If there’s one thing I’m sure about in business it’s that the more I let go and just let it flow the more things work.
In the short-term following flow can feel messy … random … scary, as there’s no strategy to it, no rhyme, no reason, and this makes it seem purposeless, as though you’re wasting time or just living with your head in the clouds.
The truth is that I spend more time than most people I know with my head in the clouds. Why wouldn’t I, when it’s where my dreams are born? I reach high, I vision big, and then eventually, yes, I do float back down and actually get some shit done.
But the shit that actually gets done that also WORKS? It came as a result of the time spent letting my soul wander … my mind soften … my dreams expand WITHIN me.
It came from letting flow, flow.
It came from letting alignment, BE.
It came, quite simply, from giving myself time and space and permission to tune in –
Listen in –
And act FROM within.
But so often, I forget all of this, and I fuck it up.
I get caught up, distracted, worried. I try and design a strategy for success and then tell myself THIS is what I need to do to go to the next level, THESE are the kind of things I should write or say or create, THIS is just the way it has to BE.
And I move out of being –
And into doing.
When I’m in doing, I’m not in flow. When I’m being, I can also be doing, but I FLOW.
IT flows.
It makes no fucking sense most of the time though, it IS completely random, and there’s no clear knowledge of where on earth it’s all going to lead, so the only way to ALLOW it to work is to trust.
Which is damn hard a lot of the time, hence the oft-repeated return to strategy and Trying to Make Things Work. Until you realise that despite all the pushing it’s not fucking working and you need to let go, and once more let it flow 🙂
We really are pretty fucked up with how long it takes us to learn our lessons, aren’t we?! I know I am anyway.
Here is what I’ve learned, here is what helps ME get back to flow, back to soul, where I can stay in alignment and KNOW that I’m creating the business and life I truly want.
1. Showing Up Should Be Free of Trying
The showing up should be without ego or trying, and come just from alignment and flow. Strategy doesn’t mix with message … you can’t THINK your message out, you have to feel it out. And message is why people will follow you, so the only way to build that following is to be real, be authentic, be you no matter how messy or fucked up or random that might look.
2. You DO Need Strategy Though: Here’s How and Where
For a long while I thought that, because I so firmly believed in flow and just letting my message come from within, that strategy was a BAD thing. I noticed that everytime I focused on strategy it got me OUT of alignment, OUT of flow and ultimately out of results! So I became scared of strategy. But here’s what I’ve realised:
Strategy and systems all you to show up and BE in flow every day, and for it to have the impact you desire.
So set up your strategy and systems, and then LET THEM WORK FOR YOU. For me I have an entire team of people who help me do this, I am NOT a strategist when it comes to my own life (can’t see wood for the trees and all that) and I have given up trying to operate in other people’s zone of genius instead of my own! So my mentor helps me design my strategy, and my team roll it out. And then I can just show up and do my thing. THIS WORKS.
3. What Would You Do if You Fully Trusted?
It’s critical to ask yourself questions (I love journaling for this) to daily get yourself back into alignment and flow. Otherwise you’re pretty much just going to be responsively reacting to whatever the fuck is going on in the day, and it will tend to be fear and should based.
Ask yourself what you’d do if you fully trusted … if you were limitless … if it just felt AMAZING … and so on. And then hire / bribe / find / beg the people necessary to create the strategy and systems so you can do that. I recommend the find and hire approach 🙂
4. Stop Thinking
The more you think and try to force ‘what will work’, the more you move out of flow and away from your true message. When you’re having your strategy meetings with your team or mentor you can think. When you’re showing up – SHOW THE FUCK UP. From within.
5. It Has to Come From the Soul
Everything that flows and works comes, at its core, from the soul. It’s born within you. Strategy might be applied from outside of you to bring it to life, but you don’t HEAD think your way to incredible creative genius.
That shit comes from the deep messy dark realms within.
6. You Can CHOOSE How You Want it to Feel
For the areas that feel stuck, scary, anxiety-inducing … sometimes you really don’t need to try and analyse why. You’ve already done that, a thousand times. Instead, ask yourself – “What do I want to feel in this area?”. Write out your answers until you’re completely done. And then set the intention:
“I now choose to feel this way in this area”, or ask yourself the question “How is it I was able to feel this way?”
You’ll need to repeat this exercise daily until your thoughts and emotions around it shift, and they WILL SHIFT. When you do, so will your outcomes.
7. You Get to Choose What to Believe
This is the biggest thing. The BIGGEST, because if you can’t believe in what it is you’re trying to create, and how you want to create it, you simply won’t.
You get to choose whether to believe it can be easy or it has to suck ass.
You get to choose to believe whether you can create a business from flow and doing your soul’s work or whether to believe it has to be by doing head-based stuff that doesn’t make your soul sing.
You get to choose to believe whether you can succeed as the fucked up (awesome, but fucked up!) person you are or whether you have to first elevate to perfect guru status.
You get to choose to believe whether you can do it on your terms or if you have to follow the rules of the Gods of the Internet.
You get to choose to believe whether you can start now or whether you don’t have what it takes.
And on.
And on.
It’s not easy, committing to flow.
Committing to soul.
Committing to doing business and life and you from alignment.
It might be the hardest thing in the world, I don’t know.
But it sure isn’t as hard, I think, as waking up day after day and living the wrong life.
Your life gorgeous.
Your choice.
You HAVE what it takes and you HAVE choice.
Just fucking use it, yeah?