Purpose, Resting in God


I know you want to know the answers already, and on some level you think that if you could just figure out what the EXACT right move to make is … or one you should have already made was … then everything would just be dandy, but can I tell you?

It’ll work when you decide it IS working, when you make looking to God your ALWAYS filter, and when you stop freakin’ analyzing already and instead simply WALTZ ON FORWARD LIKE YOU KNOW YOU’RE ON PATH.

This is not delusional or idealistic. Don’t get me wrong, it’s also not for everyone IN that I am talking to the leader who knows their foundation IS God and who is planted in Him and truly desiring TO live for Him. But if you are that person? A child of God? Then guess what.

You ARE led by Him
– It’s not conditional on you figuring moves out correctly or guessing His will for you right
– Questioning whether or not God is leading you AS you move forward is questioning GOD’S ABILITY OR INTEGRITY TO BE GOD
– At no point does the Bible say He will order your steps so long as you make sure you build the steps right first … etc!

I know that if you’re a perfectionist, a high-achiever, one born for more and absolutely willing to go all in pursuing that more, then it can be REALLY easy to get tangled up in what YOUR part is.

But what actually needs to happen is that you need to take authority over your mind, will, emotions, by declaring that what God says is true, true for you, true now.

Which means …

you ARE certain.
You DO have a sound mind.
You ARE clear.
You KNOW your Father’s voice and you know the way forward! In fact He is blessing you AS you move forward.

You are favoured. He lifts you out of the miry clay and places you in high places. You have his ear, and He puts His words in your mouth, so, um –



The human way is to continually second-guess, and for those of us who are THIS kind of go-gettin’ person, we switch from trying to guess or choose right for US to choosing best for GOD, but the whole thing is that He empowers and equips us and plants a certain knowing IN us.

Following His will is not a mysterious treasure hunt which you may or may not succeed at.

So while it absolutely makes sense to pull up now and again, or, really, as part of your daily flow, to pause and simply BE with Him, to wait upon what He has to say to you, to always always always be surrendered in ALL that you do to know that He will guide you and that at any time something you thought was for you may be revealed as otherwise …

what it does not make sense to do is turn endlessly in circles when it is time to work.

The simple and SCRIPTURAL way to deal with your work is:

Do today’s work today.
Do it all in.
Do it to glorify God.
Do it based on a plan He has revealed in you for what SHOULD be being built, and based on a vision you have then clearly written.
Do it not because it saves you or provides for you in any way, but because it is what He has put in front of you.
Do it regardless of your feelings.
Do it knowing you are equipped and led by God Himself!
Do it knowing that whatever is next or even NOT this –
when you keep looking to Him –
He will show!

It’s really not that complicated. We just make it so.

So –

Keep your gaze fixed on God.
Decide it IS working.
And stop endlessly analyzing what else this moment could be for except for what it IS for.

Now don’t forget –

Life is Now. Press Play.



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  1. Tasha Davis says:

    Wow! What a timely message! Praise God and thank you for your obedience, KAT! Love you <3

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