{Daily Asskickery for December 18, 2015}
Money has nothing to do with anything about what I actually DO in my business, as a person, as a creator, as ME.
It definitely COMES as a result of what I do –
What I create –
What I sell –
And ultimately yes who I AM, but it comes because I’m not linking who I AM, to what I’m creating, how I’m leading, to having it HAVE to come.
I expect the money to come.
I know the money will come.
I just DECIDE that the money will come.
And then I get the fuck out of the way and let it come.
And as soon as I, on occasion, forget that, and tell money HOW it has to come, it does NOT come. Recalcitrant child that it is, or so I used to think, but now what I realise is that no, actually it’s not MONEY not wanting to come on command (money loves to be told what to do!) it’s ME not wanting it to come FROM command.
Because what I want?
Is to lead.
And be.
And to let the money be the money and me be me.
I am a RECEIVER of money not a performer FOR money.
I RECEIVE, quite simply, as much as I ask for, expect, truly desire and also ALLOW.
And if for some reason I don’t receive what I asked for and THOUGHT I truly desired then it’s for sure that I at some point forgot to let the money be the money and me be me.
And I tried to be someone who MAKES money instead of just allowing myself to RECEIVE that money WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY being me.
It’s not that being me MAKES me money, although it does.
It’s not that I receive money from my art, although I do.
It’s not that by tapping in fully to what I need to create I allow my greatest wealth, although that’s true.
It’s that I need to be fully me REGARDLESS of the money.
I am here to lead, it’s what I know, have always known, I was born for.
So if I want to RECEIVE money I need to NOT ‘do things’ (things that are not me truly leading, creating, expressing) in order to GET that money.
Because in DOING things that are not me fully doing ME, I turn off the money tap.
The money flows when I FULLY be me.
If I’m a little bit me –
Or I’m off and on me –
Then the money stop starts accordingly.
So what would I do?
If I knew that ALL the money I desired was just coming to me anyway –
And that even if today in the MOMENT I felt scared, or unsure, or as though I couldn’t ACCESS that money it didn’t matter because the bigger picture is to just show up –
Lead –
And be me.
What would I do?
Well. It’s obvious, isn’t it?
I would show up.
Follow my path from the heart.
Say what I think needs to be said.
Invite those who GET it to join me.
Have FUN with it.
Make offers based on what I truly DESIRE to do, whatever is DOWNLOADED to me, what I’m CALLED to.
And speak.
And kick massive amounts of ass.
And take fucking OWNERSHIP of all of this, as well as of WHO my message is for and why it matters.
In other words:
I’d just let me be me –
And I’d let the money be the money –
And I’d trust that because I’d asked, and expected, and truly desired and also because I was ALLOWING it to come whilst also allowing myself to FULLY be me, that it was coming.
Whether today –
Or tomorrow –
Or in time –
For this or that bill or ideal –
Doesn’t really matter.
Let me ask you –
A question:
Are you beholden to the things that you or the world say you need MONEY for today?
Or are you beholden to your art?
I don’t believe –
You can be both.
So which is?
Born to lead?
Here to unleash?
Fucking TRUE to yourself, day in and day fucking out REGARDLESS of what’s going on from a MONEY point of view?
Or instead reactive to the pull of money, of the world, of your own fears and insecurities and lack of fucking WORTHINESS to be good enough, a leader enough, a fucking revoluTIONARY enough to fully do you –
With or without the money?
An artist must be selfish.
A creator must be willing to die for their art.
A leader must be committed to their cause regardless of what they are GIVEN in exchange for it.
And when you tell money –
Or yourself –
Or the world –
That you’ll only show up and do you in EXCHANGE… and that don’t worry! You’ll do a different VERSION of you if it doesn’t work! And don’t worry! You’ll DANCE if they want it!
Then quite simply:
You ain’t no leader honey.
And you might as well just hang out your shingle for services EXPECTED from you.
You’ll be safe this way …
You can always get fed in exchange for a good performance; maybe even bedded too.
But your message –
Will die –
With you.
And your performance –
Will soon tire people.
With its sameness.
And how bland –
And how boring –
It is.
And all the glitz –
And the glamour –
And the careful PACKAGING you thought was so needed –
Will fade.
The same as the light you now SAY shines so bright.
So which do you choose, my darling?
Money –
Or the light?
You CAN have both.
But to have it all? You have to be willing to forego it all and to GIVE your all to BEING all that you were brought here to be.
And it has to be now.