Success/Success Mindset


The ONE thing you can be sure of, possibly the ONLY thing you can be sure of, when it comes to figurin’ out what will work in business and how to get to where you want to go, is that you DO have to be fully you.

Unapologetically –

No holds barred –

Zero fucks given –

And also? No matter what.

It’s literally IMPOSSIBLE for you to succeed if you don’t do this.

I don’t mean you can’t make money … built a following … even RESPECT, and a whole ton of other so-called success stuff besides. Of course you can do that shit with or without following your heart and letting people see and feel the real you AND your real art.

But if you want actual success? Like – success you feel on the inside not just success that meets the approved social markers of success? You’re gonna have to give in to being you.

This seems like it should be obvious, but apparently it’s not. Because if you look around, if you start to pay attention, if you notice what people say ‘yes’ to, versus ‘I can’t’, or ‘not now’, or ‘it’s not time and I’m not READY’, you’ll see that it’s quite mind-blowingly astonishing just how out of tune people are with following their soul needs, and doing what FEELS right; what they LONG to.

And apparently, as far as most people are concerned, it’s so easy to say ‘yes sir!’ to everybody else’s commands or ideals except your own.

Listening to the voices around you, aloud or just implied, telling you –

Do it this way …
THIS is how it’s done …
This is NORMAL …
This is what you NEED …
You won’t get there if you don’t …
You HAVE to …
Stop, do this!
No, do that!

And like an obedient zombie-person, you obey.

Assuming that every other fucker out there must know more for you, about you, and about what you need.

Wanna know a secret?

I don’t write about this stuff – or any of the stuff I write about – because I’ve got this shit all nailed down.

I like to think I’m PRETTY good at following my instincts, backing myself, doing things MY way or not at all, giving in to my SOUL needs, but the truth is I can be as guilty as the next person at getting wrapped up in the shoulds, the coulds, the maybe I’ll just TRY it.

This week alone I’ve engaged in two separate conversations which would have, had I continued them, pulled me down a path of once more looking OUTSIDE of myself to get to where I want to go.

Once more, assuming that there is a ‘right’ way to do things, a done process to follow, and that the nudges I get from inside of me as to what MY ‘how’ should ultimately be are WRONG, with somebody else’s way being RIGHT.

Fortunately, as time passes, I do seem to get better and better at noticing when I do this, and it takes me usually only a day or two to give myself the swift mental uppercut I need and pull back.

And when I do, I’m always so freaking grateful for the accompanying reminder that I HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS INSIDE OF ME.

I’ve ALWAYS known I was born for more.
I’ve CHOSEN over and over again to believe that even when I had no evidence to back it up.
I KEEP on choosing to believe and also TRUST in that any time I feel stuck, or unsure, or like I’m spinning my wheels, or as though the next thing I want is SUPER next level and maybe I do need to be told how.

And ultimately this is what it comes down to, isn’t it? Trusting not only that you DO get to have the outcomes you desire, live the life you want, have it on your terms, reach even your BIGGEST dreams, but trusting also that the WAY to do that is by following your soul.

This needs to … GETS to … be taken VERY literally though.

In every situation.

Every day.

And this is where most people fail miserably, over and over, until they eventually give up the idea that being fully you and doing it your WAY is even possible.

Because here is the truth, about how life will look, when you give in to being you, and follow the RIGHT signs; the ones from within:

You’ll frequently find you have to walk away.
You might be in a social setting or supposed to go to one, or perhaps it’s a project you’re engaged in, or just a conversation, and all of a sudden you’ll get that nudge, that whisper, that pull –

“Leave”, it will say.

“Go do the thing”.

The thing being –

Your art, or your heart, or your rest, or your madness, or your digging IN, or you’re letting OUT. Whatever the damn thing IS!

And you’ll have a choice –

You can choose to say no, that’s not okay right now, that’s inappropriate or unprofessional or what will people think or ‘but I already spent so much time / money / effort on this!’.

And if you GET what success, true success, and a life and business of PURPOSE, actually takes, you’ll know to shrug.

Turn away.

And say –

“So what? This is what my soul requires right now. This is what it instructs. This is what it COMMANDS. And whilst I appreciate the reminder to be driven by fear and to create my life on should ’cause THAT’S WHAT EVERYBODY ELSE DOES, I think I’m just gon’ be over here saying yes to ME”

I can tell you that it DOES GET EASIER TO DO THIS, too. There might always be that part of you that gets pulled in by ‘should’, by CONFORMITY and by following the rules, and I suppose that’s just because existing in the normal world, even if you feel as I do that you only ever really have one foot in, does still rub off on you a little bit.

But it’s down to YOU to be strong, and to know who you are.

To back yourself.
To trust in what you’ve always thought your path, and how you’d get to ‘there’, would be about.
To PUT your true needs and desires first.
And to run run run RUN from anything which takes you away from that shit.

The sad reality is that only a VERY few people will ever do this, like REALLY do it, where it’s just how they live their lives, to follow what’s INSIDE not out.

Most people will nod, hell yes, ‘GET it’, but then continue to follow the road well traveled by EVERY OTHER FUCKING PERSON.

And so it is.
And that’s life.
And it’s plain and simply why so few people EVER do something truly extraordinary.

Never mind ever get to experience the absolute flow and fulfilment that can ONLY come from doing the work you were put here on this earth to do.

And today I want to urge you –

Draw that line in the sand.

The one you’ve been longing to.

The one you keep getting PULLED to.

The one that says ‘thank you but NO thank you’ to ANYTHING that is not an instant and absolute hell to the yes from your SOUL.

Here’s the thing –

You’ll tell yourself it’s only today, it’s only this thing, it’s only an hour, it’s just that, it’s just until, I just can’t, and so on and so forth, and you’ll create a life based entirely on what the world expects from you and what the ‘done thing’ is.

OR –

You’ll turn your back.
You’ll walk away.
You’ll learn that this is a DAILY practice.
And you’ll go do the damn thing.
You’re meant to damn well do.

Just before I wrote this blog, I listened to an audio from one of my best friends, whose name is also Kat. She knows I’m going to speak tomorrow at a killer big event here in Dallas for one of my entrepreneur BF’s, Ryan Stewman. And she said to me –

“I’m not sure when exactly you’re speaking, but I KNOW you’re going to crush it and own it!”

The timing was beautiful, as I was just about to write this blog, I knew already what my message was, but the title hadn’t yet come through.

And as I listened and smiled and felt the love and gratitude and laughter I always feel when listening to amazing audios from my amazing friends (it’s a thing we do, daily!), I thought to myself –

“You’re fucking right. I WILL crush it and own it, thank you! And the reason for that?

Is because I’ll follow what’s inside of me”

Fuck the rules baby.

You weren’t born to be ONE of them.

Quit acting like nobody told you that yet.
