Success/Success Mindset


I’ve always been really good at ignoring shit I didn’t really want to do.

As far back as I can remember, I just couldn’t seem to BRING myself to follow through on tasks or projects that inherently didn’t make sense to me; no matter how much I had perhaps promised or sworn I would, to myself or to somebody else.

Perhaps you can relate? I think it’s kind of a ‘missing piece’ in all entrepreneurs … or perhaps it’s more of a ‘faulty add-on’ in other people!

But either way, yeah – I seem to have been born without that bit that apparently you need in order to MAKE yourself do shit you don’t really believe in, care about, or GET the purpose of.

Way back even in primary school, and despite the fact that I was a top student and it was kinda my claim to fame to always be the best academically, I would just flat out not do shit that I didn’t feel aligned with.

I don’t really remember how I dealt with this if it was actually ‘required’ … but I feel like the best way to sum it up is, of course, magic. I would just decide that the damn thing would have to figure itself out. Maybe somebody else would do it … maybe the teacher would change her mind … OFTEN, actually, what I do now recall, is I would do some other thing or version and then essentially state my case as to why this was better and made more sense!

Even as a young kid I always loved a good argument, and I have ALWAYS been great at not allowing the facts to get in the way of a good story, as my Dad would say. In other words – confusing the issue with so much wordy certainty about why my way was better that in the end people – even teachers! – can’t help but agree with me.

Of course they couldn’t – I was right. Still am, about most everything. It’s a gift … 

I bet you’re the same though, aren’t you? Be honest now, no need to play coy with ME!

You’ve always known you’re smarter than others.
You’ve always know that the way you see things just makes more sense.
You’ve always known that people, even your elders or teachers, should really just do themselves a favour and listen to you!

This doesn’t mean you – we – are not open to learning, growth, or even to the idea of someone being more intelligent than we. It just means we know it’s extremely fucking rare for that to be the case, and it’s equally as rare for somebody to actually be more advanced than us on the inner game and ‘this is how life really works’ side of things.

When we FIND that person we will absolutely pay them | listen to them | submit to their greater wisdom | open ourselves up to receive and grow and more!

But most of the time we do NOT find that person because we ARE that person, and if on occasion our human self doesn’t know the answer, we can always easily turn to our HIGHER self.

It is what it is, we just know all the things.

Part of growing up with that knowing, like I’ve been saying, is a DEEP disdain for doing anything or engaging with anything or anybody which we consider unnecessary.

So much of life, you’ll find, and sadly also the people in it, you’ll find, when you’re honest with yourself, is entirely superfluous.

It is ALSO what it is, and just how it is. No point pretending otherwise, or worrying about it!

In my school days, and even as a young adult, I suppose I did worry a fair bit about being such a procrastinator … or lazy … or disorganised, and so on. But then again … despite my errant ways and insistence on only ever doing what I wanted and how I wanted – right down to even somehow managing to just ‘make up’ my own assessment tasks in school, and invent an entire double degree at Uni AND convince the Dean to let me study it … I always came out on top.

I always won.
I always got the top mark.
I even got all the teacher awards at the end of the final year of school, despite that I’d missed about 40% of my classes, ’cause I’d decided I didn’t need to keep going, I could do this shit myself a lot quicker. Haha. I remember being so bemused as I was called up for the awards at the presentation dinner. I mean … I knew I was the best 😉 … but I did think that so flagrantly breaking the rules would mean I’d be ruled out for an AWARD.

I think it was around about that time that I started to clue in to what I had in fact already always known –

It’s NOT she or he who does it right and follows the rules wins.

It’s she or he who BACKS themselves the most, and also believes they can just have whatever outcome they decide, who wins.

Don’t you think?!

Of course you do. You’re not an idiot.

I’ve seen this pattern show up too many times to count since those days.

Every job I ever had I would basically just decide which bits made sense, and then not do the bits that didn’t. I’d argue my case and invariably win, and why not? It wasn’t that I wasn’t getting RESULTS, of course I was. I always wanted to win, and be the best. It’s just that my way was always better. Yep. Than everybody’s.

I know what you’re thinking – ‘cocky much, Kat?’ … except, well, y’know – it’s not being cocky when it’s just stating facts. Also if you’re reading this then the whole damn point is that this is also true for you.

When I did have jobs, and I had a few – although I tended to do things such as go to lunch and then never return, lol – I always wanted more money than whatever my wage was. And, despite the conditions or policy or whatever, I always found a way to get it. I would just invent a new role for myself and then convince the higher-ups it was needed, then tell them how much I was going to bill them for it. I literally DOUBLED my salary at several of my jobs doing this.

It worked because I EXPECTED it to work, and I was damn sure of myself, and of course I also delivered… even if what I was delivering was mostly stuff that nobody ever thought they needed or wanted. Of course they didn’t. That’s why I had to tell them!

As I started to build and grow my business, I learned so many things that you’re ‘supposed’ to do in online marketing. I half tried my hand at most of them for a minute, but just like back in school or the workplace, mostly I just felt like – ‘REALLY? Is this REALLY necessary? I don’t think so!’

And then I would ignore it, and get back to just writing, speaking, talking with cool peeps online; making shit up and throwing it at the internet!

Just like back in school though, I definitely did FEEL a little worried that I was being lazy … disorganised … a ‘bad’ entrepreneur … but I guess it didn’t bother me that much, or else my internal compass was just stronger. And I continued to only do what I wanted to do and what felt like it made SENSE to me. In other words, mainly, this. Writing. And then selling shit. And listening and talking. And not fussing for a minute about the ‘putting it together or making it fancy’ bit. I always sort of thought … I’ll get to that later. I suppose. And then later … well, later, I was already making multiple 6-figures a year online and I hadn’t done most ANY of the shit everybody said you were supposed to!

At about this point I started to strongly suspect, just like I had back in school and in every job I had, that I was smarter than everybody else; in particular smarter than the ones who were laying down the law of how it was ‘meant to be’.

I’m not gonna lie to you – even now when I meet people I look up to, and respect, MOST of the time I feel like, hmmm – okay. I don’t think so. I KNOW MORE THAN YOU.

Maybe this IS cocky.
Maybe it’s delusional!
Or, maybe it’s just me being really fucking in tune with my own soul and higher self, and knowing that the first and only person I should listen to is ME.

But, I do also believe I have an extreme level of intelligence and intuitive as well as other wordly wisdom as well. I believe my message is the most powerful in the world. I believe I have a gift at knowing what really matters, and helping people to see it. I believe just about NOBODY is better with words than me. I believe EVERYBODY should have to listen to me!

And I do have to ask you – if you don’t have that level of belief in your own message and self, what even are you actually doing here?

I would say that every day now, I notice people doing things which I most definitely IGNORED to get to where I am.

Things which I believe you actually HAVE to ignore, because you’re either making space for your soul work and your dreams, or you’re DOING SHIT THAT PEOPLE SAY YOU SHOULD DO.

There’s no in between.

Could be stuff like making fancy pages and funnels and stuff.
Could be little things like poring over your expenses or bank statements or home or business admin.
Could be so called important things like taking forever and a day to perfect your offer idea, or the way its being delivered.
Could be going to seminars and events. God, most of THEM are complete bullshit. I’m so grateful that even well before I had the results to back it up I backed MYSELF enough to just get up and walk out of nearly every seminar I went to; even when I’d paid a ton. Like I said – I always knew right away when I just knew more than the person teaching. Which was 99.99% of the time.
Could be the ‘keeping house’ side of your biz or life. ‘If I just get this organised, then I’ll have space to write / speak / figure out what I really wanna do’. No!

Don’t you see?

You’re either backing yourself and going all in being you, and making ALL the space for what matters, refusing to accept ANYTHING less, or else –

Or you’re not.

No grey area baby.

I guess we grow up conditioned to believe that other people know better than us, and can show us the way. Especially if they are in a position of authority. But, what if I were to tell you that you’ve always known better than anybody, and you know the way; yes even ahead of most EVERYBODY who is supposedly ahead of you?

Would you believe that?
Could you?
And, more relevantly, would you TRUST yourself to then act accordingly?

This whole damn thing is just a game of trust, really.

You can say you’ve always known you were born for it all you like, but in the end it’s VERY black and white –

You either back yourself, trust yourself, and say no to ANYTHING that doesn’t align for you, instantly and no matter what –

Or you get out now.

Don’t worry if you don’t have what it takes to be you though, ’cause if you don’t?

Nobody is ever gonna know there was a you.

And so it really won’t matter. You’ll fit right in.

Which I guess is the choice you’re making, after all, right?


 back in my red hair days 
