Did you forget that you were never ABOUT that motivation, that you were never the person who needed to wait for inspiration to strike or for the muse to deign to visit, or for the ‘desire’ to take action to bubble up within?
Since when did you need to fucking wait for motivation?! Since when was it a thing that you needed to FEEL like it, in order to do it? You were always the one who DID the damn thing whether you felt like it or whether you did NOT, and that’s precisely how you GOT to this place!
Everything you have already in place in your life … EVERYTHING you’ve already accomplished and are rightfully damn proud of yourself for – EVERYTHING you have become in spite of all the reasons why it was out of reach and so damn hard for you, ALL of that is a product of you did the damn thing regardless of what your EMOTION in the moment was.
So, let me tell you something, about why you feel so down, and flat, and drained a lot of the time, about why you can’t seem to get yourself off the couch or bed and get going when you know you need to, about why you feel so damn STUCK –
It’s NOT because you need to wait to feel ready.
It’s NOT because you need to wait for motivation or inspiration to strike.
It’s NOT because there’s something wrong with you and that that’s why you’re spiralling down on energy, down on vibe, you’re somehow missing something or maybe you’re just sick.
Plain and simple, you have a deficiency of doing the damn WORK.
Plain and simple – you’ve forgotten who you fucking ARE!
Plain and simple – it’s time to kick your own ass back to BEING the person who got you to here.
The bitch who got her ass up and acted based on the OUTCOME she wanted, not based on whether or not she ‘felt’ like it, or whether or not it was the right phase of the fucking moon or some bullshit like that.
Make no mistake – you love the work. You love the SOUL work. You love DOING the damn thing. And you create the flow by realising you ARE the flow.
The answer is to sit the fuck up. WAKE the fuck up. And remember –
Who the fuck you always were.
No excuses.
No BS.
Just motherfuckin’ aligned action.
There’s no way around it. The only way out of the funk, is THROUGH, and the way through?
Do fucking you. The real you.