Success/Success Mindset


If I think about all of the times I truly did not want to do the work – whether it be the business work, the fitness work, the creating and empire building work, or the most important work of all, the work of my calling and my LIFE (this) – and then I think of what the result would BE right now, had I have listened to the not wanting to, and not done it, it’s clear to me that I would have NO results, none at all.

Not with money.
Not with a following online.
Not with being fortunate enough to be one of the few in this world who ever gets to say yes –

I did it.
I did the work I was born for.

“No results?”, you might wonder – “surely you don’t mean, Kat, that you NEVER wanted to do the work and that each day is just an effort in PUSHING?!”

Well. No. I don’t mean that at all. As a matter of fact, I find that a good percentage of the time – I’d surmise around 80% of the time, the work simply flows out of me.

I crave doing my mindset work in the morning, having my time with just me, my coffee, my journal, writing my REALITY and tuning in, before I then go live it; ALLOW it.

I am ITCHING most days, to get into writing, even when (most of the time; 99% of the time!) I have no fucking clue what will come out of me, what I will say, what it will mean, or how it will possibly relate to my business.

But it always does.
Because my business is being me.

And there is nothing that has me vibing higher than showing up and performing, teaching, selling, communicating, BEING there, for my empire, my community, my tribe, you.

I live in flow.
And the doing of the work has become as easy, as effortless, as of COURSE, to me, as breathing.

I suppose one day I might find I can no longer seem to do the work.
In the same way that one day I might find I’m no longer breathing.

But if you’re reading this and thinking, “all very well for YOU, Kat, and how easy it must be to make money and Achieve Everything, when you’re some kind of femmebot work (flow, please!) obsessed junkie, but what if I just don’t FEEL like it, can’t BRING myself to, just don’t seem to START?!”

And I’ll tell you, again, this –

Had I have NOT done the work all or even a handful of the times I didn’t want to I believe I’d have NO results at all.

In ANY of the areas.

Because here is the secret which I SUSPECT YOU KNOW but probably often refuse to pay attention to, or admit:

The flow only comes when you commit to stepping into it.

The DESIRE, the sense of it being automatic, like you can’t not, that only happens when you’ve conditioned and trained yourself to be a certain type of person.

And the CONFIDENCE, which is NECESSARY, the ‘acting from’, even when you STILL don’t feel like it at times, or when you question whether it’s ANY good or point at all, that is something you build like a mother-fucking MUSCLE baby.

I was lying in bed this morning, feeling annoyingly nauseous and just blah, and I had a moment of thinking about not wanting to today, not bothering, what if I just lay here, rest, take it easy. Get some sun … read a book … I don’t know.

I’m bored already just trying to imagine it.

But I thought for a moment, about all the times over the years when I’ve not wanted to.

When I felt tired.
Or as though I didn’t have any good ideas anyway.
Or just worn out with it not working, back in the day.
Or just – you know – human as fuck and mired in resistance!

And I thought about how, 99% of those times, I got my ass up and I did the work ANYWAY.

In business.
In fitness.
In life.

I trained myself into DISCIPLINE from a pretty young age.

As an adult it became all the more important to me to live by because I WANTED THE FUCKING OUTCOME.

The not-surprising ‘bonus’ or cherry on top was that I started to not only get consistent outcomes in my life, but that I also found I was falling in LOVE with the grind, with the push, with the FREEDOM of being consistent.

The ONLY guarantee of success is consistency!

And eventually – I fell fully.

In each area.

One by one.

Like dominos.

And head over heels into LOVING BEING THIS PERSON.

DISCIPLINE creates INCREDIBLE freedom. Yes, ‘doing the work’ is also ultimately the only way you will get results, but apparently that’s not enough of a pull for most people, so this is why I want you to really think about and really KNOW, that you get to have it so.damn.EASY, when you become somebody who does the work!!

Discipline creates freedom and it also creates FLOW, so much flow in fact, that it just, well, flows out of you!!

Which means that even when you DO have those times when you don’t WANNA …

You just kind of DO, anyway. Because, you know, it flows. And it’s so much easier and SO much more rewarding and joyous, than what it would be to resist AGAINST that flow.

Like right now.
As I sit here on my Bali balcony.
Ocean breeze waashing over me.
The morning cobwebs gone.
It’s early.
And because I followed what I KNOW INSIDE ME TO BE TRUE (that I am ME and HAPPY when I do my work) I’ve now done my inner work, I’m doing my LIFE work (this!), and the empire and the fitness and the showing up and the ALL of it, will follow.

And to think –
I could have listened to that flicker of resistance –
And been, right now, I don’t know?
Reading something inane?
Fucking around on Facebook?

No thank you!!

But yet, that’s how most people live. And they somehow manage to make it where they actually look DOWN upon those of us who do the work, who are disciplined, like we are living by some kind of un-fun rulebook and not getting to ENJOY life!!

I’m torn between wanting to laugh and cry, when I see these sorts of comments. And I think that this is the BIG thing you need to understand, if you’ve ever found yourself feeling like you shouldn’t HAVE to, you don’t WANT to, it shouldn’t feel so FORCED, or whatever story it is you’re telling yourself about why it is in fact that you simply don’t DO, what you repeatedly promise yourself you will.

Boy-who-cried-wolfing your

Here is what to know:

It may well be noble to proudly state that YOU don’t want to live your life by a regime, or go against what FEELS good, in order to make money, get ahead, be ripped, whatever.

But don’t you see?

The ACTUAL FUCKING OUTCOME of being this person, the person who UNDERSTANDS the freedom of discipline, and does their daily work, is FLOW AND FULFILMENT!!

You’re literally evading –
And running from –

By not cultivating a habit of HUSTLE! 😉

PURPOSEFUL hustle, of course, meaning doing EVERYTHING in your life that is necessary to, well, live your PURPOSE and live according to your VALUES, both business and purposeful.

Are your values really –
Repeatedly failing?
To deliver on your own promises to YOU?!

I don’t think so.

But anyway.

The fact that being the person who follows through and does the work will, if you choose to allow it, make you millions, help you to impact millions, do your soul work, and be ripped and hot AF, PLUS in the life | love | everything of your dreams …

Is just a bonus.

The real outcome, and the real reason to discipline your ass?

Is the flow itself.
This moment right here.
When you’ve slipped away deep into YOU, and you look up and notice –

Oh, wow!
I built an empire
A body –
A calling –
A life.

How cool!!!

What a nice … BONUS!

Because actually, all I was doing? Was being God damn honest with myself about what I needed to do –

To feel flow.
And joy.

If you truly find that your avoidance gives you all these things, carry on …

But if your STORY is that you don’t gotta be somebody who does the WORK all the time because you have, what, different priorities, priorities greater than that of, well, hmm, BEING YOU …!

Then perhaps take a moment to consider just how much more bullshit you wanna feed yourself before you’ve had your fill.