Success/Success Mindset


The only way you can ever find the fulfilment which you seek and long for, and finally quell the deep yearning of your soul, is to finally find and say yes to the work which you would give your life for.

When WE say work of course, we mean art. The art which is equivalent to the beat of our heart. The work which MUST be done, which is a living and breathing being inside of us, the work which, if we don’t allow it to live, will slowly –

Oh so slowly

And oh so softly

And OH so surely

Kill us

Destroying, through its NON unleashment, everything in its path, and every thing in our lives which is not it, and which we have chosen to put ahead of it, everything which we have instead chosen to give our lives for when the only thing –

The ONLY thing –

That we were ever meant to live for, breathe for, pulse for, exist for, DIE for –

Was it, the work, the art, the thing which MUST flow through and from us, and which, if we do not allow it too, will ravage and RUIN us, toxicify and poison us, from being forced to waste away within us.

Don’t you realise by now?

There is nothing else that can matter in your life, without giving your life for this work.

You can go to the ends of the earth –

Climb the highest heights –

Break bread with the most magical seers and healers –

Consult and be given prophecy by those with gifts which cannot even be explained by words –

But until you realise that YOU TOO ARE ONE OF THOSE WITH SUCH BREATH-TAKING GIFTS, with such powerful art, with such an ability to SEE, and KNOW, and CREATE, reality, and until you turn away from everything which is TAKING you away from being all that you always were –

You’ll learn nothing which can help you.

And you will repeatedly fail, no matter how great your efforts, to save yourself from yourself, or indeed to ever really feel –


You may well achieve riches!
And critical acclaim!
And tick off many things of great import and impressiveness!
And you may work your ever-lovin’ ASS off to reach a standard of excellence across all areas of your life, running from task to task in the community, your family, your fitness, your business, your relationships, your life.

See me drop one hat and embrace the next! Watch how much I can do! Marvel at the way I twirl, and whirl, and busy myself, playing life exactly the way they told us we must.

A winner, a wonder woman, to be sure!

It doesn’t matter.

None of it will matter.

And you’ll continue to go to bed each night, your achievements lining up impressively and eventually adorning every space in your life, and yet feeling –

So lost.
So empty.
So purposeless.
And so scared, that you’re wasting the whole damn thing, that your very lifeforce is dripping away, day by day, and soon there may be none left and you will NEVER –

Have done what you were meant to do.

Slowly slowly
Softly softly
Surely surely

Drip drip.
Says your soul.

There’s only one thing for it, and it’s the same thing it’s always been –

You are GOING to need to give in to being all of you.

This means:

You need to finally ALLOW yourself to be fully seen.
Fully heard.
Stripped naked.
And bare.
Laid open,
for the taking, and also, yes –

In the end … it doesn’t very much matter what the world makes of the real you.

It’s the voice of the devil within, seducing you and lying to you, telling you that fear of rejection is more terrifying than fear of never even living, never even trying, of having to day after day after fucking DAY look in the mirror and acknowledge that once again you didn’t fucking DO it.

Which is to say –

You didn’t fucking BE it.

He’s lying.

He was ALWAYS lying.

The only thing that EVER mattered or could, is what YOU make of you.

And as you run run run to create an oh-so-successful life which is a SHADOW life, a photocopied version of the one which exists in your soul, and you as the shadow artist, messenger, healer, leader, oh yes –

teaching things and creating things and inspiring with things, but never actually baring your TRUTH, not fully –

and maybe not at all –

you will CONTINUE to feel oppressed

filled up with all the busyness and all the noise

and yet oh so empty

gorging yourself on distraction, on the things you are good at, and can do, and feel perhaps you should, or consider that you need to, for money, for fame, for following, for likes

so so filled up

and yet so so very empty


and sad

And if you’re still not sure –

the test of all of this is, as is true with all true things, very simple.

Consider, for a moment, the things which you are right now giving your life for.

The things which, in business and at play, you say yes to, make time for, and space for, and give, of your resources both inner and out.

And then consider –

Would you make a vow for these things?

Would you stand before the world, and say yes –

This is what my life is to be about.

I will GIVE my life for this, I will give my all for this, for the rest of my days, and until my dying breath.

And if you wouldn’t make that vow, then, quite simply, this –

What in the actual fuck do you think you’re doing here?

This is not a dress rehearsal.

Wake up.

It’s time to become what you always were.

It’s been available the whole time,

and yet you continue to not choose it.

If don’t change now, if you didn’t already make the change in the last few seconds –

You very likely never will.

And you will die,

for something you never even considered worth living for.



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