It’s Not About Getting to Done; It’s About Pressing Fucking Play!
I know, right?
How hard it is, to deal with the daily battle, the internal struggle, the relentless fucking voice inside your head which tells you –
You’re not there.
Your efforts are POINTLESS!
It’s not enough.
It never will be.
YOU’RE not enough.
You never will be.
And you’re never ever EVER going to be able to stop.
You think the voice inside your head is a nasty little so and so? Well let me tell you … mine would give yours a run for her money for sure!
And I used to think –
“What’s wrong with me, that I can’t just be happy?”
“What’s wrong with me, that I can’t be SATISFIED?”
“What’s wrong with me, that I’m just never done, it’s not enough, it’s never GOOD enough, neither am I and I never will be?!”
And I’d beat myself up and bash my head against a metaphorical wall and then I’d binge eat block after block after block of sweet sweet awful chocolate to push away the fear deep within, the voice within the voice which whispered in OH so creepy scary a tone my greatest fear of all –
“There’s something inherently wrong with you, and you don’t deserve to live a happy life”
And when I’d come out of my fear, out of my sabotage, out of my escapism and back into DOING well I would get. shit. done. I’d be the hustlin’ most hustler of all and I would work my BUTT off to push, to strive, to PROVE that I was enough, that what I was doing was enough and that I was a success God damnit, ’cause LOOK AT EVERYTHING I DID AND DO AND AM!
But yet –
(You know)
It still wasn’t enough.
So I’d push harder, run faster, do more, be more, and also escape more. IF I RAN HARD ENOUGH MAYBE I COULD GET THERE????!
But yet I never did.
What was I missing, what couldn’t I see, what was the ONE FUCKING PIECE OF THE PUZZLE I NEEDED TO LEARN?
I invested thousands –
(Hundreds of thousands in fact)
I learned from the best –
I was a GREAT student –
And I implemented my sweet ass off.
But still, always, eternally, it was. not. enough.
Still, always, eternally, it was ME that was not enough.
Not done.
Not happy … yet.
Not successful … yet.
Not there … yet.
And oh, I would get there, for sure; I just had to push that extra bit, learn that extra step, reach that next goal!
Eventually, something happened.
Perhaps I learned it somewhere, or perhaps I just absorbed it as a knowledge, an osmosis, a shift within my soul, an unclenching deep inside of me as I realised –
You’re not done.
You’re not there.
You haven’t done enough.
You never will be done.
You’ll never be there.
You’ll never be FINISHED.
In fact?
It is fucking FANTASTIC.
There’s a certain freedom, can I tell you, that comes from giving in to the never-endingness of pursuit.
A freedom that comes from accepting that the purpose of pursuit is not in fact to get there, but rather, to pursue. To grow. To stretch. To LIVE. And that the way I choose to live, the way I choose to press play is to eternally pursue, eternally strive, eternally seek and never, ever, EVER be done.
I can be content yet always discontent.
I can be proud of what I’ve done yet still want so much more.
I can complete my work for today yet still be forEVER unfinished and have more to do.
I can be SATISFIED and on PURPOSE and work with PASSION and from FLOW whilst being constantly UNSATISFIED and fixated on all that is still ahead of me!
I can be here now –
And remain connected to the vision which lays before me.
And not only is this all OKAY but it is in fact the most incredible and exciting thing in the world to realise and also ACCEPT that there’s always a next level, always a new depth, the onion is never peeled and you’re NEVER EVER DONE.
If your goal is to get to done –
So you can sit on the couch –
Or on a boat –
And eat and drink and be merry –
And look back on a time in your life where you stood for something and strived for much –
Then set yourself a finite number or goal to achieve, go get it, then go power down.
End of game.
But if your goal is to live each day with the excitement and possibility of what you could create from it, what you might unearth within yourself, what you might put forth into the world –
And if your desire is yes to accumulate more money, more fame, more choice and more fun cool toys to boot but to do so by living a NOW that you love –
Then take just a moment –
Right now –
Hand on your heart –
And THANK YOUR FUCKING STARS you’re not done yet.
Because if you were done, if the getting of a goal was enough for you then where would you find your purpose? Where would you stretch your soul? Where would you CREATE and STRETCH and LEARN and LIVE from?
One of the greatest misbeliefs we are at risk of falling prey to is the ridiculous RIDICULOUS idea that the point of it all is to get to easy.
To struggle and sacrifice and give of our very souls so that ‘when we’re done’ we can stop.
Do nothing.
Be nothing.
And wait until we die.
The counter side of that coin is that one of the greatest REALISATIONS we have the honour of being able to wake up to is that the point of it all is to continue the struggle.
To EXPAND the struggle.
To LOVE the struggle and the stretch and the sacrifice and the REWARD of giving our very souls to our work, our creations, our every cell and breath.
So if right now you’re struggling –
And it doesn’t feel GOOD for you –
And you think you just need to get to done so you can STOP and RELAX and BREATHE –
Then ask yourself:
What are you actually going to do when you get there?
Who is it you’re waiting to be?
What is it you’re holding off on doing, having, creating, breathing into your LIFE?
And why in God’s good name when ANYTHING is possible for how you choose to live your NOW are you not. just. doing. THAT stuff now.
Life isn’t supposed to be about getting to done.
It’s about loving the doing. About pressing fucking play!
Not enjoying the struggle, not excited there is still so much to do, not SATISFIED with your dissatisfaction and the fact that you’re never finished?
Pick a new horse.
And start bloody riding it like you mean it.