Drop the Mask
Something I’ve learned about success, wealth creation, having it all, is that we all seem to think we have to give something up in order to get there. We think –
I’ll sacrifice time with my family to build my business.
I’ll do what will make money now so that later I can do what I love.
And then, a bit later –
I’ll do what I love a lot more and what is closer to what I really want to do but still not quite there, because I couldn’t actually be successful being completely true to myself.
I’ll keep a little – or perhaps a lot – of myself hidden from the world. After all, nobody would love the real me. I can’t be that honest.
And as much as a little part of us dies everytime we ignore our truth, we continue on in this way. Creating an image of ourselves, perhaps a business and certainly a life which we think will allow others to accept and love us, and allow us to achieve the rewards we long for.
What if I were to tell you that you can have it all – your greatest success, incredible and unlimited abundance, and (finally) true happiness and joy – by dropping the mask for good?
Would you be terrified? Or excited?
Or just plain old not believe me, as much as you might want to? The truth is that the world needs what you have. The world needs you to be who you are. But more importantly –
Because what it comes down to, is this –
You can continue living how you do now. And the outcome may include success, wealth, happiness, the occasional sense of passion and purpose. But it will also bring with it resentment. Uncertainty. A constant sense of overwhelm, of drowning in a never-ending flood of must-dos that you don’t want to do. It can lead to panic, anxiety, depression. Or perhaps nothing quite so dramatic and simply living a life unfulfilled.
And then there is this-
Do you truly believe you will make more money beating a drum that’s not your own?
Leave a greater legacy?
Experience higher amounts of joy, happiness, passion, purpose and flow?
Would you rather be one of a million who are trying to get ahead by following a well worn path, or would you rather become great at being you?
You may well fail, at first. Or feel that you have done so.
It might be uphill, and feel scary, going against the grain.
But if you fail, I promise you it’s temporary. And truthfully, it’s nothing more than a product of having not been true to yourself up until now.
It takes time to find your feet at being you, when you’ve been trying to be what you think you should be for so long.
Do you tell a baby to go back to crawling for life when they fall down the first wobbly time they attempt to stand?
Yet you think that if you’re not instantly successful, acclaimed, happy and certain the first time you try being you, that it means you should go back to playing it safe.
This is your life.
This is your LIFE.
It’s your one shot.
Don’t you get that?
Can’t you see that if you’re not willing to be honest now, you probably never will be? And that your legacy, quite likely, will leave the world with you.
A life not quite fulfilled?
Or a life of unapologetic truth?
Stop pretending. Drop the mask. And let your true success shine.