What if you literally trusted that you would always be presented with exactly what you need, as and when you need it?
What if you trusted that you ALWAYS have access to soul, flow, and ultimate guidance?
What if you not only knew that every bit of wisdom, ‘how’, and motivation you could ever need would always be available for you, and that there was NEVER anything you should prepare or plan or lay out in advance, you could just tune in –
Like opening the pages of a book which is an oracle at any place, and knowing it would be perfect –
And that you’d then know what to do
How to do it
From what sort of place within you
And what if –
(this may be where I lose most of you … perhaps you wouldn’t SAY so, but a day or two would certainly be enough to be clear)
You also did the damn WORK?
ALLLLLLLLL the work of course, what else?!
Can you imagine how simple life could be, how flow, how YES?
I don’t mean to say it wouldn’t come still at you with challenges and confrontation a-plenty. I surely hope not! What would life be, after all, if we didn’t have the ebb and flow, the push and pull, the dark and light, the day and night.
It’s a common misconception of those who have NOT achieved their dreams, to fantasise and imagine that being there, being ‘that girl’ or ‘that guy’ would mean life is just blissful all of the time. That all problems are solved and happiness and deep contentedness becomes the ONLY state of being! Gosh!
How boring.
DEVASTATING, really, to somehow opt out of experiencing the full spectrum of human emotion.
Not that you can anyway, of courseĀ 😉
So no – ! The end goal is not zombie-like bliss, where you dance and prance through life with never a hurdle to overcome, never an opportunity to grow STRONGER, or go DEEPER, into you.
However yes – ! The NOW goal does indeed get to be contentedness. Fulfilment. Happiness. Even bliss. EVEN, perhaps, and this is where it gets interesting –
These things whilst still rolling with the punches of being ALIVE.
And how do you get to that place, be in that space, access that state, which has of course always been there?
The surest way I know is not to learn anything.
Traverse any particular terrain.
‘Win’ at the most impressive or arduous to complete tasks.
Or even,
Grow a massive following on social media and bank millions of dollars! (Although I’m not saying that’s not NICE … having not had it and then had it it’s certainly QUITE nice … it also has absolutely NOTHING to do with fulfilment, that’s an entirely separate kettle of fish!).
What is the way then?
How do you BE happy, in flow, content, sure of yourself, certain that your damn LIFE is on path?
Why, it’s simple!
You let go.
You let go of needing to know.
Or having to flow.
Any particular which way.
At all.
You let go of the idea that there is a right or a wrong way.
That there are things you MUST discover and uncover, ‘or else’.
(‘Or else’ what?! Well, who knows! Terrible things, judging from the way most people act; living in fear as they do of LIFE!)
You let go of the continual search WITHOUT … outside of you.
And you stop.
For just a moment.
For just a breath!
What if there was never a single thing I needed to plan …
Know in advance …
Prepare …
Or choose ‘right’?
What if I simply trusted –
That I would always be presented with exactly what I need as and when I need it –
That I would always have access to source, flow, ultimate guidance, the certain YES of my most highly aligned self?
And what if (!!) I also did the damn work?
Which work?
ALLLLLLL the work.
The work of simply showing up,
Every day,
And being,
All of me.
This is where it’s easy.
This is the space they speak of.
This is the place where yes! You will still fight, push, strive, cry, overcome, STRETCH.
But let’s get real now –
It was never that you were trying to opt out of being EVERY part of you, the good, the bad, the messy, the crazy, the chaotic, the random, ALL of it –
It was that, because you believed there were rules,
And you’ve been living, like it or not, still with the assumption that you’ve got to meet those standards, figure it out, do it right, and THEN you get your reward,
You actually never yet became,
All that you would always have naturally been,
If somebody just told you – hey hey hey!
You are the oracle.
Wake up.
Look in.
Release and create from what’s there.
So here I am, telling you – hey hey hey!
You are the oracle.
Wake up.
Look in.
Release and create from what’s there.
And also?
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