I woke up a few hours ago feeling distinctly … not right. Not an alcohol thing, not a being tired thing, not a sickness thing; I couldn’t put my finger on it, but what I did know was that this was in THEORY a problem.
I’m running my Soul Shifts & Money Makin’ Day today, sold out (of course!) here in beautiful Del Mar, with INCREDIBLE badasses coming in from all over the US AND Australia to be here.
Being ‘off’ is not an option. And as we discussed in yesterday’s blog – nothing is a fucking problem; it’s all perception and choice, and I sure as fuck wasn’t going to chill with choosing to feel anything less than oh HELL yes today!
Or any day, come to think of it
It’s funny, ’cause yesterday I had a similar processing of thoughts around the fact that I woke up with what can only fondly be called a tequila and corn chips kind of vibe to my body. For the past 2 weeks in the US I’ve been eating way more carbs than normal, specifically I seem to be eating a ton of Mexican food, and (of course; goes hand in hand!) drinking margaritas.
The night before last I DID have a big night out with one of my best buddies here in SD and I drank more than I have in forEVER.
So yesterday when I looked in the mirror at the gym and felt all PUFFY … just kind of SOFT around the edges … and with a slight corn-chip-esque dimpling to my legs … and then started sweating what I’m PRETTY sure was straight margarita (I could taste the salt AND the tequila!), I wasn’t overly surprised.
I also wasn’t particularly fussed, just like being not well this morning didn’t feel like a problem, ’cause, well, I know that nothing is a problem and I’m always okay | safe | everything is perfect, hot and healthy and happy etc is all just a choice!
But, at the same time, truth of the matter is – I wanted my abs back! And my tight lean physique. And, I wanted them back right away.
I decided to simply not be energetically available for that NOT to happen … in a day.
As I began my workout in the morning, I decided in my mind that I would literally be able to WATCH my body metamorph back to lean as fuck. I briefly visualised what I look and feel like when I’m ON POINT the way I predominantly choose to be, and I just made up my mind that time and space and so-called REALITY would have to bend and shift for me.
It’s a thing I do pretty often … okay, always! I just don’t wanna have to do things the normal way, you know?
And so I don’t.
Anyhow, I know this will seem not believable and maybe I should have taken pictures or something, but literally by the end of my 50-minute HIIT training + leg and ass workout my body had completely changed.
Puffiness on my legs – gone
Abs – back
Arms and shoulders and face – playing tight
I’d also gone from feeling slightly trashed after not enough sleep and ALL the shots, to feeling ON FUCKING FIRE and ready to rock the day.
Later that day I hit up the Bikram Yoga studio to really round things out. I could DEFINITELY still feel a ton of crap coming out in my sweat, extra salty as fuck, but visually –
My body looked like I’d just done a 30-day cleanse as opposed to the morning.
THIS morning, an hour ago, I just did some HIIT again and a little abs circuit, and there was completely no fat on my abs. Yesterday morning before I decided to shift all this instantly it was NOT just that I was ‘fluidy’ or bloated, there was FAT there to pinch and grab. After 21 years in the fitness industry I know what’s fat and what’s fluid
I dropped several percentage points in a day; nay in a few hours, because I DECIDED I wasn’t available for it to not be that way, and because at some point along my journey to here I have just completely dropped the idea that there is a certain way the world works and a certain way to get results or achieve something.
It is 100% in your mind.
And the sooner you CHOOSE to believe that, the sooner you’ll find that everyday your mouth is open in awe and gratitude and you are repeatedly humbled with all that is NOW available to you if you simply choose it.
So today when I realised that the reason I was feeling really ODD was a seafood allergic reaction from last night, my initial thought for the MEREST hair of a second was FUCK … that histamine-y reaction is NOT cool for a day of presenting.
I ate pretty much two full seafood platters last night; INCREDIBLE grilled fare, but possibly I didn’t need to OD on the to-go box in bed at 1am lol. I don’t know why I occasionally react to seafood and mostly not; I’m gonna tune in on THAT one later, but for now, or for that moment, I was just feeling – shit! Today is not the day for this.
I felt breathless, disorientated, I couldn’t breathe fully, my heart was racing, and I had that odd feeling of being not connected ot my body or the world. Just like – everything was slightly blurry and trippy. Plus I had little beady looking eyes going on, and a thick tongue!
As soon as I processed / realised what had happened though, I knew I could SHIFT it.
Same as with the abs stuff yesterday I just decided –
I’m not available for that.
I’m not available to feel odd and out of it today.
I’m not available to have to ‘get through’ the day like a pro, which of course I could and would.
I am ONLY available to feel fucking amazing and so THIS IS GOING TO HAVE TO JUST GO.
The thing is …
Just like with my body yesterday, I knew that as soon as I’d DECIDED it, it was done.
It’s how I click my fingers and have money just appear –
It’s how I can have a COMPLETE 180 in my love life in a matter of a day or two because I just decided to not be available for other options –
It’s how I have ONLY perfect soulmate staff, and they always appear just out of nowhere whenever I choose –
It’s how I have ONLY percent soulmate CLIENTS, who come to me out of nowhere and often without me having ever even heard of them, and just sign themSELVES up to work with me –
It’s how I ALWAYS know exactly what the correct choice is in all situations –
Fuck, it’s even how I ALWAYS get the dinner or hair or travel reservation or parking space I want, even if it’s been said it’s not available!
I just let go of the idea that life works like – ‘do these things, do ’em right, do ’em in the right ORDER, and do ’em for the right amount of TIME, and then maybe get what you want’.
And I decided I wanted to live in a world where it was – ‘I decide what I want and I get it now. The End’.
I know that 99.99% of people reading this will think I’m delusional … or will just kind of put it aside because their minds can’t process it and they want to know how … or they simply aren’t AVAILABLE to see anything that doesn’t fit into the world they were conditioned is true.
But I guess that’s my point …
You and I, we’re not the 99.99%, RIGHT?
And as for that ‘real world’ we were told is THE world, well, isn’t it obvious?
If it’s not working for you, just make a fucking new one.
You get to decide.
How the world works.
How life works.
How time and space works.
How your body works.
How success works.
How business works.
How RESULTS work.
In all areas.
And THAT is just how it is.
The thing is … even if you feel sceptical or unsure, what if you just tried it?
What if you just decided to believe in a world where you can have it all –
Now –
AND always –
On your terms.
And there’s not a God damn thing anybody can do to convince you otherwise.
What about that?!
I mean … it’d be weird not to try, right?!
For me, I’ve lived this way for a long while now, and it’s an ongoing practice. I just keep dropping deeper into flow and faith and trust and choice.
And I continue to be in awe and shock and / or gratitude when it works. Which it ALWAYS DOES.
But just because I don’t fully understand –
Don’t mean I’m gonna choose out of it.
I used to wonder –
What it would be like to have superpowers.
And then I realised they were there the whole time.
That’s all I’m saying.