I believe in fairy tales.
I believe in dreams coming true.
I believe that things we have shut ourselves off from long ago, or never even believed in in the first place, whether it be conceptually or just for US, as an individual, can slowly but surely start to seem like MAYBE, and then slowly but surely shift into I really really REALLY think maybe, and then slowly but surely shift into I’m pretty damn SURE maybe, and then keep on shifting until eventually they are a FULL oh hell yes and it seems slightly ludicrous, fascinating though, that we ever could have held them so at bay.
I believe in saying what you think and feel even when it’s scary, terrifying, and makes you want to vomit AND pass out AND run and hide all at the same time.
I believe that freedom ALWAYS lies on the other side of fear, and that speaking your truth or stating what you desire ALWAYS gets you what you want.
I believe that sometimes the ‘getting what you want’ bit doesn’t remotely look like you THOUGHT you wanted to, and it’s more of a case of getting what you need (to grow, to learn, to slip, deeper into flow), but that when you look BACK? It was always EXACTLY what your soul wanted, needed, was ASKING for, even if not consciously.
I believe that expansion is a choice. That we must CHOOSE to imagine. That we get to lean INTO the fear when something is calling us, breathe deep, look it in the eye, anyway, and dare to just START to consciously see … even the outline … of what could be.
I believe that the alternative, to refuse to look, refuse to choose to imagine, refuse to even START to believe in maybe, is a helluva lot more terrifying than looking, seeing, asking for, and opening up to the perceived pain of rejection or of NOT getting.
I believe that there is a gift in every shadow or so called NOT good thing, because really –
What if rejection wasn’t a bad thing?
What if a dream or desire not working out had nothing to do with whether you’re good enough or worthy?
What if everything truly WAS perfect, right now, in this moment, and just as it IS, and there was nothing you needed to do or force or ‘get to’ in order to make it enough, or make YOU enough?
What if you accepted and allowed ALL emotions and realities, both in yourself and in others, and so therefore there was no judgement, no should, no reason for anything to EVER be anything but what it is?
I believe that when you look for miracles you find them.
When you state yourself lucky you become it.
When you choose that you are fully loved, fully taken care of, fully supported, fully ENOUGH, it’s real.
I believe that in order to receive ANYTHING from others, OR from God, you must first find it in yourself and GIVE it to yourself.
This means –
Don’t go looking for wealth, riches, abundance, if you haven’t first found it within and fully FULLY given it to yourself within.
And it means –
Don’t go asking for love or wanting or begging for love if you don’t first love yourself. You can’t receive love (or ANYTHING) anyway, if you don’t first have it for yourself and also allow it for yourself, and if you would try to it just, well, it wouldn’t work.
This is true not only for money, wealth, love, but also of course happiness, joy, peace, even fitness, health, motivation, also pride, self-belief, self-worth.
Whatever you want –
You must first find in yourself.
And when you do –
You’ll realise you’re COMPLETELY free to state or ask for it from others or from God or from the world, and that regardless of how or if it then shows up for you you’re STILL OKAY BECAUSE YOU ALREADY GAVE IT TO YOURSELF.
I believe that if you hold faith –
Things that you swore could NEVER happen, no way, can show up clear as day and knocking on your door.
But first you’ll have to stop swearing it could never happen 😉
Like, take this morning, a text message I received from my kids Dad, calling me the ‘best ex-wife’, with a smiley face attached to it. I swore and I swore and I swore that our marriage could ONLY ever end on bad terms, that good communication as ongoing parents together would NEVER be possible, that he would ONLY ever attack me.
And then after a while of repeating that story to myself, I realised I didn’t really care for it too much, and I started to slowly, cautiously, imagine –
What if …
It felt terrifying. Ridiculous. I could only JUST force myself to BEGIN to see possibility.
But day by day I tuned in.
Ever clearer.
A future where we co-parented with a shared vision and massive respect and love for each other in our not-together state.
That is largely how we are. It still seems impossible … I never would have believed it … and then I chose TO believe IN it being available … and then I LET myself create it, and I BECAME the person who I had to be for that.
It was fucking HARD.
And it was the easiest thing in the world, because all it took?
Motherfucking faith.
Choosing to believe in miracles.
KNOWING that the impossible was available.
And then deciding to lean into it.
I believe that what you feel is ALWAYS real, fucking ALWAYS.
You think something, you see something, you ‘know’ something, don’t QUESTION that shit. Your intuition knows baby! It knows! What if you just got up today and SAID the damn things you’re thinking, named and claimed it, put it out there, shrugged your shoulders and said, WELL – “I think today I’ll just ask for what I want, and say what I believe is meant to be!”?
Then what?
And, so what? What after that? After that you get to come back to the now, which is the only place you’re ever meant to be ANYWAY, and while you were running around thinking of everything you wanted or believed in but NOT saying it, NOT expanding into possibility, contracting and hiding and worrying about the scary outcomes, you sure as fuck weren’t in the now anyway, were you?!
I believe it’s ALWAYS worth going for what you want.
I believe you ALWAYS get what you need.
I believe that if you’re getting lessons or pain, then what it actually is is a growth opportunity, and so therefore it was perfect, the perfect mirror to allow you to then go deeper into your truth.
Which means also that if you do something and it doesn’t work out … if you put yourself out there and the world says ‘nope!’ … if at first or if at the 1000th time you FAIL … then that too was perfect.
You get to learn.
You get to grow.
You get to go deeper into flow.
You get to face up to your shit.
And ultimately? REGARDLESS, you get to keep on going, and you’re ALWAYS OKAY.
I believe we get to choose what life will be about, like, I choose, fundamentally, that all of this is real for me, no matter what:
I always make the right decision
I always take the right action
I am fully loved and taken care of and supported
Everything always works out perfectly for me
Everything happens FOR me, not to me
The better things get the better they get
What I feel inside of me is real
The more I receive the more I receive
Whatever I desire, all I have to do is give it first, starting by giving it to ME
And so on.
And so forth.
Because I believe fundamentally that everything IS perfect, no matter what happens or does not happen, I am always MORE than okay … I am always fabulous 🙂 … and I always get to grow and learn and flow.
This gives me freedom to be honest about what I want –
And permission to allow it
It also means that when something, on the surface, does NOT work the way I hoped, the response is always – perfect. okay. Or, how interesting!
And I get curious.
And I just allow.
And I continue, either way, moment by moment, choosing my path of what is aligned and real and right and what I must do NOW.
I have a few rules in my life, which I’ve created in accordance with these beliefs –
For example, when something comes through me that I know is to be said or asked for, my rules is I must and WILL say or ask for it. Usually I do this within 24 hours of knowing it has to be done. ALWAYS it is scary to do so. ALWAYS it is exactly what I was meant to do.
Or, when a dream or goal or desire is given to me, when I want something or feel called or aligned to something, big or small, business or personal, all of it, then I choose to BELIEVE it.
Trust it.
And motherfucking own it.
Because I know that we don’t dream dreams that aren’t ours, and that whatever we see inside of us is not only available, but available NOW.
Or, that my job is not to CRITIQUE my art, but just to allow it, and that this is true with every aspect of my messaging.
Which means, again, that whatever is coming through me to say MUST BE SAID, and whatever I feel about it really has nothing to do with it!
Try it –
It will set you free 🙂
And besides –
It’s fun to live in a mild state of fear-induced adrenalin … it’s a fucking RUSH to do the damn thing anyway!
And most of all, this is what I believe:
You can’t run from your truth and who you’re meant to be.
You can try.
You can do ALL the things to forget, to distract, to numb, to cover up, to create a shadow version of.
It won’t work.
And eventually?
You’ll give in to being you.
Might as well do it before you keep on gettin’ older 🙂
Of course for all of THAT to be true?
First you gotta believe –
That you get to believe.
Me, I’m a believer.
And you?