“Is this even a real question?!”
“No, it’s make believe. And we’re all just living in a dream. I’m hallucinating you right now”
I was being flippant while quickly answering comments as I de-planed, but as soon as I’d posted it and had a little chuckle to myself, it hit me how freakin’ true what I’d just written was.
That was yesterday, and this morning as I eased into my day, my journaling, the gorgeous sun shining down on me as I sit and write on a stunning Dallas rooftop, I find I’m still thinking about this topic of making believe.
And I thought I’d come here today, and ask you –
What if you knew it was all just a dream?
What if you KNEW we were just playing make-believe?
And what if, because you knew you really can just name your fantasy and have it be DONE, you actually just, well –
Did that?
What would you ask for?
What would you dream up?
Who would you be?
The excitement!
And –
If this really is just a dream, and you get to make it all up and decide which way things go, then what would now be available to you that you previously thought NO?
If you’ve not REALLY played around with this concept yet, I’d urge you to at least experiment! If for no other reason than that it’s FREAKING COOL to see reality as subjective and see what you can then ‘hack’ as a result of that.
For example –
In the last week alone, just by letting go and allowing myself to create through my thoughts and dreams, allowing myself to accept and also ASSUME the possibility that I do get to just make it up, I’ve been able to talk to friends from inside my head, and have them hear and receive the message, and I’ve also been able to receive in a ‘real world sense’ exactly what my fantasy was in a, well, fantasy situation.
These are two such tiny examples, but they speak to EVERYTHING.
And each time I notice myself creating my life this way I’m reminded just how powerful we ARE and just how little of that power we actually choose to access.
Both the light and the dark sides of spirituality have long known that we have the power to teleport, perform miracles, astral travel, speak with spirits, and much more crazy shit still, but what if that stuff WEREN’T considered crazy … woo-woo … out there?
What if we actually just ACCEPTED our true powers, and stopped looking at anything that is not real in an objective sense at being crazy or only FOR the really weird people who are just making shit up?
The truth is that even if you insist on staying SUPER pragmatic and hum-ho about it, it’s pretty hard to deny that we’re just making everything up!
Look around you –
The chair you’re sitting on, the coffee you’re drinking, the device you’re holding, ALL of it was just a cluster of energy, thoughts, ideas, CRAZY, and a result of somebody dreaming about something which seemed impossible or sounded flat out ridiculous or ‘not of this world’.
And yet here we are.
When you look at the reality of your LIFE – the shape you’re in, the money you have, the sort of clients you get to work with, the people you call ‘yours’, the way you FEEl, ALL of it is a choice and ALL of it is a result of your:
Which means?
It’s just a dream you made up baby!
So what if you consciously chose to let go of only dreaming in a surface level, what if you stopped assuming that only the things you can see in the SO-called or let’s say most commonly ACCEPTED real world sense are the things that are available to you to dream of, or make something of; make a life of?!
If you think about it, it’s ACTUALLY crazy and also kinda embarrassing to just create your life based on WHAT YOU ALREADY SEE OTHERS CREATING.
There’s this entire freaking world | universe | multiverse available to you, you’re continually receiving messages | ideas | downloads from within, and yet you’re over here all like – “nah, brah, I think I’m good just running around on the surface here, repeating what every other fucker is doing … even though I don’t particularly think most of THEM are being especially amazing about life … and yeah, I’ve got all these dreams and ideas, and it’d be damn CONVENIENT to be able to travel through time and space, or just connect with people energetically, or just THINK shit inside my head and have it then come practical-sense true, but y’know … I’m good”
Imagine thinking that way!
Imagine living that way!
How … WEIRD, really!
And also how detrimental, not only to the growth of yourSELF and the creation of your LIFE, but also to the furthered growth of our species, the world, and the impact, which YOU are supposed to have on it.
The thing that is even MORE crazy about all of this, is that YOU ALREADY KNOW IT’S ALL TRUE.
You wouldn’t be here, if you didn’t.
You wouldn’t be reading this blog, either.
I energetically SENT it to you, commanded it to get your attention.
And, here you are, answering my call, PROVING, through being here, that make-believe and dreaming works.
And whilst I appreciate you answering MY call … it’s only how I’ve built my entire business and tribe … I just call people in … at some point, I have to wonder –
Do you think you might like to answer your OWN call?
Do you think you might like to pick up the freaking phone that’s ringing on repeat inside of you?
Do you think you might like to LISTEN, to the ideas, the flashes of inspiration, the downloads both small and large, the COMMANDS, which are coming from inside of you?
I can tell you –
I’ve tried it both ways, and making life up from IN you is not only a hella lot more fun and aligned then trying to follow what everybody else is thinking or doing, like some kind of God-awful sheep-circuit … there’s enough people doing that! … but also when you just follow your dreams, your fantasies, your own crazy ‘what if’, well –
That’s when things work.
So today, a challenge for you. As you go about the hustle and the bustle and the trying to CONFORM to a surface world you weren’t actually born for.
Imagine –
It’s all just a game of make-believe.
You can do what you want.
Create your every dream and fantasy.
See things manifest NOW.
And that you have next-level freaky but ACTUALLY just normal powers you didn’t even know EXISTED.
Who would you be?
What would you create?
Where would you GO?
The thing we are most scared of –
Is not that we can’t do it –
But that we can.