How to Make Money When You Feel Stuck, Scared, and Can’t Seem to Catch a Break
How ’bout we just start as we mean to go on here and be honest right from the get go –
If your dominant feeling around money and success and what your chances of breaking through this week is anything along the lines of –
Self doubt
Feeling stuck
Then guess what? You are NOT going to make money. Not today, not ever … and if you DO somehow manage to break through and get some moolah flowing then you’ll either sabotage and rid yourself of it through a myriad of unplanned expenses or mishaps or else it will just, well, stop.
Long story short?
You can’t create wealth when your belief is that YOU CAN’T CREATE WEALTH.
I KNOW. Shocker, right?!
But yet don’t tell me that you haven’t been frantically running your toushy off to try and Make Shit Happen and Get Things Done, telling yourself that if you just do enough! Push enough! Launch enough! Try enough! that it HAS to work.
There is no rule that says just because you put time and effort in you’re going to get a result. Well … you’ll get a result all right, but no – pushing and TRYING harder to make money without dealing with the underlying shit that is STOPPING you making money is kind of like going to the gym 3x a week and then binge eating for 3 hours a night each evening. Not. going. to. work. But yet – people still manage to kid themselves with this kind of behavior in all areas of life – business being a PRIME example.
Would you like to know what there IS a rule about? And this is for real –
When you FULLY believe you can create true wealth …
And you believe you already ARE …
And you set SPECIFIC intents for what you desire to take place …
And then you work backwards from that goal to do ALL of the work (internal AND practical) you need to do to get there …
And you just KNOW you’re already making it …
Shit starts to work.
Because here’s the thing –
It’s not the practical actions that you take that dictate your success. Sure, they’re important … but ONLY if they take place on a foundation of having your head in the right place – of believing, allowing and CHOOSING to receive wealth and success.
So if you’re stuck –
Scared –
And don’t know how to breakthrough –
And you’re telling yourself that once you get the money flowing you’ll do the work you need to get unstuck, unscared, and to find the breakthrough you need –
And I see it all the time –
Women telling themselves –
I just need to get out of debt first … (you won’t get out of debt by NOT investing in yourself to do the work you need to do to get out of debt!)
I need to find a way to not be so stuck … (not going to happen by looking for a way … being stuck is simply a CHOICE. Choose now to NOT be stuck and then take the actions that a not stuck version of you would take!)
I’m scared … (well if it MATTERS then suck it up princess, and do it anyway!)
The thing that really is just so much bullshit about this whole concept of not being ‘ready’ or not being ‘able’ or not ‘knowing how’ is that it really IS just bullshit!
You can choose ANYTIME to take action regardless of your CURRENT emotions around what taking that action might mean.
Long story short, you either want the result, or you don’t!
So – do you?
Because if you want the outcomes you SAY you want, then NOW is the time to take action.
Not when you feel ready.
Not when you know how.
Not when you freaking ‘get unstuck’.
Not when you have the money available.
Or the time.
Or the motivation.
But NOW. And you do it because you want to create something DIFFERENT to what your CURRENT actions have allowed you to create.
But hey – that’s just my take on it. Maybe if you just keep on doing what you’ve been doing to get HERE, playing it safe, being careful, being REALISTIC, and maintaining the same beliefs that GOT you here, you’ll somehow magically end up somewhere different!
I dunno though … miracles may well occur but you know what? You still have to allow them to!
And this – this SCAREDY CAT way of running your business and your life – this sure don’t look like allowing to me.
Does it to YOU?
Is this really who you want to be? This person who chooses to say NO to the things she knows will get her to where she wants to go? This person who follows the road well travelled ‘just in case’?
This person who doesn’t take risks …
Or a true chance on herself …
Or ever REALLY push to create a life of doing exactly what she wants, and living COMPLETELY on her terms?
You know you can tell yourself ALL you like that you’ll ‘one day’ manage to live that life that you dream about … but if your modus operandi is to live life the way the VAST majority of scaredy-cat non-risk-takers do then guess what? You’re VERY likely to KEEP on living life the way that those people do.
The scaredy-cat does NOT get the worm.
And YOU do not get to live COMPLETELY ON YOUR TERMS if you make your choices from a place of fear rather than empowerment and FAITH.
It’s just not the way the game is played.
And you don’t get the incredible outcome if you’re not willing to do the incredible inner AND outer work that it takes to get there.
I’m about sick and tired of hearing people talk about being willing to do it all, take it all, that they KNOW they are destined for greatness, that they’re going to truly press play and make shit happen but then when push comes to shove they run back to their metaphorical blanky and Mummy.
Telling themselves they CAN’T do that thing they really want to do …
They SHOULDN’T invest in that mentoring they need …
That by playing SAFE and SMALL they’re doing the right thing for their finances, or their partner, or their family …
All they’re REALLY saying is –
I don’t believe that, should I throw myself off that ledge, I’ll actually get there.
‘Cause if you DID believe you would then wouldn’t you jump off the ledge a thousand times each day and twice as many on Sundays?
You would.
So right now, you have a choice –
If you want to try and make money when your dominant feeling is fear and uncertainty …
If you want to continue to carefully consider, to be realistic, to play it small and safe …
Continue, essentially, to be whoever you were who got you to THIS place.
Continue saying you’re going to work on those beliefs without actually just TAKING THE ACTION THAT SOMEONE WITH NEW BELIEFS WOULD TAKE … (hint: working on MANIFESTING or EFT or LOA stuff without also acting ‘as if’ is a complete CROCK … good luck with that approach!) …
Then accept NOW that you’ll continue to get the results you’ve already been getting.
But if you want something DIFFERENT.
Grow up and start living like you really care about your outcomes.
Choose NOW to have different beliefs and a different way of seeing yourself.
Act ‘as if’.
And start TODAY.