

If there’s one thing I keep coming back to, no matter how many years pass or how many journals I fill, it’s that business is supposed to be fun, flow-based, and EASY.

Well, not just business – also life! But let’s start with biz.

The thing is, and I need to say this right from the get-go to avoid any confusion, easy doesn’t mean you don’t work your fucking ASS off to get to where you want to go.

So I guess it depends on your definition of EASY. For me when I see fun, flow-based, easy, when I think about it, write about it, claim it and also CREATE it, it means –




When I think of those things I don’t in any way think there won’t be discomfort, growth, stretch, fear and resistance to deal with, even pain to push through!

And maybe it’s because I genuinely ENJOY purposeful pain, I’ve long conditioned myself to elicit pride and self-belief and the knowledge of what I’m achieving as a result of pain, in fitness, in business, in life, but the point is –

Flow, fun, ease – those things don’t mean shit just happens to or FOR you; of course you have to get out there and make it happen!

But at the same time –

Don’t you just think that DOING so should be fun … feel like you KNOW you’re in flow … basically be so God damned right that even when it hurts and even when it makes you want to tear your hair out and scream, if anybody were to ask you how it is you make so much money and do such great work in the world your overriding feeling would be that it’s because you finally got out of your own way and you let it be EASY.

And here is what it means, to let it be easy, to let it be fun, to let things FLOW as they really should and always were MEANT to.

It means you finally give in to doing what you KNOW you’re meant to be doing.

It means you let GO of the stuff that is dragging you down, the stuff you’re telling yourself you SHOULD do, SHOULD make work, you’ve invested all this time and effort into it so you SHOULD JUST POWER ON even though you kinda hate it and it’s WRONG!

It means you develop a fuck this shit attitude to anything that doesn’t feel amazing, not because you don’t give a fuck but because you finally give ENOUGH of a fuck about the things that matter to fuck OFF everything else, and be true.

It means you go where your heart takes you, you follow your gut, you do crazy shit that makes no sense or even seems reckless, foolish, like sabotage, because you KNOW. And because you finally know that when you KNOW it means you shut up and LISTEN.

It means you say what you really think. Shout it from the rooftops. All of it! Over and over. No matter what. Every day. No matter what!

It means you stop SELLING stuff for a buck, or because you can, or because you did before, or for ANY other reason than that it’s EXACTLY WHAT YOU KNOW YOU MUST CREATE AND SELL.

It means you get PAID the best because you ARE the best at doing what you were BORN to do and know you MUST do and you’re finally LETTING yourself do it which means you can also take complete OWNERSHIP over how awesome you are at it and all of a sudden even SELLING feels fun, flow-based, easy.

It means that all you really WANT to be doing each day, is your work. You live and breathe for it. It’s your favourite way to pass the time, and more than that – it’s just what you’re repeatedly drawn back to, like a moth to a flame.

It means that even on the days where you bleed, you sweat, you want to curl up into a ball and cry, you feel like you might just DIE with the pressure and never-endingness of it all, that if I were to turn to you and ask you –

“What’s it like, being an entrepreneur, how does it feel, doing what you do?”

You’d answer without thinking:

“It’s so fun! And so easy! I love it; it feels amazing!”

And you’d mean it, too. Because the thing which THEY don’t get, those who say you can’t make money doing what you love or that it can’t be easy or fun is that there is that true FUN, true joy, true ease means achieving or being caught up in something that’s worth it. Something that lifts and exhilarates you. Something that brings you to LIFE. And that when you find those things, the things that take you to a higher place?

You’ll not only be OKAY with leaping any hurdle you need to in order to get there –

You’ll actively THRIVE on it.

It’s time to stop assuming that success should feel HARD, ENDLESS, like you’re giving things UP. Those HEAVY feelings, that’s not because hey – you gotta do the work! That’s because HEY: you’re doing the WRONG FUCKING WORK.

You’ll know it’s right when it feels right, plain and simple. When it doesn’t matter how much PUSH you need to do daily, because there’s truly nothing else that would feel more natural, and besides – you kind of just AUTOMATICALLY find yourself doing it.

But there’s just one more thing I need to say here, and listen up:


Quit pushing shit up a hill the peak of which you don’t even really want to hang out on!

And ask yourself:

What would be FUN to create right now?

What would I be selling today if I were totally in alignment, if it weren’t about MONEY fear and I were just being true?

What would I SAY today if I decided to GTF over myself and not worry about what people think?

What would I be giving my LIFE for if I were in flow, following my GUT, following my heart?

Don’t imagine for a second that doing what you’re meant to do and making money as you won’t hurt like a motherfucker, and that you won’t have to give your EVERYTHING for it.

But at the same time –

Stop fucking kidding yourself. If the work you’re doing doesn’t feel like the BEST AND MOST RIGHT THING EVER, no matter how hard it also is at times?

Then it’s not the right work.

It’s SUPPOSED to feel fun.


And easy.

And the best thing of all is?


Go do that.