
Let em hate

Let em Hate

You want to stand out, change the world, go to bed at night KNOWING in your heart of hearts that you have given it your all and made the difference you are MEANT to make in the world?

Then stop being so mother-freaking vanilla with what you say, how you present yourself, who you are.

You can take your pretty website and shove it for all I care if that website is not in fact (and I really do wonder!) revealing the real you.

Are you trying to be just another ‘successful coach’ or entrepreneur? Are you trying to make sure everyone loves or at least likes you? Are you writing about stuff that you’re sure will get you good Google love, that ‘solves problems’ and is ‘topical’ and is based on what you see your competitors or others around you doing?

If so, then I gotta tell you –

You’re boring me to tears. And I suspect you’re boring yourself to tears as well. Worse still, I think we both know that deep down you are a mix of ashamed, frustrated and mighty PISSED off that you’re not really letting rip with the energy, glory and perhaps even terror of who you really are.

Nobody needs another business, life, weight loss, wellness, balance, healthy living, money, success coach or whatever.

The world does not need more vanilla.

If I want to read stock-standard stuff on any of the above topics I’ll go to an aggregate blog and find endless repetitive loops of the stuff.

What I really want to know, when I come to YOUR site, is are you with me or are you against me?

Another way to put it: are we from the same tribe?

‘Cause really, you know what? Doesn’t matter how pretty your website is and how glammed up your program names and sales pages, if I don’t love YOU for the way you think, feel and talk, then you can bet your bottom dollar I’m not going to care enough to give you money. Doesn’t matter how damn good your ‘systems’ are. I’m going to get those systems somewhere else if I don’t also want to buy YOU.

So what are you selling right now, hmm?

Are you selling safe, boring, bland, vanilla?

Or are you letting it all hang out? The good, the bad, the freaking terrifying?

Are you a scaredy-cat who says one thing about business and the world to her buddies or partner, but then plays it safe online, not wanting to put anyone off?

The truth:

If you don’t stand for something? You stand for nothing.

I’m not talking about being contrived, you know that. I’m not talking about deliberately stirring up controversy if in doing so it is not also based on how you actually think and feel. But that’s the thing, isn’t it?

If I look at your stuff, read it, look at your site, do I KNOW how you really think and feel or am I seeing a carefully planned version of what YOU think you need to present to the world in order to succeed.

The world needs you to be you.

So [pq]stand up, take a stand, stand for SOMETHING, and if they wanna hate then let ’em hate.[/pq]

There is literally NOTHING you can share about who you really are, what you’ve really done, how you really think, that will scare off your ideal clients. And that’s who you want, isn’t it? You want your tribe, your cult, your people who love you because they love the way you THINK, because they love your honesty, because you give them hope and massive inspiration for who they can become.

The ones who are scared off, horrified, appalled at your so-called skeletons, your opinions, the stuff you talk about, laugh at, HOW you talk about it or laugh at it –

To hell with them. They’re not your people, never will be, and you can try all you like to please them but you will never truly be ABLE to if you are actually being YOU. So you can spend your days trying to be all things to all people, being careful not to piss anyone off, talking only behind the scenes to your BFFs and Mastermind buddies about what you REALLY think about business and life, and attracting a boring mix of boring people with boring ideas and minds who will bitch and moan anytime you dare to slip up on your perfect polished persona, OR –

You can come out, guns a-blazing, as the incredible, fabulous, amazing, selfish bitch, demanding, driven, unbelievably AWESOME woman you are.

You can keep playing it safe, running scared that if people find out the truth about your money, your business, how you think, your background, your self sabotaging issues or whatever that they will hate you and think you a sham OR –

You can recognise that when you let that stuff rip you find your true people.

You can create products, programs, offerings that aim to fill a gap in the market and you can make a few bucks and get a nice warm fuzzy feeling in your belly, OR –

You can create something that the vast majority of people will not get, will be scared by, or just think is plain ridiculous or even offensive but that your TRIBE will do anything to get their hands on.

You can be just another coach, consultant, woman trying to make a few bucks online to live some sort of lesser version of normal, OR –

You can start a revolution, throw forth a call to arms, make it crystal clear that you don’t give a f^&k who likes or agrees with you that you are going to be nothing if not brutally brutally honest and real.

So which is it gonna be?

Selfish bitch who says what she thinks, shouts it loud and proud and does not CARE if it causes people to run scared or even think she’s a bad person, or boring old vanilla cupcake shoved into a dusty corner of the internet and hoping someone will come and love her?

I think we both know what you have to do here.

And if you’re not sure where to start with this, if you GET it but you’re thinking OMG but how? As in – how do I do that without sh*tting myself, but also, literally – how do I actually stand up and figure out WHAT I stand for? Then baby what YOU need is some self-belief. You need to train yourself to be strong enough, empowered enough and god-damned confident enough in who you are to stand up and yell your message from the rooftops.

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