
Is It Skinny?

Read time: 90 seconds

It’s 6.08am and I’m just sitting down to my first coffee of the day. I use the word ‘first’ with absolute certainty – with a 15 hour turnaround from home to home again, Tuesday is most definitely a high coffee day for me.

I drink long macchiato’s, mostly. Or, if I’m feeling a bit tender around the edges, I’ll go for a latte. My take on a latte is to pump up the coffee (double shot), and ask for just 3/4 milk. And yes, I know, it’s practically a macchiato, but there IS a difference. The amount of milk I might get across the day (even on a Tuesday) from coffee would be around 50-60ml max. I’m not a huge milk fan.

Anyway. The point of the post. This morning I went somewhere I haven’t been for awhile, and the barista had to check with me.

“Is it skinny?”

No, it’s not. And if you want to support healthy digestion and fat loss, then nor should yours be. In some ways it still amazes me that people double take when a woman asks for full-cream milk in her coffee and yet wouldn’t flinch one bit were I to ask for 3 sugars. Is it just me or is that extremely messed up?

I could explain in great detail why I believe full fat is best, but it’s early and there’s coffee to be had. So I’ll save for another time issues of dairy intolerance or whether we are in fact supposed to drink milk after babyhood and leave it at this – eat real food.

That is all 🙂

3 responses to “Is It Skinny?”

  1. Brenda says:

    I know what you are talking about. Will the low/non fat idea ever leave? Ugg! I still see it on magazine covers. It is so ingrained in brains of people. They are stuck in the 1980’s.

  2. Catherine says:

    I have cream in my coffee. Delicious. Most people are horrified!