Success/Success Mindset


Possibility of being butt-hurt and offended as fuck from this post: extreme.

Imagine what your life would be like, if you realised that the stuff you worry about so hard and make into a mountain of a disaster inside your head, is actually no problem at all, ever.


The fears and doubts around money, or your so-called ‘real’ cashflow shit – no longer a problem!

Your physical ailments, aches, pains, limitations that basically just shit you right up the wall, especially when you remember how you used to run gaily through the meadows with such grace and ease … (or was that just me in the meadow, haha) … no longer a problem!

Your shitty situation of up and down and all over the place communication with your ex, or your boss, or a friend or family member who just doesn’t seem to wanna fully let you be you – no longer a problem!

Your uncertainty about what to launch, how to do it, how to deliver, how to find the right soulmate clients, where to start with ANY of it – no longer a problem!

Everything that’s draining you –
Everything exhausting you –
Everything robbing you of your God-given ability to be in the NOW, which is actually the ONLY way to truly be able to say you’re ALIVE –

(’cause if you’re not here now –
where the hell are ya?
and are you even real?!)

The truth about your PROBLEMS is that they’re all in your head.

Write ‘em down now if you like so you can release this shit as we go!

It doesn’t matter how big and how much you can ‘prove’ it’s a REALLY BIG DEAL, NO REALLY KAT, YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND MY SITUATION, I’M ESPECIALLY SPECIAL – !

It’s all just your creation, your perception, and your motherfucking CHOICE, and and by the way –

Your responsibility, too.

I know it’s a hard pill to swallow, and by all means, feel free to disagree with me; feel free to start shrieking in your head or the comments about how YOUR problems are REALLY extra real, and you’ve got witnesses to back that shit up, too, just look – !

And here is what I will say to you –

“Cool cool. You’re right”

I mean… you’re always right. That’s how belief works. So you know… why not just choose beliefs that support you?

Anyhow –

Then I’ll turn away.

Bored … lost for interest, because how can I be interested in a person I can’t connect with, and how can I connect with somebody who doesn’t live in the same world as I do, or, more to the point, why would I WANT to?

I don’t.

Not that it should be about whether or not you and I hang out of course, but here’s my point –

I live in a world where I believe in choice.
I believe I GET to CHOOSE, in all areas.
I believe I create my reality, ALWAYS.
I believe that something is only real in as much as I allow, optin to it, choose for it to be; give it PERMISSION to be.

Which means that if something wants to be presenting itself as a PROBLEM … or my mind is making it out to be … and of course I certainly DO get reactive, or hurt, or frustrated, or scared about things in the moment at times … it’s COMPLETELY up to me to decide whether or not I allow that to be true.

Card declined while trying to pay for dinner?? The human mind feels scared, ashamed, embarrassed, worried, ‘what does this mean about me and about life and what will HAPPEN?!’ But, if you believe nothing is ever a problem and everything is perfect, then it just IS, it’s a situation which you now have the power of choice to choose how to move forward in.

Remove emotion. Take aligned action. It’s only the answer to EVERYTHING.

Weight not shifting despite all your best efforts, and now you’ve got that hot date coming up and you HATE your love handles, and why is this shit not WORKING and what are people going to THINK, and it’s not FAIR?!

Remove emotion. CHOOSE that nothing is ever a problem and everything is always perfect and as it’s meant to be, and then FROM THAT PLACE decide what you wanna do, release the outcome, DO it, repeat.

Money didn’t come in and there’s bills to pay and OH MY FUCKING GOD DID YOU SEE THAT?! The sky is about to fall in and we’re ALL GONNA DIE!

Get back to calm.
Remind yourself you’re always safe.
Remind yourself everything is always perfect.
Remind yourself you are ALWAYS taken care of.
Remind yourself you ALWAYS make the right decision, you always know exactly what to do, the answers are always shown to you, and nothing is EVER a problem, and so NOW what do you get to choose?

Everything –
Everything –
EVERYTHING you are allowing to have a hold over you is just something you’ve given meaning to.

But everything –
Everything –
EVERYTHING you COULD allow to be ‘bad, scary, embarrassing, or just plain SHITTY’ is also something you get to choose.

You get to choose your beliefs (the above ones I just reminded you of are some of my beliefs which serve me best).

You get to choose whether or not you have choice (well, you HAVE it, always, but you gotta choose whether to use it or whether to buy into a bullshit story that ANYTHING from outside of you could possibly ever impact what’s IN you … and what’s IN you is where control and choice and happiness and ALL things come from)

You get to choose how to PERCEIVE things, and whether you want to learn and grow and receive from ALL occurances, or whether you wanna continue assigning life’s gifts to ‘good vs bad and wrong and not fair’

You get to choose, ALWAYS, what action you’re NOW going to take

You get to choose whether something or someone or ANY situation can impact you on a core level, or remotely MEAN anything, about itself OR about you

You get to choose ALL of it

But, of course, 99.99% of people, even the ones reading THIS, won’t

Because it sounds made up?
Because you feel like you don’t know how?
Because your problems really ARE real?

Nah …

Because you’re being a fucking pussy about it; that’s the truth.

#sorrynotsorry #watchtheangrypeoplesayapussyisnotabadthing #iknowthis#stillgonnausetheexpression #warnedya

Deal with it.
Or not.

But the REALITY is that CHOOSING to live in choice, and non-reactivity, choosing to actively always HAVE control and choice over your life regardless of what happens, is scary.

It means you MUST take personal responsibility for ALL things.

You can’t claim choice without also understanding that you CHOSE AND CHOOSE ALL OF IT!

And, what it comes down to, perhaps, is that the majority WILL never choose, because at their core they are not strong enough to break free of the bondage of BUT THIS HAPPENED TO ME AND IT MEANS THIS!

Being not strong enough?

Also a choice.

I can tell you with certainty, that the best choice you can ever make in your life is to choose right now that you always HAVE choice, that everything is ALWAYS as it’s meant to be, and that there is ALWAYS an action you can tune in on, wait upon yourself and soul on, and align into, and that NOTHING is ever a problem.

Imagine …

Just imagine …

If you knew this.

How it might impact your reality NOW.

And imagine if you also knew that you also can shift and change any situation, REGARDLESS of how vast or daunting it appears to be (perception!), in an instant, because MAGIC IS REAL.

Just imagine!

Well, I guess the likelihood is you’ll never do this; ’cause that’s the way the cookie crumbles.

Maybe 2 or 3 or perhaps as many as 20 people reading this will do this.

Out of thousands who read this blog, over time.

Will it be you? Who knows! Not me.

But I do know this –

Choosing to live my life this way has allowed me to have everything I ever wanted and thought I still had to wait for, now.


And from that place I know I literally can’t screw up ANYTHING, and I can’t EVER be ‘unsafe’, and that it doesn’t matter how high the stakes are, the outcome will ALWAYS be perfect, and I already HAVE all I need and desire anyhow, so I’m just gonna do what my soul fucking SAYS.

It’s a pretty cool place to be …

It’s actually the exact place from which I’m able to click my fingers and make millions of dollars like magic, be in great shape no matter what I do or don’t do, eat or no, be COMPLETELY filled with love and romance and happiness and joy, no matter who I’m seeing or ‘having’ in my life or not, have FULL access to flow and abundance and expansion, etc, ALWAYS.

You know?

So I guess if you ARE that 0.001% person (yep, it’s actually the 1% within the 1% WITHIN the 1%!), the only question is –

What would you go ahead and do, right now?

That’s all.

Do that.

Every damn bit of it.

