

If you’re trying to flip into superflow, desperately waiting and hoping to get to that place where things just WORK, creativity and magic are yours and the WHOLE world seems to be helping you out, the VERY first thing you need to do is be honest with yourself about what’s not working.

I don’t mean making a list of all the stuff you wish was different! Well, you can, for sure. But no, what I’m talking about is being honest around the stuff you’re PRETENDING is a fit when actually – 


It’s not.

Look, I know what it’s like to not want to let go of something because of the time you’ve already invested … the effort and emotion and attachment which has built up around it … the stubborn refusal to admit that what you thought was SO aligned, and would DEFINITELY get you to where you want to go just … isn’t.

It’s easier to pretend, or at least it can seem that way on the surface of it. It’s easier to keep insisting that you ‘just have to tweak it’, ‘just give it a few more days, or weeks’, ‘it’s only not flowing because of this other thing over here, and that’s the ACTUAL problem!’

When really what’s going on is that you’re scared to let go, scared to be back in the void not having an answer or a solution even if it’s the wrong one! Scared perhaps to deal with the fallout, of walking away from something not aligned. Or just that you’re scared your INSTINCTS are wrong, and that maybe this IS the thing and the problem is just YOU!

Am I talking about business, about money, about life, who knows?! Could be relationships, love, heck, maybe it’s whether or not you should hire that mentor, book that trip, buy that car!

It’s everything.
And nothing.
It’s THE thing which has already come to mind for you.

Where you know – 


Wanna know how you can know for sure when something is not THE thing you’re mean to pursue? It don’t matter if it’s your offers or your lover we’re talking about here, regardless, the body response and CERTAINTY is the same!

Either you feel expanded, excited, lit up and LIGHT when you think about this thing – 


Well – 

You don’t!

And speaking of the idea that maybe your instincts are wrong and you can’t trust them … yeah … nah! That’s not a thing.

The PROBLEM is not you. The problem is also not you just didn’t fight through enough, keep pushing enough, or that some kind of external circumstance is tryna mess with you.

The thing with success is, and accessing flow no SUPERFLOW, sometimes yes it IS a matter of staying the course. Sometimes it IS just keep on keeping on, be patient, release release release, and so on! 

Of course.

But even when that’s the case, you DO KNOW.

You know.
The whole time.
What’s a hell yes.
And what you’re trying so.damn.hard to convince yourself and the world is one.

You can continue to mask over, cover up, distract, avoid, pretend – !

But you still know.

And if you would JUST rip the damn bandaid and admit this to yourself, I can promise you that even though yes you WILL end up back in the void OH so unsure perhaps, and with nothing to know or do or act on, you will FINALLY feel what you’re meant to be feeling.

Proud of yourself for backing yourself.

SURE that you’ve done what you need to do.

And CONFIDENT that because you’re now being honest with yourself and standing in INTEGRITY that ONLY good things can now flow.

It’s a horrible feeling, living day after day after day knowing you are giving your LIFE for stuff that is contracting you, dragging you down, causing you to sink and shrink energetically, physically, in all ways. It literally MAKES YOU LOOK AND FEEL OLDER, too! THAT is some scary shit!

But, it’s also all a choice.

If you continue to lie to yourself, telling yourself that just because you embarked upon a thing in your business or life that you should have to keep going with it, when deep down you damn straight KNOW that this is not what it’s meant to feel like, and you KNOW there is a different way, an expansive way, a way ON YOUR TERMS – 

Then just don’t be surprised when you continue to find day after day so relentless, so exhausting, so never-ending, all the while feeling continually alarmed at how damn fast your LIFE is going and you’re still not where you wanted to be.

The thing with being where you want to be – 

Is it’s been inside of you – 

The whole time – 

It’s there right now – 

It is FULLY available do you – 

But if you want it, then like anything you ARE gonna need to take it, and part of that?

Means drop the damn shit that’s filling the space where flow lives.

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