Success/Success Mindset

Stop Being Such a Lazy Whiny Bitch! (10 Ways to Do the Work That Matters)

It’s simply not good enough to tell yourself day in and day out that you’re going to make a change – soon, I promise! – if you’re not also able to go to bed at the end of EACH and every day saying yep, I did – I made a change. I started something. I took ACTION.

I know that you’re scared.

I know you’re unsure.

I know you’re worried even about what it might mean to actually reach your goals, never mind what it might mean to not reach them; to not even try!

I get that fear is biting you on the ass every freaking day, that resistance has hold over you, that you don’t want people to say or think bad things about you, and that to top it all off you’re tired.

So tired.

Of pushing and pulling every which way. Of trying so damn hard to get … somewhere.

But the truth is – and please, let’s just be honest – you’re not actually trying that hard at all, are you?

Oh, I don’t doubt that you’re putting time in. Effort. Emotion. Even money.

But are you doing the work that fucking matters, as a result of all of that?

It’s really just hell YES, I am, or it’s a simple no.

I’m not.

And it’s okay. I’m not here to judge you. God knows there are many things in my own life I’ve still to take action on, things I have repeatedly put off or allowed fear to be the driving NON-force, rather than desire and commitment.

But, I am committed to my growth and I am learning day by day to be ever-better at taking action ANYWAY.

And I’m committed to helping you to do the same. The greatest joy for me is in hearing from someone that I helped them get clear on what really matters, and then kicked their butt to actually DO THE WORK. Whether I kick your butt day by day via my writing and videos, and I never even get to know you, or whether we end up working together in the very deepest and most transformative ways, either way I want you to know:

You can do it.

Whatever you want, whatever you desire, whatever you set your mind to you CAN create.

But here is what else you need to know:

It’s not going to happen by fucking accident, or magic.

You want it? Then you need to wake the fuck up sister. Stop being such a lazy, whiny bitch. Stop letting how you FEEL govern what you create!

And you need to do the fucking work that matters. Here are 10 ways to give you the rocket up the butt you need, so you can start TODAY:

1. Your Dreams Aren’t That Special

Stop making it out to be SUCH a big deal. It’s not even about whether or not you’re worthy, or capable, or how damn awesome it would be to live like that, have that, do that. It’s just a choice. You get to CHOOSE. The stuff that you think of as being SUCH a big deal is just normal to somebody out there, somewhere. And YOUR normal is someone else’s big scary dream. So … stop building it up so much. Make it normal. Make it everyday. Get over whether or not you’re ALLOWED or what it would MEAN, and just go DO IT.

2. Get Real About Putting the Time In

It’s great to journal and think and ponder and plan. I love it! But that business ain’t gonna build itself from your journal. That funnel isn’t going to magically just BE there. You’re not going to be in shit-hot shape without moving your fine ass every day and making good food choices! Etcetera.

So – get real about putting the time in. When you get to the end of the day you need to be able to say DEFINITELY that you put the time in. Either you did or you didn’t, yeah? Thinking about it doesn’t count as doing it.

3. Know What You’re Actually Chasing

Of course it would help to know what it is specifically that you’re working towards, when you put the time in. Writing your goals out should be a regular practice. If you haven’t done it VERY recently, then take today to write out your 90-day goals. Exactly what you want to do and have, and who you want to be. Break it down to 30-day milestones, and then identify what you need to therefore start with today.

Do that, when you put the time in.

4. It’s About Input, Not Achievement

Don’t sit down and tell yourself that today you’re going to do ‘everything!’, or finish ‘all of it!’. It’s too open to all sorts of variables, largely your own resistance and fear and overwhelm. Instead, just work according to a specific chunk of time.

“Today I will spend one hour working on lead generation”. And you do whatever you can in that hour. Repeat this daily and you will change the fucking WORLD in the next year, starting with your own world. (Not just on lead gen as a goal obviously!!)

5. Let Go of the Outcome

Set specific goals but then release the outcome. Your job now is to simply show up and do the work. Day in and day fucking out. Some goals you’ll hit in the way you planned to, others you won’t. So what? The JOURNEY is the destination. Being outcome focused stops you from following a path of true alignment, and you’ll miss opportunities that come up along that path.

6. Listen to Your Gut

If it doesn’t feel right, it’s not.

Pretty fucking simple.

Pay attention.

7. Eat That Fucking Frog!

If you find yourself repeatedly procrastinating – aka NEVER FUCKING DOING – the stuff that matters then you need to be disciplined about WHEN you do it not just about saying you’ll spend an hour on it. Else you’ll put that hour off till the end of the day and it won’t happen. Uh-huh. I know. I KNOW ALL YOUR SECRETS AND SNEAKY WAYS!! I am you 🙂

So – do the thing you dread most first. Use the stuff you WANT to do as a reward you GET to do after the awful thing.

8. Take the Emotion Out Of It

A key reason for NOT taking action, and ultimately a key (ridiculous!) reason women don’t live their dreams? We didn’t FEEL like it. Wahhhh! Seriously- you want your destiny to be based on how you FEEL?! Good luck with that plan of attack!

So when you eat that frog, when you put the time in, take the emotion out of it. It’s not about whether you want to or even know how and it is SURE as heck not about all the bad things that could happen. JUST DO THE FUCKING WORK.

9. Review

Daily, take 5 minutes to review the previous day. What worked, what didn’t, what are you proud of, what bothers you, what can you learn from? Do this on a bigger scale weekly, monthly, annually. How do you expect to continue choosing the right path if you never stop to look at where it’s taking you and in what way?!

10. Acknowledge Your Efforts but Also Slap Yourself Silly

When you review, take time to acknowledge the good you’ve done, the battles you’ve fought and won. But also – don’t be an ostrich about the stuff you’re not doing. Be hard on yourself. Be demanding. EXPECT excellence and then question when you don’t get it.

And then get back to doing the fucking work. Who you are today dictates what you have tomorrow, so take a good hard look at yourself, your current actions, and where that stuff is leading you. If you can’t say with CERTAINTY that you are moving forward in an AWESOME way,
