The work you do that will make you the most money and also have the most powerful significant IMPACT, is the work that comes from your core.
It’s not the work you sit down and plan or prepare in advance, so that you can achieve an outcome of fame or fortune or even freedom.
It’s not the work that came from brainstorming a list of Things to Sell or Ways to Grow.
It’s not the work that seems like the SOLUTION TO EVERYTHING when in a moment of NOT trusting yourself you look for external answers to something that (and you know this) HAS to come from within.
It IS the work that bubbles up, sometimes in a moment or sometimes building first over time, from deep, deep, DEEP inside, from where Planning and Preparing and ‘What Will Work?’ have no place, no reason for being, and are indeed not WELCOME.
Your true work – the work that will make you the most money and allow you the greatest impact – is the work from within.
It’s you, showing up, and simply being you.
Creating from that place.
Based on what FEELS right not what should be right.
When this work comes to you – in your journaling or in your dreams or while sprinting down the beach or in the middle of a yoga class – you MUST harness it and act on it.
You don’t get these visions for the fun of it! And when you’re CALLED to something there is a reason.
It’s really neither here nor there –
Whether it makes any sense –
Or fits into your carefully crafted PLANS.
Of course others may well work from plans, and well they made need to!
They are, quite simply, Marketers and Sales People, not Creators | Artists | Revolutionary Fucking Leaders with a message born to shake the world.
Who are you?
Because I can tell you that if you identify as a CREATOR, as someone whose true work EXPLODES from within rather than is carefully CRAFTED from outside, then it’s flat out RIDICULOUS to think that the solution could (ever!) be outside of you.
The only place you’ll find success, is inside.
So telling yourself that the next level SURELY has to be Planning and Prepping and Thinking rather than listening to your GUT and allowing creativity to flow, unfettered, plain and simply means you’ve chosen NOT to trust in your ability and God-given right to show up, be you, make a helluva lot of money from that and truly get to do the work you LOVE, AS A CREATOR.
Which is completely your perogative of course, but REALLY?
I mean REALLY?!
Is that who you ARE?
I don’t THINK it is, but I can tell you that proclaiming to be one thing and then showing up and being another kinda means you’re NOT the one thing.
You’re the other.
If you want to BE a creator, artist, revolutionary fucking leader whose message shakes the WORLD, then (write this down!) you’re going to have to ACT it.
I mean sure … you can create on command, do paint by numbers, get paid for work that is COMMISSIONED essentially and where you’re fulfilling the requirements of the order; either given by those who pay you and want you to dance a certain way or else given by YOU in a moment (or a lifetime) of NOT trusting your core …
And if you wanna call that being an artist, I guess that’s your right.
But you’re kidding yourself if you think that THAT is what being an artist is actually about.
You’re kidding yourself if you think you’re going to stand out and lead your revolution, by following a plan from outside of yourself.
You’re even kidding yourself if you think the Answer to Expansion is to pre-ordain the STEPS because SURELY IT WILL WORK if you just decide in advance how you’re going to GET there.
You’re KIDDING yourself if in any way the work that you’re doing is coming from anyplace that IS NOT YOUR CORE.
And UNAPOLOGETICALLY AWESOME quite simply because it’s what must be DONE.
You know this of course, already.
You KNOW when you’re tapped in.
And when you’re not.
You KNOW when you’re doing what you were born for.
And when you’re not.
You KNOW when you’re operating from flow and it’s AS IT’S MEANT TO BE.
And when you’re not.
And while I get that sometimes the fear, or the self-doubt, tells you that it’s NOT OKAY TO JUST SHOW UP AND BE YOU; IT CAN’T BE THAT SIMPLE …
I also get that that is complete BULLSHIT, and I think that if you’d stop and just LISTEN you’d know the same.
It’s really not ABOUT whether you’re where you want to be right now. You can very easily justify to yourself, if you want to, that you ‘have’ to do this or that or the other, that you need cashflow, or you need to ‘uplevel’ or you clearly need to follow a PROCESS because listening to yourself hasn’t worked yet; not as you really WANT it to!
To which I say –
Hasn’t WORKED yet?
Hasn’t WORKED yet?!
Being YOU and doing the work you were born for hasn’t WORKED yet?!
Then give the fuck UP darling, because it was never supposed to be about DOING YOU FOR A TIME.
You’re either in it for life –
Or clearly you’re not really in it at ALL.
And if you’re IN it, then you’re fucking IN it.
Whether it’s working –
And whether it’s not.
Whether you feel like it –
And whether you don’t.
Nobody SAID it was going to be easy. You wanna paint by numbers, dance for peanuts on the street, or essentially pimp yourself out for a buck? GO RIGHT AHEAD. You’ll fit in VERY nicely with the rest of the world.
But you don’t get to do that and call yourself a CREATOR who is unleashing their true WORK in the world.
I mean you can CALL yourself whatever you like.
I can CALL myself a 25-year old Swedish chick if I want to!
But nobody’s buying it.
And least of all you.
And here is the other thing:
If you just want to make MONEY, maybe there is a Plan. Maybe there is a PROCESS you can roll on out, dot all your ‘i’s’and cross all your ‘t’s’, do EVERYTHING just so (and don’t skip a step!) and you’ll be able to make money because you built a machine that WORKS.
Clearly, this works for some people. Clearly, there’s an entire fucking industry doing it in the online space! Clearly most people are NOT succeeding at this (either because they don’t DO all the steps and get ’em working … there ARE a lot of steps and it’s pretty fucking complex shit … OR because at their core they don’t WANT to make money by whoring) … but clearly if you’re here then you are NOT.
Either because you’re just not DOING it, or because you’ve experienced making some money this way and frankly the way you feel about it now is shove it up your ass.
Aka you’ve realised that money out of alignment means jack shit.
But yeah … if you just want to make MONEY then maybe there’s a simpler way.
But if you want to make money doing what you LOVE?
What you are CALLED for?
By totally just BEING YOU and creating ON YOUR TERMS totally AS you?
And actually create TRUE wealth that means something?
Then it really is VERY very simple my dear:
Remove head from ass.
Get back to being you.
And let your TRUE work flow.