When I built my first multi 6-figure online business, starting in 2006, I had no clue I was even trying to build an online business, and I had never heard the words ‘Internet Marketing’.
I couldn’t find myself a business coach even though I scoured the Internet from top to bottom …
The word ‘launch’ would have made me think of a rocket ship …
And I had no idea what a funnel was, a sales page, a landing page, or any of those things.
I also hadn’t even heard of FACEBOOK (or any social media) for the first few years of my journey, and when I did then hear of it and join it in 2008, it was for at least 2 more years just for connecting with high school friends and such. It took me a little bit to cotton on to using it as a business tool!
And yet somehow,
despite never setting out to do so and not following a SINGLE God damn online marketing strategy or even being aware that such existed –
I became semi-famous in Australia as ‘Australia’s Female Fat Loss Queen’ (self-appointed, OBVS, and it stuck … when you name yourself, it WORKS; you step into it and also people do just accept it), I built my business to where it was making tens of thousands of dollars a month before I even fully clicked in that I was building a business, and I had a loyal AF cult-like tribe of like-minded badass driven women who, as the tagline of one of my early blogs said, just wanted MORE.
“More of WHAT though?”, asked one of my early mentors, some several years in, when I finally did manage to find one.
“You can’t just say ‘driven women who just want more’, that’s an unfinished sentence! More of WHAT?”
I looked at him like he was an idiot.
Here is what I see the ASTONISHING majority of people on the Internet, who are trying to build a personal brand or in any way use social media to grow a tribe and have ’em buy, do SO DAMN WRONG IT BLOWS MY MIND ON THE DAILY, even though it’s obviously the norm:
You’re so freaking focused on building a business, that you forget – or perhaps never really GOT – that ALL that matters, if you wanna have your soulmate peeps falling all over themselves to be in your space and referring ALL their homies, plus PAYING you, is connection.
Reach in and grab ’em by the soul baby, and do it daily! Is it too much to ask?
You’re out there worrying about lead gen. And automated income. And advertising. And funnels. And market-y bits and pieces which I, as a bit of a dinosaur in this industry admittedly, but yet one who consistently turns over multiple MILLIONS of dollars in revenue for years now, and only by doing what I love and having fun with it, HAVE NOT EVEN HEARD OF.
I see what most of all y’all are getting all up in a tizzy about and sometimes ask me about and honestly it baffles me.
I don’t … know.
I don’t … care.
I never did that / use that / still don’t.
And I don’t understand why you think it matters, all these ‘ways to get leads and then market and sell to ’em’, in light of the fact that you CLEARLY HAVE NO DAMN FOUNDATION TO APPLY IT TO, and if you DID –
I’m pretty certain you’d find out that you then don’t NEED to apply it, because what’s that now?
Ohhhhh … you showed up, you connected, you communicated, you had a conversation, your soul spoke to theirs and all of a sudden, slowly but VERY surely, you realised that the entire Internet Marketing industry is some next level certified and laminated bullshit, designed to sway you from purpose and get you into a ridiculous lie that humans respond to being treated like numbers moving through a process.
‘Just gotta get those conversions a LITTLE bit higher!!’
NO, dummy –
Just gotta start communicating AS a human TO humans, and you won’t have to worry about jack shit of what the IM boys and girls have to say!
But sure sure, by all means –
Keep on giving your soul, your spirit, and your LIFE for trying to tweak that conversion, add another split test, why not? It’s ONLY YOUR LIFE.
Do you want to know how I built that first online biz of mine to multiple 6-figs / year before I even heard of any of the terminology or black void-reality of this industry?
I’ll tell ya –
1) Conversation
2) Communication
3) Connection
This last one is the real one though. I CONNECTED, soul to soul, by virtue of simply saying and sharing what was really IN my soul.
I shared my message (through email and my WordPress blog back then, then Facebook a little, eventually). I said what I really thought and believed. I connected daily as best as I could, with my TINY but absolutely soul aligned audience (ps … my audience is STILL tiny considering my revenue. I’m about fuck yes only). I was in continual ‘just be me’ connection and conversation, and all I did was share what worked for me … my stories … my truth … etc.
I was not EVER trying to trick up anything, manipulate a result, get a ‘conversion’, build a more effective PROCESS or some shit.
Here is what else:
I actually wanted to, and did, speak with people.
You emailed me, you got a personal and engaged response, even some years in when I had a VA start helping a little.
Just like TODAY – you PM me, you get a personal and engaged response, often an audio, as well.
You’d be amazed at how simple it is, even with a business at this level, and how NOT time consuming, to simply converse with folks!
I have had occasions when people become a high level client, spending tens of thousands of dollars with me, with NO sales process btw (none of my high ticket clients go through a sales process with me … ’cause there is not one available) … and then I look back and see that a year earlier, I took the time to answer them personally and engage as a human.
Soul to soul.
Not trying to sell SHIT.
And yet all these marketers, what they seek to do and to teach you, is to BUILD FUCKING WALLS.
You’re not Donald Trump, why you so damn keen to build a wall?!
This entire industry is about separation. Separate the precious genius from the client, so that they can’t be accessed but yet can be taken through a ‘process’ so they ‘convert’.
Well, guess what?
You can be a precious genius, God knows I am! And you can still COMMUNICATE CONVERSE AND CONNECT.
Let’s be clear here, and just tear down some walls right now:
Humans have been connecting, and also SELLING, since the dawn of time, very very effectively, without a single Facebook ad or lead gen process in sight.
Wanna know how?
Freakin’ MESSAGING baby.
Telling stories.
Sharing their truth.
Performing, when the performer comes out to play.
And then sitting around the campfire, and having a fucking conversation.
How about today you decide to sit down by the campfire. COMMUNE with your peeps. And then see what stories and shares come out to play.
It’s actually all I’ve been doing here the whole entire time …
And funny enough, when eventually you rouse yourself to move, look around, and wonder what else you need to do in order to further the conversation, and get to continue it with these peeps another time?
There’s actually nothing at all needed.
You sit.
You be you.
You let the world see it.
That’s the entire damn story.
Stop making it so freakin’ complicated.
And go sit in the space where you can show us your soul. Then communicate back when we show you ours.
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