

At some point you’re really going to have to decide if you’re in this thing to conform and make a buck, or to follow your purpose and build a life.

Not just any life of course, because earning a buck ain’t a bad way to build a life if by life you mean have the STUFF you’re supposed to have and be able to DO the stuff you’re supposed to be able to do.

I’m talking about a life ON purpose.

Where you LIVE your passions.

Where you do the stuff which, let’s just be fucking honest here, you damn well KNOW you could do if only you’d decide to go all in and then follow the fuck through.

And that’s the thing which makes it so HARD, isn’t it? I’m not talking about it being hard to ACHIEVE, that’s not what I mean and it’s neither really here nor there since if you WANT it you’ll get up and make it happen regardless of what it takes.

No, I’m talking about how hard everything feels right NOW.

The constant sense of struggle.

The lack of motivation.

The RESISTANCE you just can’t seem to escape from.

The fact that you feel so DRAINED, so unsure, you just can’t seem to manage to do ANYTHING, or at least it feels that way!

You do realise, don’t you, what that’s all about?

You don’t have an ENERGY or MOTIVATION problem, you have an ALIGNMENT problem. A flow problem.

What it is really of course is a little more dramatic than that:

You have a living the wrong God damned life problem.

And the STUCKNESS you feel, that’s a red flag to wake the fuck up and decide:

Would you LIKE to stay on the path you’re on, because you’re allowing yourself to be trapped by it, you made your bed and now you better lie in it, and besides, you can barely keep your head above water to BREATHE so how the heck are you meant to think about trying to LEAVE …?!

Or would you like to rip the bandaid and finally press play, throw down the gauntlet, take a stand and COMMIT that from this moment out?

Every thing you do is with intent and in accordance with what you know is RIGHT.

Right for YOU, dummy, not right in terms of what you’re TELLING yourself you have to do right now for money or credibility or whatever else.

And here is something you might like to know, about living life on purpose:


Maybe not initially … maybe not in terms of having to actually take that leap of faith however many times necessary until it’s just who you ARE … maybe not when it comes to riding shit out until you FIGURE it out …

But in terms of your ENERGY?


Your freaking JOY and ability to ENjoy your life?

Surprise surprise it is WAY fucking easier to feel in the zone and ALIVE when you’re doing things that you know you’re meant to do and also by default when you turn away from the things you know are not MEANT for you.

It’s easier to come up with ideas.

Easier to know how to bring them to life.

Your physical energy will improve.

Your EMOTIONAL energy will improve.

You’ll have a more positive outlook.

Basically life will be as it should be!

But here is the catch to all of this, and the reason so few will ever make it or even really try.

When you decide to do this, it has to be with absolute commitment.

You KNOW you’re not going to get rich and famous overnight doing what you love EVEN IF YOU WERE BORN FOR IT.

It MIGHT not even happen in 6 months … a year … maybe not in 6 years!

It will take as long as it takes.

I personally believe a HELLUVA lot shorter than 6 years (2-3 is a good median from what I’ve observed) … but the thing which you’re PROBABLY not willing to do simply because most people aren’t, is commit and then show the fuck up daily until it DOES take.

It’s not enough to say you’re committed.

It’s not enough to say you’re WILLING to do what it takes and to just keep on swinging no matter how many times you fall.

The REALITY is that if you don’t lock in that decision today and then DO SOMETHING TOWARDS IT every single day from today on, then come this time next year you’ll be EXACTLY WHERE YOU ARE NOW.

Just probably more frustrated, worse off in a multitude of ways (emotional health likely the greatest), and older too!

The reality is that you absolutely CAN have it all on your terms, you can make money doing what you love, you WERE born for a reason and you absolutely can LIVE your purpose and make a fuckton of money doing so.

But if you want it?

You have to get up and take it.

You have to MAKE it happen.

So really when I say maybe it’s time to just do what you love, what I mean?

Maybe it’s time to do the actual fucking WORK so that one day you can wake up, look around and realise that you get to do exactly what you love and were born for, all day, every day, on repeat.

The good news?

If it’s truly what you were born for it really shouldn’t be that hard to be willing to die for, aka start LIVING for.

Maybe it’s time do what you love?

Maybe it’s time to be fucking honest that if you don’t now:

You likely never will.