. Your way. There’s no competition for living YOUR LIFE.
10. Rage Against the Machine
What it comes down to is this.
The world would tell us to slow down –
That we’re doing enough –
That it’s okay; there’s still time! –
That it’s ‘wrong’ to push, that being a hardass is wrong, that we should all basically just join hands and sing Kumbaya.
Well guess what?
The world is fat, slow, lazy and broke.
Don’t want to be of the world in THAT way?
Then best you step up to the plate.
Best you jump OFF the motherfucking plate.
And best you run like a bat out of hell to create the life YOU so badly say you want?
Because otherwise?
It’s all just a fantasy. And as you get older, fatter, slower, lazier and more freaking STUCK it is NOT GOING TO GET EASIER.
NOW is your time.
Now is the ONLY time.
And you can change things.
But if you want it? You’re going to have to take it, all the way, and it’s going to have to be NOW bitch.