“Whatever is good, whatever is just, whatever is pure, think on these things”
It’s easy right now to get carried away in a spiralling conversation, for hours, on what all the things are which might vastly change our lives, freedom, choice.
The reality is – this is nothing new. It’s intensified right now sure. But for eons – all of time in fact! – humans have been really really good at whiling away time NOT on purpose by worrying about ‘what if’. By being caught up in a conversation of everything which could go wrong, bad, or might just not work! You might almost say that it’s the typical human condition, to focus on all that is NOT ideal, and to go down endless mazes in the mind of what all the bad / scary / just not fun outcomes are that will ‘probably’ come about.
They ‘what if’ and ‘I’m probably not good enough or don’t know how’ their life away.
Yesterday I was doing a little bit of that myself! I was caught for hours in a thinking pattern around WHAT if, to do with freedom, and choice, and choices that seem to be being made in the world. Part of me thinks … yes. I need and want to be aware, considered, and where needed, to prepare.
^^ I still think that is true! But I think there needs to be containers around it. A time and focus allocation, if you will, for entertaining ‘what ifs’.
Can I ask you something? Do you do that NORMALLY, in how you take action in business, and life, to create your dreams? Or do you ‘what if’ and ‘I probably can’t’ and ‘it may not work’ your life away?
I got to where I am because I developed, long ago, a practice of being the person who would be there, whether or not I feel like it! Not because I have some kind of crazy level of confidence, or certainty, 100% of the time! I don’t. I just choose it anyway.
This morning when I woke up, a good friend had messaged me through the night while I was sleeping. We’d been talking about lots of crazy shit last night, and it was intense. What ifs were all over the place! Valid fears. A sense of doom definitely got hold of me.
Here is what his text which I read this morning said:
“Last I have to remind myself that there is always a balancing force. There will be powerful people wanting to counter … (use your imagination, lol) … it isn’t one sided!”
Ahhhh – exhale. I feel so cliche saying this to him, and now to you, but – I kind of needed to hear that.
Do you ever feel like you kind of need to be BITCH slapped for a minute with a reminder of where your focus gets to be?
A bit later this morning, I audio’d another close friend with whom I also have these very intense real conversations about what’s going on in the world.
And I said something like this –
I went on –
“For me, I’m reminding myself to invest CONSISTENTLY more time each day into intention, prayer, focused energy on GOOD. Prayer and intention to support those in the world who are acting RIGHT on behalf of humanity, or who want to, and who need the damn support.
We have the ability to support them! Energetically! We need to USE that focused prayer, intention, support!”
^^ Remember: in your business, in your life, in every part of what you’re here to create, do, unleash – YOU HAVE ACCESS TO INCREDIBLE SUPERNATURAL POWERS, GIFTS, RESOURCES.
Are you using them?
Or are you ‘what if’ and ‘one day’ and ‘it probably won’t work’ing’ your life away?
God Himself said –
Whatever is good, whatever is just, whatever is true – think on these things. It’s simple and smart advice for always. And the simplest stuff is generally the most powerful.
So today, let’s keep it simple, yeah?
Think about your business goals.
Your money desires and needs.
The other things you want for your life, your family, your self.
Either way … you’re literally creating your future right now.