Being THAT bitch
When you go into the place where it just becomes done, the work, the REAL work, the BIG work. the YOU work, and also, the fact that somewhere along the way you apparently just stepped up, and yes – became that bitch,
what do you see there?
What is so OBVIOUS there?
What do you know there?
And what did you clearly let go of,
light a match and threw over your shoulder into a puddle of gasoline towards,
licks of fire burning all around your feet,
as you walked,
for GOOD,
When you GET there, when you are that bitch, that badasss boss babe, that King or Queen of your own domain the way it was only always SUPPOSED to be, well – then you’ll know how you got there.
So why not let it be as simple as that? When your mind jumps up and down, shrieking at you like one of those yippity dogs that you DON’T know how, you’ve VERY little idea if any, and besides, there is so much you gotta deal with in the NOW?
Why not let it be as simple as:
But when I get there then I will know how I got there. shrug
So … (and this is you, quieting that fear mind, telling the yippity dog to sit its ass back down and if it’s GOING to insist on being there, to do so in the corner; not a peep!) –
Why not just GO there. Why not just swipe aside all the reasons why THAT is unreasonable, delusional, ridiculous,
or dig into ’em one at a time if you wish, and insist, and REALLY think it required,
but ultimately swipe ’em aside REGARDLESS, and just –
go there.
What does it look like there? Who ARE you there? What is even the slightest thing you see?
Where is your time going?
And where is it not?
Where are YOU flowing?
And where are you not?
What is ONE thing that THAT you could say right now? Could do today? Could create starting now? Could CLAIM today?
And then, perhaps, once done, or even once underway –
one more.
It gets to be this simple. It gets to be that you take action in THIS simple of a way, and yes, I know, simple but DAUNTING AS FUCK.
But which is MORE daunting, really? The idea of allowing another year,
another month,
another week,
even another day, ’cause you KNOW they all just run together and indeed already are and soon enough THAT is your life, THAT is the picture you painted, and you can’t deny it – ! You CHOSE it, and then coloured your way into it day after day after day!
Is THAT not more daunting than stepping forward, following soul on one next move, on one ‘acting from’ choice, and allowing the void beyond that to be filled with the fact that YOU ARE FILLING IT?
I think we both know the answer.
And the cool thing is … you don’t HAVE to know how it’s all gonna flow. Where it is you’ll go. Which way you need to grow. You don’t even have to know the next move beyond this one!
But you can and DO know this:
Right here. Right now. Right in THIS next moment –
Is this where your energy should go?
Or is there some void to drop into now?
Is it time NOW to just be okay with the fact that you don’t know,
but that when you get there?
Then you will.
And so you just went.