Resting in God, Spirit led


I don’t want to have to think about how to be

What to do

What my ‘brand’ is

How to plan or template or finally ‘know for sure’

The truth is I believe God put me here to simply hear what He is saying to me to-DAY

and pour it out

“Lord show me what you’ve got for me today” is all I care about

I don’t want to have to plan ahead, construct things in a way where now I’m bound to a framework, pre-know exactly what I’m gonna do or what it’s gonna be because… that’s not art

Not the way I am called for it anyway

And I suspect also not you

I’m a prophetic artist

My primary outlet is writing

Then speaking


I have a gift of discernment

And WHAT I write-



Should be what I discerned right freaking then and there.

This is true for a blog post. An email. A video. An entire podcast. A BOOK. Private mentoring. Even a whole course. Even a whole business.

I have fought this truth about myself for years.

I still do.

I hate having to do things.

I hate anything which slows down the output for a single second.

I just want to pour out the thing live as it is coming through me then be on my way.

I’ve had times of kow-towing to at least SOME sort of idea of structure –

“you can at least get over yourself enough to do THAT, after all; it’s the least you can do and if you want your work to get out there properly you have to”

and then times (most times!) when I find I just don’t care I don’t care I don’t care I don’t care

So WHAT if it never quite got ticked off and properly cleaned up round the edges before it got fired out?

I don’t care.

And I don’t fundamentally feel like it matters, or, more relevantly, is what I’m here for.

What, to fancy up or pretty up or polish up or posture up in order to make what is coming out of me more palatable, eye-catching, on trend, WORTH it?

I’ve never found that attention to any of that stuff has served me. Instead it’s been a trap, one I’ve fallen prey to many times, and has only ever detracted.

The truth is that if you are letting God shine through in your work it does not need a SINGLE THING ADDED or proper-made for it to be better.

Would you try to improve on the direct word of God? So why do it with what He pours through YOU?!

The only answer is humanness. An idea that surely it WOULD be better, more right, or at least show I’ve made a proper effort if I added… subtracted… edited… made fit… etc.

As an artist, it’s actually a travesty.

As a prophetic voice, it’s actually straight sin.

As a child of God, it’s simply a lack of faith.

And regardless which way you look at it, it’s failing to go all in.

Failing to go all in at being who and what God brought YOU here to be.

Instead wrestling against your very spirit as you say “yes Lord, but surely first/ instead/ more like this”.

Today I want to tell you that there is a reason you wish it could be simpler.

There is a reason you are exhausted with what you are trying to do, despite knowing that at the core of it it is what you are MEANT to do!

And the truth you need to hear today is that you are confused and spent because you are not letting it just BE that core thing, in the way it would come out if the only filter you considered were “Lord, show me what we are gonna do today?!”, and then?

You did that.

I want you to know:

It’s not true that this can’t apply to every last facet of how you create. Show up. And sell. It may just be that up til now you don’t realise that the bit where you consult Him for what todays work is?

Also includes HOW it works.

But believe me,



and b)

You don’t actually gotta know how.

Now don’t forget – 😉

Life is Now. Press Play.



God-Driven Empire gorgeous, is it time?

8 weeks together.

FULL private / 1:1 mentoring

Structured + prophetically led

For the woman who is done with running from who God made her to be, and?

Is ready to answer the call.

DM me now to talk x


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