Discipline & Flow, Purpose


“You’re SO HOT right now!”

“You’re on FIRE!”

“You’re going off the hook, girl!”

“Damn … that was pure gold!”

I know for sure that if I’m hearing these kinds of things being said in the daily comments and conversation on social media, that if I were to look at my SALES figures, I’d see a straight curve heading heavenward.

Wanna know something else?

It’s got NOTHING to do with what I’m saying … teaching … sharing … selling, either.

I could be rambling on about the state of my hair and the weather (and often am!), but if my ENERGY is on fire?

My bank balance shows it.

This is SO much the case, that over the years I have learned that if I want to be in MONEY flow and ease (and why yes I DO!), then the number one thing I should be focused on???

Getting my own ass into superflow, super GO, super woaahhhhh – what is she on right now?!

When I’m in the superflow zone, everything just comes together like magic.

It’s like I click my fingers, money just flows to me, people come from nowhere and sign up for stuff, ideas are so rampant at times it’s almost exhausting to keep up with them, creativity is OVERFLOWING like a motherfucker, and honestly?

I feel untouchable AND I AM!

Not just in business, either.

EVERYTHING gets easier when I’m in this state. Have you felt this, experienced it, lived it?

Your workouts get easier … you are effortlessly staying in shape or getting into better shape … your physical and emotional energy is high … you seem to need less sleep, almost no sleep … your body just FEELS good … you feel attractive and confident and free, and you ARE!

You know exactly what to do.

And exactly how to do it.


What’s happened, is not that you got lucky or on a good wave or something, what’s HAPPENED is that you accessed a state of being which I believe we are all DESIGNED to live in, daily!

I call it superflow.

The place of magic.

The place where I create results in my HEAD, and dreams manifest in a moment.

And what I hear, from others, from the internet, from YOU even, when I’m in this place??

“Girl you are on FIRE at the moment! I can’t get enough of your content!”

And then? Well then they BUY.

And this is so important to understand, you know? If you remotely would like to make mo-ney, doing what you love. And I think that perhaps you WOULD, you would indeed! Yes? Yes!

It’s so funny to me, actually, to think that I used to make it SO hard on myself.

Well, not really funny. Curious 🙂

Of course I didn’t know better, and nobody told me, so it’s not THAT curious. What would be curious for sure, is if I were to tell you these here HOME truths, and then you did nothing about it and kept on TRYING TO SELL BASED ON THE FEATURES AND BENEFITS OF YOUR OFFER.


The horror!




The PAINSTAKINGNESS of the whole damn thing!

Who would DO such a thing?!

But yet, they’re DOING IT EVERYWHERE. All over the internet! Perfectly intelligent (well … one assumes … I do like to see the best in others …!) entrepreneurs, messengers, creators, artists, and MAYBE EVEN YOU, trying to make MONEY, by selling good shit.

Sorry to tell ya –

It just don’t work that way.

Sorry to tell ya –

It actually NEVER did.

Happy to TELL you –

It never in fact WILL.

And here is why.

People don’t buy features and benefits, pros or cons, even quality.

It’s a given that people want shit that works, does the job, gets ’em from A to B, etc.

But if that were ALL people wanted, everybody would be driving around in | living in | mentoring with the most basic version of whatever it is OUT there.

You know?

A good entrepreneur understands that people don’t buy your offer, they buy you. But actually, it goes one step further.

I used to say this all the time … and it’s not NOT true … it’s just that REALLY what clinches the deal, and has people throwing their credit cards at you like girls throwing their panties at Jon Bon Jovi (just me?? kidding … ;)), is ENERGY.

When you’re HOT –

When you are MAGNETIC –

When charisma is oozing from your every PORE –

THIS is when people buy, but, better than THAT –

ACTUALLY they don’t buy at all.

It’s just that they can’t say no … they fall INTO you, and then, sure sure, you’re selling something, okay, I don’t care what it is, I’ll take 10!

You’ve seen this.

You’ve DONE this.

You’ve been this buyer, whether it’s signing up with the ‘hottest’ trainer at the gym (hot is an energy; never forget that!), or the most on fire aspirational crazy as fuck badass mentor (me! pick me! haha! Join Rich Hot Empire! YESSSSSSS), or maybe it’s the car you drive, the sort of purse you want to carry, the brand of hotels or airline you go with, it is ALL about the energy of the thing.

You can break down the characteristics –

But the truth is that if the ENERGY flipped into being NOT high vibe and appealing, the same characteristics of your now-favourite brands or people would still apply, and you’d be OUTIE

I love Virgin not because of the red and purple colours (okay, I DO love the purple!), but because of the energy of the whole experience. It feels HOT. It feels good to me. It feels MAGNETIC.

If they shifted their energy, the colours’d still be there, and I’d be sad –

And gone.

If you shift YOUR energy, your offers and what they include and what people ‘get’ could still be the same, even awesome, and people?

They’d be gone.


(And this might be exactly the wake up call you need right now)

– they’re not there to START with.

Because, being the good student and hard worker and high achiever and all, you’re SO damn focused on doing a good job, building a good product, getting it all RIGHT –

But nobody ever told you that getting it right just meant getting YOU right.

On the inside.

Sorting your shit OUT.

Giving your SOUL what it needs, to be happy, to feel alive, to be in FLOW, you know?

This is why I now know and understand and LIVE by the fact that if I want to keep making millions of dollars each year with ease, and by doing NOTHING except for what I FEEL like, have my soulmate clients just pay me on repeat to be ME, then my number one job is taking care of my own energy.

Because I know this, I give myself full and no-holds-barred permission to ALWAYS and ONLY priortise what I need right now (in every now) to be the best version of me.

This goes beyond motherfucking self-care, okay?

This is about choosing to TRUST that when you say yes to your soul –

Life says yes to you.

It’s about creating your entire life, day by day and moment by moment, based on what YOU NEED FOR YOU.

To be charged.
To be lit.
To be at your best.
To feel fucking amazing.
To be on FIRE.

People will tell you –

If you check all the boxes, do it right, get the job done, build things just so, then other people will follow you and pay you.

People are wrong.

Wake up.

Pay attention.

Look around.

The ones we can’t tear our eyes off are the ones who have something that can’t be fucking built on the internet.

Become that person.

Open the fucking oyster.

And take what you want from life, ’cause baby?

It’s all there for you, and the ONLY thing you gotta do?

Be exactly who you most love to be, and then open your mouth and your soul, and let the good times roll.

You know I’m right.

Question is –

Do you dare? 😉