Success/Success Mindset


What is the vision which is already available NOW, and which you already get to have and be?

Hint: it’s all of it, all of it, all of it, everything you see and feel inside of you and which you’ve been telling yourself is still OH so far away, everything you’ll get to when you’ve next leveled yourself,

made the right connections,

learned the right things,

organised your current chaos and mess and planned it all into something proper,

finally got your sales system sorted,

your body to where you want it,

and on top of the busy work of today so that you can finally do the ‘real’ work of tomorrow,

all of this and everything, everything, EVERYTHING else which comes to mind when you think of who it is you need to BE,

what it is you need to DO, or HAVE,

so that then you can finally FINALLY live the life you dream about.

It’s all of it.

100-fucking-percent of it,

a MYTH, a lie, a made-up story in your head, a way in which you let fear, resistance, or simply just INCORRECT PROGRAMMING ABOUT SUCCESS, stop you from already being where you could be,

and place separation between you, and the destiny you THINK you’re fighting oh so valiantly to one day get to have.

The myth of separation, have you thought about this?

Has it ever actually occurred to you that there is literally NO valid reason for you to not already be there now, do and have and claim all of it?

Or are you content to keep on keeping on on a hamster wheel of life in which you’re not there yet because <<<< INSERT ALL REASONS WHY I AM NOT ALLOWED TO OR NOT READY TO BE THERE YET >>>>

Which is it baby, because it can’t be both? And here is what else:

You want to go with separation as a belief system –

“I’ll be able to get there / go there / become that / etc, WHEN I first – “

– then that’ll be the song you sing til the day you die.

There will always be something else you have to do,

before you’re allowed to be.

And another layer of BEING you’ve agreed to,

before you can be free.

So no. You can’t choose both paradigms.

You can choose the paradigm of separation, and “I’ll get there when – “


K, pls insert your own name not mine.

But you get the idea.

There’s no in between, so which is it?

Are you brave enough to choose the latter? Are you willing? Can you just DECIDE?


Yes, and yes, and yes.


You probably won’t, and won’t, and won’t.

Because it’s hard, out of reach, scary? Bullshit!

Because you plain and simple aren’t willing to grant yourself the everything you’ve for so long had up on a pedestal and told yourself would one day be yours.

Because, deep down, where you don’t really want to look and you certainly don’t want to admit, there is a place where your dream life already exists in FULL, and to go claim it right now, just like that, poof –

would mean having to acknowledge that it was actually already there and the only reason you never had it was YOU JUST DIDN’T DECIDE.

Meanwhile, you’ve worked your ass off to build the identity of the you who is NOT yet there, who DOESN’T yet have, who is MARRIED to the struggle, and, well, if you dropped all of THAT –

Who would you even be and how would you even know how to live?!

And so your unconscious mind, without you even thinking about it, says –

“No no no, can’t have that.

Let’s just keep things as they are now, all nice and neat and NOT there and where we KNOW WHO WE ARE AND WHAT ARE THE RULES OF PLAY”.

But darling,

don’t you see?

If you just changed the fucking rules of play today, the whole entire world would shapeshift around you and respond to YOU.

The new you.

The real you?

Yeah, well, here’s what’s up about that:

You keep no saying that the real you is ‘x’.

But you’ve been singing the song of ‘y’ for so long now, that it’s kind of hard to believe.

And one day, unless you change things THIS day, you’re going to fall for ‘y’.

All because you never decided to just stand for ‘x’.

And that’s all there is to say about that.

Peace out.



And good fucking luck.

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