Success/Success Mindset


A long time ago, about 8 or 9 years ago, I made myself a promise which to this day I’ve never broken and which I can safely say is now so much part of who I AM that I never will.

That promise, that simple statement, whispered to myself as I went about writing my blog one day, is the very BACKBONE of this business, this empire, and maybe even my life.

It’s also, in my experience of observing who MAKES it vs who falls by the wayside and is soon forgotten, the missing fucking link for most entrepreneurs, leaders, wannabe stars who are trying to get their message out their, make their millions, change the world.

The PROBLEM is, it’s not sexy. It’s not revolutionary. It’s nothing you’ve never HEARD before. It’s just that if you don’t live by it?

You’ll never get to experience how EASY it actually is to achieve all your dreams, build your empire, live your entire life on purpose, and have it all.

Do you want to know how I built this empire?

This multiple 7-figure empire, which continues to explode just about DAILY, which is on path for 8-figures plus within the next 12 months? How I not only built an empire where I continue to surpass my every MONEY goal, but how I also managed to craft one where I totally get to just show up every day, do what I was born to do, get PAID for being me, and basically make it ALL up as I go based on what FEELS good?

I built this empire.
One day at a time.
Because back in 2008 when I started my first REAL blog, I made a choice.

I then lived by that choice.
It became my identity.
It flowed directly into me creating this reality.

A reality where I get to impact the world with what I was CALLED to do, where I get to be a VIFuckingP, travel the world in first class style, have the business, the body, the lifestyle, the LIFE I want, completely by design.

The problem is –

For those who don’t GET this, who don’t LIVE by it, who may NEVER get it and therefore never get to their version of HERE –

You can’t step forward to create SUCCESS, but insist upon HOW it has to be created.

You can’t say you’re going to DO WHAT it takes, then base your actions on your emotions, whether you feel like it, whether you know how.

You can’t jump up and down and demand the instant gratification, refuse to keep going RIGHT AWAY if your idea doesn’t work or you don’t get the sale, or your numbers don’t change or you’re just not sure.

You can’t sit around waiting until you KNOW:

How to market.
How to create.
How to get them to follow.
And then to buy.

Before you already MARKET. Create. Ask them to follow. And tell them to buy.

The really BIG fucking problem here, is that everybody seems to think that the way to build an empire is to learn how to build an empire and then do the work for said empire based on some kind of bizarre formula of whether or not they have the motivation, the know-how, the time, or the stars are fucking aligned.

You want to know how to build an empire?

You want to know how to have it ALL?

You wanna know how I built THIS?

I built it one fucking day at a time. One moment at a time. 5 minutes here and there, squeezed into the in-between moments of a busy client practice, or breastfeeding, or a pause, or my life, but most of all I built it because I made ONE simple statement to myself back in 2008, and then I LIVED by it.

There’s no point me telling you –
The statement –
If you’re still going to want to know ALL OF THE STEPS THAT LIE AHEAD OF YOU.

The SECRET is there are no steps.

There’s the vision, your mission, your dream.
And then there’s what you need to do right here, right now, that’s all.


NOTHING matters in between your vision, and your now.

Most people just don’t know how to live in the fucking now, and it seems not unfair to say, based on their actions and who they show themselves to BE, that they never will.

Please –
For the love of God –

Know your vision. Know what it is ABOUT. Set your eyes FIRMLY on that goal.

And then DO WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE NOW, and let tomorrow, let the next MOMENT even, take care of itself.

What they’re DOING, those who repeatedly DON’T move forward and remain trapped in a cycle of TRYING, is they’re TRYING to work out tomorrow’s work, today, and imagining that doing so without even DOING WHAT IS NECESSARY TODAY will somehow work.

I can tell you that I know an extraordinary amount, about how to market, sell, build a cult tribe and CRUSH it online.

If my business were to be taken away from me today, I’d be back at multiple 7-figures within months. I KNOW WHAT TO DO AND I KNOW HOW TO DO IT.

Do you want to know how I know that, how I got to here, how I figured the fuck OUT, what it takes, how I BUILT this empire?

It’s not sexy.

99% of you will ignore it, and keep looking for TOMORROW’S tasks, today, tiring yourself out or losing focus or motivation or know-how and therefore remaining EXACTLY WHERE YOU ARE but yet older and probably fatter and more broke, since how you do one thing is ALWAYS how you do everything.

But for the 1%, the 1% WITHIN the 1% perhaps, this will become your everything and one day not too far away you’ll look back, as I do now, and you’ll realise:

I built this empire.
One day at a time.
Because I decided, plain and simply, that no matter what happened and no matter the RESULT, I would never. ever. stop.

The secret to success is the same one it’s always been:

Show the fuck up.
Every day.

Stop trying to force the world to respond to how you show up, what you did, or whether it should have worked yet.

In the end you’ll get there because you were the one who kept putting one foot in front if the other, while everybody else stop-started or simply based the creation of their LIFE on whether or not they felt like it or knew how.

You can learn it all.
APPLY it all.
Study with the best and GO ALL IN.

But if you’re not committed to the simple basic task of waking up and pressing PLAY each day, then you may as well quit now.

I remember saying to myself, like it was yesterday:

No matter what, I’ll just keep going. I will never ever ever quit”.

And now I am here.
And I still just keep going 🙂
And I’ll never quit.

A year from now, when I write the post of making 8-figures –
2-3 years from now, when I share how I got to 9 –

It’ll be the same boring story.

I think it’s as inspiring as fuck.

Don’t you?!