
Harder, Faster, Bigger, Better – Why the Fast Lane is the Only Way to Do Business if You Wanna be Rich AND Happy!

Harder, Faster, Bigger, Better - Why the

Do you ever just get SO bored with the pace of everybody else around you?

I mean seriously! The rate at which most people seem to live their lives, it’s almost like they WANT to go backwards. I don’t know about you, but I can’t even stand to WALK alongside the typical person let alone have any connection with the way they get shit done in business and life.

Judgy much? You bet 🙂 and, just quickly, if this post is gettin’ under your skin already and you’re affronted by my uppitiness – it’s only going to irritate you more from here on in.

But for my adrenalin-lovin’ soul sisters, a quick word of understanding –

I hear your little heart going pitter-patter at thrice the rate of what’s considered normal or healthy and I KNOW that that sound? It’s not just caffeine talking. It’s the sound of a woman on fire. A woman of ENERGY. A woman who thinks fast, talks faster, takes action NOW and gets twice as much done by breakfast as what most people do in a week. A woman who will spin the world on its toes, dance on top of it, and then write a quick book about it for good measure. A woman, quite frankly, like you.

And here is what I need to tell you:

This love of SPEED, of doing more stuff, faster, and with minimal to NO thinking about it or taking time or waiting for ANYTHING – ?

It’s okay.

The world and even most of your coaches and colleagues will tell you that you’re too fast! Too stressy! Doing too many things at once! You need to take a breath! CONSIDER! Freaking well decide what you want for once. You’re going to (oh no!) BURN OUT or at the very least all of this multi-tasking and action-taking is making you ineffective.

The world will make you feel disorganised, unproductive, messy and chaotic.

And I will tell you that that is a GOOD thing.

You want to know about chaos, about mess, about FLURRY? Just look at the lives of JUST ABOUT ANY SUCCESSFUL CREATIVE ENTREPRENEUR.

We ain’t got NO time for cleaning up the wake behind us when we’re busy creating!

Speaking of which –

Creators? They (funnily enough) thrive when CREATING.

And ADRENALIN LOVING CREATORS? They thrive when they are set to GO.

Slowing down ain’t all it’s cracked up to be sister. But if you don’t believe me, allow me to present you two scenarios.

Option 1 – in which you are a slow, calm, unhurried paragon of grace and accomplishment.

How your life looks –

(edit) I tried to write the scenario but it was moving too slow and I fell asleep.

Option 2 – in which case you are fired up and just about physically generating fire from how fast you move, you fly around the house, your business and your life basically getting infuriated with anyone who interrupts or slows you, and you make use of every single minute. Four times over.

How your life is –


And that’s the thing really, isn’t it?


It’s better when you’re doing everything at once!

It’s better when you are FLYING!

It’s better when you’re freaking well pressing play at 100 miles an hour, not writing a poem and singing Kumbaya about it first!

You LIKE it hard.

You LIKE the push.

You LIKE being on.

You even like the stress of being under so much pressure!

Oh SURE, from time to time you tell yourself life would be better if you didn’t have so much to do, if it weren’t all so overwhelming, if your bloody task list weren’t so long. But the truth is that whenever you force yourself to slow down you become increasingly listless, bored, grumpier, tireder and even seem to end up gaining weight! It’s just not in you to live that way, and everytime you attempt it the world and indeed your every cell seems to rebel against you.

On the flipside, the days where you feel most ALIVE, most ENERGISED, most SATISFIED are the most chaotic and crazy of ’em all.

And burnout? Whatever honey, nothing wrong with the occasional crash and burn. It happens, it’s part of life, you pick yourself up, have a massage, whatever you need, and you go again.

Meanwhile your friends and family are still getting dressed for the day.

Us FAST LANE girls have to stick together, you know? Because the truth is, we are a minority in a world of people who would be appalled to read a post like this basically ENCOURAGING physical, emotional and mental overload. THEY don’t get the thrill, the rush, the NEED to live this way. They don’t get that THIS IS WHAT MAKES US OUR STRONGEST, OUR FITTEST, OUR HEALTHIEST AND OUR BEST. THEY don’t get that not only are we not made LESS of by living like this but we become MORE of who we truly are, we even VIBRATE at a higher level, and this elevates not only our spirit and joy but the energy and efficiency of every cell in our body.

They just don’t get it – and they never will.

Which is fine but what’s NOT fine is for you or I to allow ourselves to be SWAYED by what we are told is normal, and right, and correct.

No you DON’T need to focus on just one project at a time.

No you do NOT need to launch carefully, and slowly, and with a well-crafted plan.

No you sure as HECK do not need to line up all your ducks about ANYTHING before you get started

No you DON’T need to take on less in fact I’d wager you need to take on MORE.

The only thing you need to QUESTION, of course, is more of what.

The only potential TRAP, of course, is that because you do thrive on the busyness, the push, the GO of it all, you find yourself accepting projects and ideas and even PEOPLE into your life just because you know you can.

So, a challenge.

A challenge of SPEED.

A challenge to become faster STILL, HARDER still, EVEN bigger and CERTAINLY better.

Better at what?


Because why?


And the challenge is this –

Learn to say a mental fuck you to the normal life.

Learn to IGNORE the rules of how one must live, think, prepare, and do.

Learn to be OKAY with chaos, OKAY with overwhelm, to be GRATEFUL for the struggle that is carving you into the POWERHOUSE you already are.

Learn to LISTEN to your instincts. It’s okay to want more! It’s okay to want it all! It’s okay to HAVE it all, and all at once as well. But it’s not okay to do it, take it on, put up with it just because you CAN and are ABLE. Those around you will NOTICE that you can and they will lean on you. Your choice as to whether you allow this – make sure your choices count.

Learn to REJUVENATE when you need to, learn to fuel your body, your muscles, your mind with the powerful stuff you need to function at this level.

Learn to ACCEPT the crash and burn and deal with it but NEVER see it as a reason to slow down aka kill your very lifeforce with boredom.

Learn to do MORE of what matters to you, faster, and with less fucking around on the way to get there.


Take your 5 year goals and compress them into 1.

Take your 1 year goals and make ’em happen in 90 days.

Get that 90 day shit done this week.


LEARN from it.

LIVE for it.

‘Cause the truth? You already do. So stop pretending. Stop pretending you want time out, time off, time to sleep more, time to do less.

Your destiny is more gorgeous! Get out there and claim it.


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