The hustle isn’t bad and never has been. The question is just –
What is the hustle to EXPAND that pretty lil soul of yours, AND –
What would it look like to fucking love the work??
THEY would have you believe that if you’re all in, balls to the walls to bring your dream to life, then you somehow must be doing it wrong.
That if you’re putting your body | mind | heart | soul into it and it’s still not where you wanna be … or you’re doing so much for FREE … or a true ‘blah blah insert made up conscious-preneur word here’ leader wouldn’t be doing THAT …
then you’re somehow not aligning properly with owning your value,
you don’t ‘get’ receiving,
you need to do less and just BE, baby, that’s how it’s done!
And sure. There’s a lot to be said for magnetism and receiving through BEING. A helluva lot, in fact! I may have said a thing or three about it myself over the years 😉
But when all is said and done? No matter how true it is that getting there is not ONLY about endless ‘doing’ –
You are, quite literally, IN this game, because you are a human who was born loving the art of creating. Making. Turning nothing into something. Productizing + monetizing. DOING!!!
It’s shocking how many so-called entrepreneurs shame and blame the doing of the WORK. It’s sad how many people have taken the idea of creating, conjuring, magic-ing, doing what it takes, HUSTLING to allow through an aligned outcome, and made it something they think they somehow need to graduate past. Or worse, something they think they need to hide. As though the true marker of a successful person is, what?
That they sit on their butt all day doing jack shit and then people pay them?!
I am SO.FUCKING.PROUD of how much true WORK I have done to build my empire, and my multiple businesses and brands.
I am so fucking proud of the FIRE I have held myself to to go from being in crazy debt and always down to the skin of my teeth with money to now still absolutely having cashflow ups and downs but to having it backed by true WEALTH built in business, in property, and in various investments.
I am so proud of course of the INNER work I have done, to become a person whose identity simply ‘is’ – successful. Wealthy. Great at receiving. WATCH ME JUST BE AND IT ALL WORKS! Watch me just magnetize shit with my mind, my soul, my VIBE! Absolutely! Absolutely it is true that stepping into your true BEINGNESS is an activator, a gateway, a thing which will result in WILD crazy receiving, as my clients and I like to say – ‘outta nowhere, as if by magic, just by being you!’.
But make no mistake.
I bled. I sweat. I cried. I stayed up late. I got up early. I STILL DO THESE THINGS. Other times I do fuck all, and sleep all day. But frankly that is pretty damn boring, and it’s rare. I CAME here for the fire. And the thing that those who don’t get it will NEVER get is …
I never did the work that worked in order to get to an outcome.
I don’t believe I need to put in some inordinate amount of time or exert myself beyond in order to succeed.
Some of the biggest monies I’ve made and deals I’ve pulled off have definitely come from a simple conversation, a move I didn’t even know I was making, from doing ‘nothing’, and just being.
But who I am when I am just ‘being’ … is a product of all I have chosen to be and shown up to be for years. For life. And WILL for life.
The thing to GET here is … we are MEANT to love the work. And WE, when we are being who we really came here to be? WE WOULDN’T WANNA STOP IT FOR ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD.
You’re complicating shit when you get up each day and ask ‘how much do I have to do to get a result’. All the while your mind shaming you for not being further ahead by doing less by now.
You’re OPENING up the entire fucking VORTEX when you get up each day and ask ‘WHAT IS THE WORK YOU COULDN’T STOP ME DOING TODAY IF YOU TRIED?’. And then you do THAT. All the while telling anyone who thinks you’re too intense to fuck right off. YOU can have it all. Chill and hang and slow mixed perfectly into wild and crazy and ON. It’s only who you fucking ARE!
Stop trying to get better at being another mediocre dry ass vanilla cupcake on the internet.
It’s only the gateway to everything.