
Stop Being So Afraid


Stop being so damn afraid to live life the way you want to live it, the way you know you CAN live it.

You tell yourself that ‘life is now’, that you’re ‘pressing play’, leading the way and being an inspiration for others and yourself but yet still you continue to hide your deepest desires away and to shy from many of the things you COULD be doing to really create that perfect life you want.

Oh sure, you’re happy to WRITE about and VISUALISE it.

“When my life is ideal, I will blah blah blah” YES but when will you actually do what you need to do to make that happen?

When are you going to get off your butt and get real about the fact that just because you are busy, effective, seemingly purposeful, even a success does NOT mean you are actually dancing to the tune you long to dance to.

You say you want to be known for your message but yet the version of yourself the world sees gives only glimpses into the real you and how you think about life, about yourself, about how others are living their lives and about how that impacts on their ability to live their dreams … never mind yours.

Stop being so afraid.

You say you want recognition as a writer, a speaker, an artist but yet you continue to fill most of your time dealing with email, admin, or the (truthfully) fairly fruitless pursuit of projects that allow you to kid yourself you’re moving forward on creating your dreams when really what you’re doing is running as fast as you can on a wheel that you’ll never keep up with, don’t even WANT to keep up with.

Stop being so afraid.

You say you’re in this not only to create the business of your dreams, but to live the life of your dreams, where you get to have YOUR time at the time you want, in which your workday is only so long and then it’s done, in which you spend daily quality time with your loved ones, and in which you move with passion, purpose and flow but yet no matter how often you promise yourself you’ll change you’re STILL caught up in a never-ending list of tasks and overwhelm and you’re continually ruled by all that you’ve not yet achieved rather than all that you ARE.

Stop being so afraid.

You say you want to be absolutely true to yourself, aligned, authentic, and to work from a place of pure joy but yet you continue to churn out products, ideas, communications that you think people want to hear or read or buy. Versions of yourself. Looking for validation through money, or other people, or by way of your Facebook likes or shares on a blog post or the fact that you’re ‘doing what you’re supposed to do’ in your business rather than seeking validation from the only person who matters, who ever has mattered, who ever will matter.

Stop being so afraid.

You want to be the REAL you, to FIGURE OUT the real you and to give her what she desperately needs and wants, and so you journal, and you work with coaches, and you brainstorm, and you meditate and you really spend time getting into her heart and desires, but then you return to your list and your shoulds and your musts, telling yourself you can’t start today, you can’t drop that project, you just have to finish this off, and then you’ll be ready.

Stop being so afraid!

You know deep down that the key to HAVING more is DOING LESS and prioritising WHAT YOU DO based on your values and your big dreams and goals, but somehow yet another day passes by in which the busywork and the rest of the world comes first, and you and your dreams are pushed off the end of another long day, only to be experienced in dreamland and perhaps not even then.

Stop being so afraid!

You believe in manifestation, in living the life you want to live, in having it ALL and then some … but yet you don’t do it and follow through. You don’t throw everything you have at it. You don’t put yourself in a situation where it’s do or die. And so you allow life to rule YOU rather than the other way around.

Stop being so afraid!

You say you are an action-taker and you SWEAR goddamit that nothing, nobody, no-how, no WAY will stop you. Yet here we are, the year about to end again, and you’ve been stopped, halted, you’ve stumbled and not gotten up, you’ve shirked, you’ve avoided, and you have good reasons of course! But they’re not enough, are they? And never will be.

Stop being so afraid.

You read a post like this and it fires you up, you say to yourself YES that is what I’ve been doing and WHY am I so stuck and that is IT and I’m making a change and I’m going to start NOW.

But you go back to your busy life, and it lingers in the back of your mind perhaps for the rest of the day, the day after, and then it’s gone. And in the midst of doing everything that must be done this week, of ticking off tasks and projects and laughing and having a great time you at some point realise you’re not having the RIGHT time and something is off and just not quite working, and so you pull out that journal or you call your coach, and you talk it out, you WORK it out and you’re SURE that this time it will be different, that you’re going to take action on your BIGGEST big dream and you’re going to do it now, but of course no matter how much you MEAN it –

You don’t.

Because that’s your pattern, because it’s the pattern that most people take, even the dreamers, and because really you’re no different to anybody else who feels the fear and then does NOT do it anyway, does NOT give it her all, and really, deep down, you don’t know if you CAN do it … right?


It may have BEEN your pattern but that does not mean it is now.

It may well be the pattern that most take and in fact it IS – even the ones who swear they’ll take action and that nothing can stop them – but you are different.

You WILL feel the fear and then do it anyway.

You will NOT let anything, anybody, no way, no how stand in your way, least of all yourself.

And deep down, deeper than deep where you so often don’t even go, CAN’T really go, you KNOW –

That you can.

And you will.

That you MUST.

And that you’re ready, ready to jump, to FLY toward that dream life of yours, to do whatever it is you have to do and do it no matter how tough, impossible, unclear it is, and most of all, MOST OF ALL, that you are ready –

To stop being so afraid.

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