Success/Success Mindset

10 Ways to Raise Your Vibration and Allow Yourself to Receive

Don’t you just find it so fascinating, when you look back at a previous version of yourself, to see how valiantly from outside of yourself you struggled to reach your goals when the only battle you ever needed to face was the one within?

I look back and smile at how I thought making money was about working harder! Hustling more! MAKING it happen! When really what it was about was allowing it to flow. Believing it could. Trusting that it could also happen for ME.

I look back and shake my head at the me who wanted to be in great shape after giving birth and so followed a plan! Did it all! Worked her BUTT off! And got nowhere at all really, fast, until she decided to let go mentally and just make it … flow. And be automatic.

I look into my past and see this woman who has spent a lot of time pushing, a lot of time following strategies or rules, a lot of time anxiously worrying about doing the wrong thing, or missing something; failing to get somewhere because of one fatal error or poor implementation when really what it was always about, all it can ever be about?

Was that everything you receive or achieve is a direct reflection of everything you believe.

Have you ever noticed that in your own life? Stop and think about it now, just for a moment. Have a look around. Look back. Look at the STRUGGLES and then consider when it was and why it was that things changed for you. In the areas where success, happiness, joy and flow is now easy, what was it that allowed this to happen?

Was it because you finally found the right system; the rulebook you’d overlooked all along?!

Or was it because you got out of your own way – internally – and allowed it to become automatic?

I know for me it is ALWAYS the latter, and on the odd occasion where I do manage to FORCE succes via a process, it is false success and it doesn’t last nor sustain.

When I believed I was fit, healthy, lean and hot I became so.

When I believed that of course money could flow easily and effortlessly, in ever greater amounts, through being in pure aligned service, and for the greater good of myself and of others it DID so.

When I believed I could find true love and a deep connection with someone who stimulated and excited me in all areas, and we could also have fun and adventure and ALL the good things together, I started to see that come true within DAYS.

There are so many things we can talk about, when we talk about success, or having it all, or living your dreams, and what it really takes. There’s certainly no one true pathway, no guarantee that if you follow a system of ANY kind (yes even this one!) that you’ll get anywhere in particular.

But I do guarantee this:

You’ll never create what you don’t believe and expect and ALLOW yourself to receive.

Here are 10 ways I’ve learned you can raise your vibration and allow yourself to receive.

To receive what, you ask?


1. Recognise Your Current Normal

What feels normal for you right now, when you consider how you allow yourself to receive? Let’s take money as an obvious example. Is it normal for it to be tight, compressed, scarce, scary and for you to feel as though you don’t understand it; can’t dance with it? Or is it normal for money to just (of course!) flow to you in ever greater amounts, from a place of alignment and by you serving your higher purpose on this earth?

Remember: whatever FEELS normal will BE normal. If you want to change your normal you need to first face it in its current state.

2. Choose Your Own Adventure

Here’s where it gets very quickly very cool. You CAN choose a new normal. In each area of your life you can make a decision – right now – to uplevel your normal.

Want HOT love and connection? Choose that this will be your new normal. Define it. Be specific. Have fun with it! Set it as an intention, nod your head firmly, make it just … a done deal. And then go out there and expect it to happen! When you can honestly expect it? You’ll get it.

3. De-mystify the Fantasy

Your dreams are a big huge fucking scary magical deal.

But also, they’re just a choice. And it’s NOT that big of a deal. Either you’ll choose to hold beliefs (and therefore take actions) that will get you to these dreams … or you won’t.

Up to you.

Either way.

4. Ask “Who Will I Be When?”

This is one of my very favourite exercises. When I finally moved past the fear-based mentality of TRYING so hard to lose my post-baby weight and did just lose it (fast) it happened because I started asking myself who I would be when I got ‘there’. When I was a fit, healthy, hot, happy Mum, how would I walk … talk … think … act … breathe? And then I just acted accordingly.

I used the exact same process when I finally let go of scarcity and fear around money and allowed in true abundance, and the practical results were that I went from near bankruptcy to making over 100k a month within 10 months. THIS IS NOT SOME WOO WOO HIPPY SHIT OKAY?

Your REALITY will ALWAYS reflect your mentality!

So ask yourself … “Who WILL I be, when I’m there?” And then, you know – just be that person (internally!) now.

5. Seek Evidence

You are not an island. You do not HAVE to try and BE some kind of isolated superhero who figures all their own shit out and then returns to the real world as an Evolved and Perfect Person.

Look around. CONNECT. Find people who are doing what you desire to do, who are living as you’d like to live, who are RECEIVING in the way you dream of receiving. Hire them as mentors or coaches, join with them in groups, go to events and getaways with them. Make friends. Give. Start to see that the things you previously thought of as impossible or just too big and scary truly are possible, and normal, for so many people.

Which makes it also so for you.

6. Practice Daily

Your default will be to return to your default. Obviously. Yet it’s amazing how easily we fail to recognise this! For as long as I was haphazard or half-hearted with doing my internal work (daily journaling as well as everything on this list; especially #’s 4 and 5) my results were haphazard as well. I’d occasionally receive feedback that this whole ‘create your own reality’ things was KINDA working for me … and then I’d return to the normal struggle.

This happened pure and simply because my THOUGHTS repeatedly returned to normal!

So, you must practice daily. All day. Every day. Whenever and however you can. Apply every point on this list. Write out what you wish to create daily. Check in regularly as you go – ‘does this feel good? Is it expansive? Is it aligned? Does this choice or reaction reflect the normal I’m now actively creating?’.

And so on.

Success is a daily practice, and it will never end; so make it a part of who you ARE. What you live and breathe, you WILL receive.

7. Release as You Go

As you shift your vibration and allow greater things to flow to you, you’ll become aware of things … people … situations … which once seemed perfectly acceptable and now seem distasteful, out of place, odd, or plainly NOT okay.

Release these things as you go. Don’t make a big deal of it. Address whatever needs to be addressed, but also realise: it’s never as scary as you think it might be. And you can’t take your old normal with you to your new normal, so, you know … get over it and just let go. Let it go and let it flow!

8. Shift Gradually, But Persistently

It’s not about trying to change the whole world at once. Not even your whole world! I used to think that if I wanted dramatic change in a particular area I should make a plan! Give it lots of steps! Map out all the steps! FOLLOW all the steps and then success would HAVE to flow! Um … I was wrong. BIG time.

Success happens because of who you are, not what you do. And yes, change can be dramatic, and swift. But when those ‘overnight results’ happen it’s pretty much ALWAYS the outcome of a gradual and well drawn out process of internal change.

This makes the whole thing easy, if you think about it. You don’t have to DO IT ALL NOW. All you have to do today is ask yourself how you can improve by 1% in each area. Just a small nudge. A small choice closer to alignment. Another release. Another level of expecting the best, and allowing success.

9. Give to Give

It’s natural to feel, if your belief is that success is limited or hard to come by, that you must hold on tightly.

Hold on to your money and don’t share it around, because you might run out!
Hold on to your time, because it’s precious and why the hell should you give it to others!
Hold on to your love, because what if you give and don’t receive in return?! You don’t want to be rejected!
Hold on to your true message and gifts, because nobody wants to hear it and besides, you don’t want to just give it all away for free!

Can I tell you?

When I stopped holding on so tightly … when I stopped worrying about giving in order to therefore ‘have to’ receive in return … when I started to give freely for the joy of it and to actively CHOOSE to believe in abundance and limitless flow …

It came to me. A fucking TIDAL WAVE of it.

But you have to give to give. Give without attachment. Without expectation. Without making a mark in your mental notebook to say that ‘aha, now the Universe / God / this person owes me something!’

Give because you have it within you to give.

10. Assume Gratefully

It’s okay to assume that good things will happen to you, and for you.

It’s okay to expect the best.

It’s okay to see yourself as (of course!) being someone who lives, breathes, walks, loves, eats, travels, receives in a certain way and to a certain standard.

Whatever feels normal, expected, a ‘done deal’ will be so.

So assume the best. Take success for granted! Make it automatic in your mind. Do so quietly, without ego or arrogance, but absolutely insistently. It’s just … how it is, you know? Why would it be any different?! Would you expect the sky to be red when you wake up in the morning? No, so why would you expect the things you’ve asked for to not be there in your life either? You wouldn’t! Of course they will be there! That’s just how it is.

Success is a battle which few will survive. You do have to bleed for your dreams, bleed to share your true gifts with the world, bleed to reveal the real you, and it’s scary and painful to open yourself up to all that the world has to offer you.

But it’s also fucking amazing, your birthright, and in the end it’s just a choice. And most of all, it’s a choice that starts from within. The battle is not one that goes on outside of yourself. It’s not a battle of what you need to do. It’s a choice of who you need to be, and the only real STRUGGLE here is the struggle against believing that everything you dream of?

You can achieve.

So go out there.

Choose your new normal.

And decide that from here on forward?

It’s going to fucking happen.

Not because of what you do.

But because, always, of who you are.

And if who you are right now can’t create that, won’t, not now, not ever? Then just shift to the new you. It really can be that easy.
