When you are at your most magnetic, attractive, vibrant, switched on like the brightest fucking light and they can’t NOT see you, you enter into a sort of magic bubble universe where the rules don’t apply –
You can do what you want –
None of what you supposedly SHOULD –
And not only do you manage to ‘get away with it’, but, more than that, you’re so damn far ahead of everyone that you can barely even see ’em for dust.
Everyone? Well, fuck everyone. Really we’re talking about you against YOU, what else is there, and in actual fact even that is not quite right, because that would imply multiple versions of you are showing up at once, and really, here is the truth:
You’re either being some sort of version of the fear-led you, the boxed in you, the you who seeks the ‘how’ and has to know it, God damn it, who can’t even EVEN with the idea of not having every damn ‘i’ dotted in advance and every single ‘t’ nice and neatly crossed, or –
You’re flying high on your own superflow supply, high and blind and self-producing DMT like it’s going out of fashion, just by virtue of the fact that who you are choosing to BE –
Is the you who trusts
The you who let go
The you who let FLOW
And who surrendered, but fully, the idea that there is anything she needs to KNOW.
Ugh, surrender, again, really, and TRUST? SO boring Kat! Time for another tune! So ANNOYING! ‘What would trust do, what would soul say, what would surrender and alignment only to the NOW look like right now?’, seriously! Enough already! I WANT HUSTLE, I WANT PUSH, I WANT A MOTHERFUCKING PLAN TO FOLLOW, I JUST WANNA KNOW EXACTLY WHAT TO DO AND EXACTLY HOW TO DO IT, AD INFINITUM, FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE, SO I CAN MAKE MY 100K+++ MONTHS AND … AND … AND ..
Well, exactly?
And WHAT is it exactly you wanna do with your nice little neat little ‘I already mapped out all actions and all results and my entire existence is now pre-programmed’ life?
Enjoy the fruits of your dot-joining?
Cocktails and laptops on the beach?
Whatever, who cares, it’s not the point.
Of course you can have all that, have it all, do and BE it all, live the luxe life if that’s what’s calling you, and damn STRAIGHT you can wake up every day and see you got paid but girl, truly –
It’s not going to be because you turned your back on trust, on surrender, and on releasing the how.
Because you decided that using your greatest powers and abilities (intuition and connectedness to God, soul, self) is too wishy-washy.
And because you decided that strength and power would have you DO more, WORK more, MAKE it work.
It’s astonishing to me, actually, that people are so unwilling to let go and surrender, have faith and trust.
To allow yourself to co-create with life itself …
To relinquish the idea that it is YOU who has to come up with all the answers, and then do all the damn work too!
Maybe there is ego in that, I don’t know, perhaps you WANT to feel like you did it all yourself, no thank you God, no thank you life, no thank you Higher Self, I’m good over here just buildin’ my little Lego tower of life I don’t WANT help I don’t TRUST your help your help is SCARY.
But –
What a way to live.
What a painful painful painful and tiring way to live.
The long and short of it though, is this –
Plain and simple, it’s not how we were created.
So when you say no to God, to soul, to Higher Self, to flow –
You say no to life itself.
You can TRY to decide that you are gonna exist outside of the framework of how actual reality works –
And you can certainly eek out your days like that, if you so decide.
But there’s no getting around the fact that there IS a price that’s gonna be paid for that.
Contraction and utter soul fulfilment just don’t go together; that’s not a thing.
You cannot simultaneously be holding on, holding up, and also being HELD, being FILLED up, and receive receive receiving, into every cell of your body.
I get that it feels so hard, in the short-term, to flick the switch and do life this way.
But are you really going to keep creating your entire life based on what your fear-programmed emotions are not prepared to handle today?
The way to have it all is simple:
Imagine who you’d be if you did.
Imagine that by ‘have it all’ you did not just mean the material shiz-niz but also EVERY element of the inner state of the highest most being-ness of you.
And then imagine that you didn’t have to wait for any of that.
What fear won’t tell you:
You don’t.
[…] feel like it. Or feel ready. To continually look all around trying to figure out if there’s something you missed. Or should do more like the others. Or not at […]