I just wanna remind you, that whatever problem it is you’re trying to figure out, you think you don’t know, you have no clue, it’s scary, and HOW –
Your soul already remembers.
It’s been in you the whole time.
You were literally BORN with it already deeply imprinted and waiting, for this moment.
I just wanna tell you, that when they tell you –
How to play life
How to play business
How to play money
How to play love
“Here is how we DO!”, they say, and “here is how you MUST”, and “this is how it IS” –
And you feel –
Your heart sinking …
Your soul shrinking …
Your shoulders slump a little, because it feels so HEAVY, and do I really HAVE to?
– that actually, no
You do not fucking have to
Do anything
I was thinking of a problem just now …
(although, of course, nothing is ever a problem, and I remember THAT…!)
I audio’d and asked somebody for help …
I don’t know what to do, I feel stuck, I feel a little scared, I feel confronted, and I also feel PISSED, to be perfectly honest.
I’ve actually been allowing this thing to hang over me for some months now, is the truth of the matter! Which is kinda embarrassing to say, since I am ALL about that ‘take aligned action RIGHT AFUCKINGWAY, no matter how uncomfortable’.
In this particular conversation, even as I write this, I still feel like BUT I DON’T KNOW!
I don’t know!
One day my soul says this, another day it says that!
And so I remain, going around and around in circles, stuck and unsure, QUESTIONING my own judgement or ability to tune in.
But here is what I know for sure about THAT –
You always know
You always know
You always know
Your soul REMEMBERS, and you always know
I KNOW fully that I DO KNOW THE ANSWER for this uncomfortable situation I’ve chosen in to my life, chosen, always, of course, to grow.
Of course I know.
That’s how it IS, and how it’s always BEEN, in all things.
So, why do I feel that I don’t know?
Fear of judgement, fear of other people’s perception of me
Fear of not being good enough
Underlying belief that maybe I’m NOT good enough
And definitely, a need to prove myself (ergo, ego)
These things and no doubt other fabulous emotional and energetic things, all mixed together in some kind of Thermomix blender within my soul –
And I feel it churn and churn and churn, and the uncertainty or mild irritation or annoyance or fear rises in my throat, and so what I HAVE been doing, is pushing it aside –
Easier to not think about, then deal with
Here’s something I’ve learned, about not dealing with yo SHIT:
The same God damn lesson will just keep on circling back around to bite you in the ass!
“Saying, hey – hey again! Good to see ya! Sooooo … y’know that lesson you refused to learn last time, you know about the thing? And the woman? Who did the thing? And how you then avoided it and flaked out and didn’t wanna listen and so you didn’t DO any fucking thing?? Yeah … that. Just gon’ serve it on back to you baby!”
I always laugh a little bit, I guess in a slightly sad but also compassionate of myself way, when people ask why I didn’t leave such a deeply unhappy marriage sooner, especially given I was repeating the pattern of my marriage before that, anyhow –
People wonder why I would have STAYED.
And I say to them, with a smile and a shrug –
“Well. I guess I just really needed to learn that lesson!
And eventually, I learned”
And so it is fucking DONE, the cycle broken, and I have NEVER been more sure of anything … except for everything else I am always so damn sure of 🙂
And now I know, that in love I ONLY get to have expansion, deep soul connection, that a relationship only ADDS value, and joy, and love, and flow, to WHAT I ALREADY FINALLY FOUND AND GRANTED MYSELF IN SIDE OF ME.
I grounded myself in me –
And from there I can choose ANYTHING
In THIS situation, a business thing of sorts, let’s say, I am being that confused ‘I don’t know’ version of myself.
Just like in my marriage for years I acted like I wasn’t sure … even though this, and that, maybe I should, well –
The details don’t matter.
And the thing is, I felt that way.
I don’t look back and say I should have forced action sooner.
But, I do know I spent a lot of time making choices, and continuing to create my God damn LIFE, from fear.
James Altucher taught me that everything, every action, comes from either fear or love.
It was one of the most transformative pieces of his I ever read.
I like to think of it as every decision or action comes from either fear or love / alignment.
I do like that word 🙂
The truth is, so many of the decisions I made, the DAILY ‘pretend I’m not making a decision, I’m just letting time pass’ decision I made to STAY in my marriage, was from fear.
Of so many things.
But mostly, I would say, the fear that I COULDN’T TRUST IN ME.
In this situation, I am saying I’m scared to not trust in me. My submission to the fear is allowing me to easily FEEL, that I don’t actually KNOW, and therefore I can NOT, take action.
You know?
And, I still want and desire and get to choose to lean on somebody else, on someone I trust, and hear their perspective.
These things help … and of course you ONLY take or invite advice from people you have consciously chosen because the way they do LIFE, aligns with your values and beliefs … just on a side note.
So, basically, you’re asking someone who you know can help you access your own soul, because they came from the same soul place; so THEIR soul knows.
I also know that I do know.
That somewhere in there the answer is already CERTAIN.
I know my soul REMEMBERS, because everything was already written and all available choices have already been mapped out, and ALL we need to do ever, is tune in to our soul, and ask –
What would you have me do?
What do you desire?
What do you require, no matter how uncomfortable or scary; no, not just when soul desire is fun or easy!!
Here’s the thing though –
To know, for when you do this –
And for me to remind myself of write now in my tuning in process ON this –
It’s okay to still feel you don’t know
It’s okay to be unsure
It’s okay to sit with something
What’s NOT okay (for me … what I have chosen for me … you get to of course choose for YOU …) is to NOT FUCKING ASK.
Every day, I tune in daily to my soul.
My closest friends see the change in me becoming deeper and deeper with every month that passes.
They see how I now live SO deeply from inner guidance, how I never question or doubt myself, and I always just KNOW, who I am, what to do, and I find the ‘how’ through the flow.
This is how it is …
Yes, sure, of course, things might come up from time to time which throw me.
I might allow myself to not know how to act.
But, I know fully and with zero doubt, that at the perfect time I will allow the truth to bubble up, and I will take IMMEDIATE action, no matter how uncomfortable or scary.
It’s what we DO, we who play life this way.
But in the meantime?
To live like this?
To know the answer to everything?
To know ALWAYS, how to make money, how to sign up perfect soulmate clients, how to stay in EFFORTLESS shape, with ease, how to know ALL the things about ALL the things?
All you gotta do is take just a lil bit of time each day, and ask –
What does my soul have to say right now?
That’s all.
And then you leap.
And then you wake up and you have a fucking empire, the body and life and love of your dreams, and, well –
All the things.
It’s REALLY fucking easy.
Just tune in.
Take aligned action as best as you can.
I’m just gonna keep on asking –
And soon enough I’m gonna remember what I always KNEW
I guess all I have to ask you is, well –
Do you trust enough, to live this way?
And if yes –
What would be true right now?
That’s all.