You make creation hard when you focus on trying to get or become something while simultaneously operating out of alignment with your highest self.
You push away what you want when you lock in, focus on the vision, affirm over and over again but yet you continue to show up for your life in a way which goes against soul.
You make manifestation a drawn out and painful process when you allow your soul-aligned boundaries to be violated, or you simply don’t step up and INSIST on how you know things are meant to be.
You screw with the entire damn receiving SYSTEM when you refuse to be honest with yourself about what your values are, and live according to them.
And when I say ‘receiving system’ –
Just by the way –
I’m talking about the extremely simple and ‘how it’s meant to be’ process of LETTING LIFE SHOW UP FOR YOU AND TAKE CARE OF YOU. A natural outcome of you just BEING you, and relaxing fully into that.
Do you really think that all the focus in the world, on allowing through abundance, greatness, fuck yes, is going to be at all effective for you if you’re not doing YOUR job?
The way that all of this works is SO straightforward it’s actually ludicrous how difficult most people seem to think it is –
(if they even think or know of it at all!)
– but it DOES all hinge on you doing YOUR bit.
The bit where you simply show up for your life,
day after day,
and you BE FULLY YOU.
“Oh, but I am Kat! I’m speaking my truth and sharing what’s in me and creating what I can’t not and putting myself OUT there!”
Cool … even if that’s the case (and for most people, let’s get real, you’re still showing up with a filter, a mask, and you know I don’t just mean Snapchat ones! For MOST people you’re half-assing your r responsibility to soul, and your true message, at BEST) … but sure, even if that’s the case, what about the rest of your life?
Are you in TOTAL integrity to higher self right now?
Are you in complete soul flow in EVERY area of your life, down to the smallest thing?
From how you take care of your body, to how you relate, to how you parent, to your living environment, to how you honour and take care of your own true needs and desires?
Do you KNOW your values and live by them?
Do you have a certain moral code of who you are, and also –
Are you absolute down to the SMALLEST LITTLE THING in your life about what integrity looks like, feels like, IS like?
Do you INSTANTLY walk away from or speak up about anything that does not align with what’s in you?
Have you made a SIMPLE FUCKING DECISION to honour soul FULLY in all areas, and now you do that?
‘Cause if no –
Then no.
You’re not making it easy for life to show up for you, and flow for you.
Not really at all.
You accepting things against your own standards, and moral code.
You allowing fears and limiting beliefs to rule you.
You letting poor discipline, willpower, resistance strong-arm you rather than realising you ALWAYS have the choice to show up as the next level you.
You repeatedly making promises to yourself –
And then bailing out on ’em.
And all of this is just for starters!
So –
When you complain that manifestation isn’t working for you –
Or when you bitch and moan about how you DO do the work, so why is it not working for YOU –
Or when you base your idea of aligned actions for success purely on the surface based ‘hustle’ –
NOT sorry.
But you just don’t get it.
You don’t get what it means to allow life to work for and WITH you.
To let the magic show up from and through you with every breath you take.
And unless you give yourself a sharp slap in the face wake-up call around this shiz now –
You will perpetually look at those of us who have ‘cracked the code’ –
Who clearly have found a way to have it all,
And you will feel frustrated / triggered / perplexed / angry / not good enough / whatever as to WHY NOT YOU.
When really it is very very OBVIOUS why not you –
Because you haven’t been honest with yourself about what it REALLY means to do the work.
The work was NEVER about what you do.
It’s about who you be.
And no,
That doesn’t just mean concerning yourself with who you need to be to believe you can have it all, or be true to what sort of work your next level self would do.
It means BEING –
The you who is in tune with what their life is meant to be about.
Who knows their own inner compass.
And lives by it.
No matter what.
Wanna know what’s funny??
But by that point –
You really don’t have the desperate want or need for it at all anymore.
It’s still nice to have … of course. And why would you not choose it, when it IS so available?
But whatever hole you thought it would fill?
Is filled by you finally giving yourself the gift of being who you were always meant to be,
and in the end –
we HOPE and PRAY –
couldn’t not.
Stop getting it so damn backwards.
You first.
All of you.
Everything else FROM that.
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