Success/Success Mindset

Don’t You Understand? It’s Going to Take Being RUTHLESS

Here’s the truth which most people will never acknowledge, will continue to put their hands over their ears about, close their eyes, and hum loudly, all the while still walking around insisting that they wanna have it ALL, do amazing THINGS, live their dreams!

It’s going to take being a hell of a lot more ruthless than what you’ve EVER imagined, and unless you are right now in fact ‘fully pressing play’ according to your own idea of what THAT might be, then it’s gonna take being a hell of a lot more ruthless than what you’re being NOW.

I don’t mean ruthless towards other people, no, not at all. I’m talking about ruthless towards all the STUFF which you allow to fill your life instead.

Getting back to people.
Taking care of business.
Giving your time to people.
Every single project or task which is not DIRECTLY related to the bringing to life of your true art, your true dreams.

DIRECTLY related means: the actual doing of your actual fucking work.

Meaning – if you’re dream is to be a famous writer, then the ACTUAL writing. Not the thinking about it, not the researching, not the outlining, not the investigation into ways to publish, not the learning about formatting, not the hanging out in writers groups.

The putting of pen to paper.
The creation of words into sentences, sentences into paragraphs, paragraphs into pages, pages into books.

Needless to say, also – I hope! – if you wanna call yourself a WRITER, then this would be a daily thing.

Apply this concept over to whatever YOUR chosen (God-given!) art is, and ask yourself, simply:

Am I doing it?

Am I putting pen to paper DAILY, and making space for my dreams?

No matter whether I feel like it, or not, no matter whether I know, or not, etc!

All we’re actually talking about, REALLY, is 30 minutes a day (for starters), and making a habit of it. For me personally, creating a habit of half an hour a day – actually 25 minutes – dedicated to writing, is what has resulted in 50+ books published, thousands of blog posts, and a multiple 7-figure online biz off the back of it all.

Which in turn has allowed me to spend even MORE time on my chosen craft, but really, even now, to continue reaching my next level dreams, I require myself to be RUTHLESS.

And to CUT everything that starts to take over, take my time, my energy, result in me doing IT when I could be writing.

This is a discipline.

As an artist, turning your back on all of the things and people screaming for your attention is a DISCIPLINE, because I’m not talking about simply ignoring or delaying non-important things, I’m talking about ignoring or delaying EVERYTHING, until you’ve done your true work for the day.

The reality is that most people, no matter how badly they long to be known for their art, will NEVER do this. Fear and social politness combined together will result in them repeatedly caving, and doing all the OTHER things before doing this one thing.

Meanwhile, day after day after day passes, and nothing is created, and slowly but surely the dream of one day doing THAT, just fades.

Eventually it becomes too hard to keep pretending you believe in yourself, when you’re clearly not following through.

Nobody said it would be easy to stand out, be the 1% within the 1%, do something EXTRAORDINARY with your life, live your freaking PURPOSE.

But nobody said it would be hard either …

All you have to do is dedicate your LIFE, and be willing to let every.other.thing. take the back seat.

It’s pretty fucking simple!

And then?

Act like you actually mean it.

At the end of the day, you can say what you want, but wherever your time is going right now, that’s what your life is being made of.

Quit kidding yourself that there is a single fucking thing you need to do in order to be ready to do the actual fucking thing.

And get to work …