Success/Success Mindset


What do you need gorgeous?

What do you REALLY need, right now, in this moment, right here?

What are you holding on to and what do you WANT, and what is hanging over you right now?

You know,

(I know you know, don’t you?),

That the reason it right now feels hard, feels pushed, feels heavy, and as though you’re being weighed OH so very far down is that there’s shit it’s time to let go of.

Maybe for the first time,

Or maybe it’s just the next level of the shit you already released.

Either way,

It is what it is and that’s all it is –

No point getting all sulky about it, ‘oh, but I already DID that Kat! I already surrendered, I already let go, I already DEALT with that shit, why is it coming up again, and how am I somehow back here dealing with FEELING like this again, it SHOULD BE ALL RAINBOWS AND UNICORNS NOW!’


How ’bout DESE apples?!


And you HAPPEN to still be alive, yeah?

This IS a good thing, no?!

So, then, well –

Get the fuck over it. You’re alive and therefore you GET to keep on growing –

Flowing –

And also, comes part and parcel with it –

Getting freakin’ stuck, or stagnant, or feeling as though the WHOLE damn thing is all messed up and you just somehow went back like 49,000 levels when you THOUGHT you’d already evolved beyond all that shit.

Imagine –

Imagine if, rather than having a meltdown or a hissy fit or a woe-is-me sob about it, and wondering ‘why MEEEEEE?’, you just understood that, as sure as the sun sets and rises, as sure as the tide ebbs and flows, as sure as Bradley Copper is ALWAYS a hotter bet than Ryan Gosling, SO TOO is it certain that life will inherently have its ups and downs.

And that when this happens? When you wake up all of a sudden feeling like you know nothing about ANYTHING, and you somehow gained 10 pounds overnight, and where yesterday you were in dat SUPERFLOW lane and now you feel COMPLETELY out of whack, and terrified to boot, well –

Lean IN to that shit.

Embrace it.

Get CURIOUS about it, like, hmmm – how interesting! I wonder what this came along today. to. teach. me? How. CURIOUS! I wonder what. I’d learn, if I. DID just lean in –

Listen –

And ask –

What is it. I need to know today?

What are you here to tell. me?

What is my soul seeking to SHOW me today?

And what is it I know I need to run TOWARDS, perhaps, and finally take action on, but also,

Of course,

What is it I get to now let GO of?

This heaviness, this weight, this uncertainty, this LOW vibe energy, it’s not there just for the fun of it. It’s there – ALWAYS – to serve you.

Perhaps it’s a physical thing, perhaps it’s an action, perhaps it’s a belief, or maybe it’s just that you need to get your ass outdoors and turn your face to the heavens and be reminded of the magic and wonder which is ALWAYS available to you, but either way –

WITH certainty –

There is something there.

Maybe the thing you need to let go of today is the idea that the end goal is to always be UP, to always be LIT, to always be in flow, to not feel like THIS?

Maybe it’s your perfectionism, or comparisonitis that it’s time to release, or the idea that anybody else could ever be better than you, have their shit together more than you, be SURE of things more than you.

Maybe you need to today release the idea that there is a SINGLE ‘nother fucking thing you could possibly need in order to go to that next level.

Could it be that your soul is sad and dying and crying right now because you’re handcuffing yourself from pressing play on the life you damn straight KNOW you’re meant to be living?

You’re walking around telling yourself a story that in order to do the damn work you were born to do, and live the LIFE you know is waiting for you, you have to first –


Somehow prove yourself, shift yourself, change yourself?

I don’t think so.

That’s not how it works.

You’re already there baby.

You KNOW this.

What you feel inside of you is ALWAYS real, you know THAT, and what’s more, know THIS –

If you can see it inside of you then it’s freaking AVAILABLE, available specifically for YOU, and available

Oh, what’s that now? You thought the shit you dream of and ‘know’ is divined is for ‘one day’?

Nope! Sorrynotsorry, but you can’t get away with that story over HERE.

It’s literally available in the NOW, yes even the biggest and most scary ass stuff. You WOULDN’T BE ABLE TO SEE IT IF THAT WEREN’T TRUE.

So the fact that you’re putting it off?

‘One day-ing’ your LIFE?

Telling yourself a bullshit story that you can’t, or you’re not ready, or it’s not time, or what about this or that or what phase of the freaking moon it is?

THAT might have just a lil bit to do with why you feel so WEIGHED THE FUCK DOWN.

It’s a symptom, plain and simple, of living the wrong life.

Of repeatedly buying into the LIE that you can’t say yes to what’s inside of you now.

And most of all,

(and how sad is THIS?!)

telling your soul that it doesn’t get to be heard.

And today I guess I just want to ask you –

What would be different right now if you let your soul be heard, and fully,



Let go.

Let go.

Let go.

And fucking leap.

That’s all …

But also, of course, always