It’s all very well to say you’ve always known you were born for more, to have it all, on your terms, and make a HELLUVA difference and a ton of money just by being you, but if you’re not actively DOING it then how do you really know you’re not just full of shit?
Answer: you don’t. Which is to say you kinda ARE. So stop kidding yourself and step up to the place you SAY you’re supposed to be playing at.
It’s POINTLESS to let yourself get triggered or envious of those who are doing what YOU dream of doing, who are going all in, who’ve already done the work and are further along there journey.
It’s EQUALLY pointless to beat up on yourself for what you’ve SO FAR not done or followed through with, but here is what you can and must do, if you’re serious:
Commit now to acting like someone who knows they were born to win.
Not THINKING about acting like someone who knows it, you understand. There’s a pretty fucking big difference there! But yet most wannabe leaders, creators, artists, revolutionaries REMAIN wannabe because they seem to think there’s a direct connection between THINKING about doing the work and ACTUALLY doing the work!
Word to the wise and hands down THE most important thing you’ll read today, this week, maybe even this year! →
Only doing the work counts as doing the work.
Here are 12 things you’d be doing NOW if you actually believed you were born to win, and were acting on it:
1. Naming It, and You
About 4 years ago, when I was transitioning from successful online ‘fitness guru’ to branding as me within the female entrepreneur world, I made a conscious decision to be one of the key leaders in that world. Nobody really knew who I was, but I decided I was going to be a name on everybody’s lips and I started interacting FROM THAT PLACE, and essentially ‘naming’ myself as a leader.
Within months — mere MONTHS — I was well known, and my online fame within the female entrepreneur world has only grown since. Yes I did the work but this STARTED with me deciding to BE a leader in that world, naming myself internally as such, and then acting accordingly.
Action: who and what do you want to be? Are you naming yourself as that? Are you ACTING from it?
2. Daily Messaging, Daily Creation, Daily Showing the Fuck Up!
If you want to build a powerful personal brand and get famous for being you, make money doing what you love and HAVE IT ALL, then a HUGE part of that is going to be sharing the message you were born to share. Aka doing your true work in the world.
Think about it: how do you expect to BRAND YOU if people aren’t seeing you, hearing from you, connecting with you?!
Action: I don’t care where you’re at or how much you think you still need to sort out, etc etc, the CORE OF YOUR BUSINESS IS YOUR MESSAGING AND SHOWING UP AS YOU. So get to writing, speaking, streaming, etc AS THOUGH YOU WERE ALREADY THERE!
Did I mention daily??!
3. Unapologetically You
By the way:
If you wanna brand YOU, and actually stand out and have no competition also NO fucks given about what your niche is (because it’s YOU baby!) then you will need to be UNAPOLOGETICALLY YOU.
The MOST successful and interesting leaders are fully who they are no matter how shocking or inappropriate or random or WHATEVER it may be.
Action: just be who you are. If you have to think about how to do that, you’re doing it wrong. Seriously — no difference between how you show up in business or in life.
4. Automated Tribe Growth
Okay this one and the next few are kind of LESS exciting on the surface and they are DEFINITELY the things that creators resist, but if you sort these out it means YOU GET TO SHOW UP EACH DAY AND JUST BE YOU!!
Which is kind of what it’s all about, right?? AND doing these things will allow you to reach more people and make more money!
Action: automate your tribe growth today. How? How the fuck should I know what’s best for you, but I’d assume some kind of optin into automated email sequence!! Also simple ‘extras’ like having your optin or website url at the end of most of your posts and shares, or a weekly reminder to ask people to share. That sort of thing. I’m sure you can come up with at least one way DAILY to grow your tribe!
5. Automated Message Sharing
No point creating all this great content if the world isn’t seeing it!
Here are some of things I have my team do each week to share my message wide and far. Before I had a team I did this shit myself (for several years) so NO EXCUSES:
– Spread my videos across all available video platforms; re post them
— Repost my daily blog or appropriate short link to across up to 40 social media platforms
— Pitch my blogs / writing to at least 3 publications for guest posting
— Pitch ME and my message all over the fucking place for interviews, speaking gigs, telesummits and the like
— Re-share my posts across my own FB groups and pages
— Post content I did live or elsewhere online onto my own website
Action: do one thing daily to share your message beyond where it is already going. Ideally, get a VA to do more than one a day.
6. Automated Sales Processes
Enough is enough: if you want income growth to be automated then your SALES processes need to be automated. The only reason NOT to do this would be if you actively want to do your cart opens or launches at set periods of time through the year, and gear everything up to that point. But if you’re ‘in it’ to brand you then this is likely not the approach you’re going to take, because what YOU really want is not to kill at internet marketing, but instead to make money for being you, day in and day out by just showing up and BEING you, which means that the MONEY side of it needs to be somewhat automated.
Action: automate some sales shiz today! Set up some emails directing people into an evergreen offer or ongoing product line purchase, or even just to reach out to you about 1:1 work if that’s something you offer.
7. Saying No
Get used to saying no. Winners don’t bow down and say yes to everything that’s requested or even EXPECTED of them. They say yes, specifically and only, to the things that will help them further their goals!
8. Thinking and Acting FROM
Winners CONTINUE to win and grow and their success just seems to create ever MORE success, because they are constantly choosing to see themselves as already there.
Action: Don’t ask how to get from where you are now to where you WANT to go, ask yourself what you’d already now be doing if you were already there!
9. Taking Your Place at the Winners Table
You can’t put other successful people up on a pedestal and continually tell yourself that you’re not good enough, not as worthy of a person, or flat out don’t belong, and expect to ever elevate to where you get to SIT at that winners table with them.
This isn’t about being arrogant, it’s simply about choosing to claim your rightful place where you wish to be.
Action: stop idolizing other people and drawing a mental line between you and them. If they did it then so can you! You’ll find that most successful people are also REAL flesh and blood people who will accept you if you accept yourself first!
10. Letting Other People Do Shit For You
Those who get to wake up every day and do what they love, AND also have the audacity to get paid for it, are EXPERTS at letting other people do things for them. Something they do NOT say no to is great support and passing the buck on shit they know is not in their zone of genius! They know that a great leader has a great team beside and around them, and they have no interest in trying to do everything themselves. In fact, some of the most successful winners I know do way less than some of the most overworked and BROKE people I’ve encountered over the years!
Action: get in your genius zone and stay there! For everything else in your business and life that does need doing — let someone else do it!!
11. Asking
It’s taken me up until VERY recently to realise that it’s not only okay and NOT inappropriate to ask for help but it’s also critical TO do so!
Winners ask for help regularly and often, and of course are always happy to help where they can (from their zone of genius!) in return. They expect that the world and those around them are conspiring to CREATE their success, and that other people WANT to help them if possible.
It wouldn’t even occur to them to try and ‘get there’ all by themselves if there is someone else who can save them time or money, make a great intro or share a great tip!
Action: what do you want that other people could probably help you with? Have you tried ASKING them???! Do it!
12. Expecting the Best, and Getting It
Last and absolutely NOT least, in fact probably MOST important of all:
They EXPECT to win and know they were born for it. So it doesn’t really matter, in the short term, whether or not things work out. They’re committed to the end process and they see it as a DONE DEAL.
They are achievers to whom any sort of setback or mishap is just something they’ll pick themselves up from, and continue on their way.
They are able to HAVE this attitude (and also the results!) because they decided long ago that they WILL win, WILL be famous for who they are, WILL make money doing what they love, they believe they can achieve all this, and they’re committed to doing the work till they get there.
So today, a simple final action and a challenge:
If you’re really born to win — isn’t it time you start acting like it?